Kroll Rebuke's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Kroll Rebuke's first Contract.

Was born in Makkovik. When kroll's parents died they left him their home in Makkovik. 


Kroll has spent the last 47 years out in the world. Jumping from humanitarian location to location and organization to organization and back again. going where the suffering was the greatest. his accommodations were either taken care of by his organization, himself, or a local who opened their doors.

During all that time the amount of times Kroll has been back home can be counted on one hand. But with Kroll reaching retirement age and becoming increasingly disillusioned and depressed he has returned to his childhood home. but soon after getting home he was approached by a being that said they could lead him to the power to purge the evil in the world kroll saw and make the lasting changes he wanted.

The home is a single story 2 bed 1 bathroom place with white vinyl siding and furniture from the 60s its a strange feeling to come back to his home after spending significantly more of his life away from Canada but it's the most peaceful place he's ever known. now it will be where he consolidates his new found power.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Kroll Rebuke's first Contract.

His finances for his first year of retirement has come from pensions for working with the below list of organizations over 48 years. starting at 18 and retiring at 66.


-Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

-Red Cross
-Doctors without borders
-International medical corps
-Internation rescue committee (IRC)
-World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
-United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Kroll spends the majority of his money on 3 things
He buys high quality camping equipment and rock climbing gear. Cold weather gear is featured. he will go deep into the wild trying to find quite and peace in the world. before contracting he would try and cultivate that serenity in himself... but since being exposed to the supernatural peace is no longer a goal, now he goes camping to find places to consolidate his power and skills.
since retiring he started a collection of firearms and uses them regularly (his true purpose would be venting his frustrations and emotions) making impressive shots in extreme environments! quick draws on falling leaves, shooting flowers in valleys from the mountains and through the trees. the focus found in taking long range shots would bring the most relief to Kroll... Now he shoots to be prepare for civility to end...
He acquires medication substances through his old work contacts and certifications to attempt to treat his growing "depression" brought on by his disillusionment with the world. With his vast first hand experience he has developed his knowledge to an instinct for medications and he has started to leverage that to experiment with the drugs he's been taking. But he has been very incremental so has had no significant results. With a whole new world opening up to Kroll perhaps those experiments may lead to great strength for his friends or poison for his enemies.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Kroll Rebuke's first Contract.

Kroll strives for a world where people have means, liberty and happiness and where humanity builds up the world in harmony with itself... the environment and all the creatures of the world.


with a new world of supernatural possibility Kroll would also seek to elevate the consciousness of the creatures of the world with the main goal being language between humans and animals whatever form that may take...


Kroll has been radicalizing for many years. Being on the front lines of death and disaster for as long as Kroll has given him the fervor to seize power to build a safer world but before contracting his fervor would go nowhere because he has seen good and smarter people than himself do everything they could and fail to overcome the greed, politics and lethargy of the powerful, that amass more then they could ever need.


How could Kroll ever make a difference in the face such a mountain? He is no politician to reshape the world... he is a man that goes where people and creatures are hurting.


Eventually his nihilistic thoughts drove him to retire and try and find peace in the solitude and quite of nature... 


but once Kroll learned about the contracts. The supernatural power that could be gained. the potential that could be at his fingertips! to become a one man primal force, a one man army, a ghost like assassin, a world shaper... Kroll had been a man with a dream and no hope for a long time... He had little left to live for when he lost hope in saving people. Now achieving his goals is all that he lives for. 


that knowledge is when he believed he could take on the power hoarders of the world. Cut through barricades erected by the greedy. to provide the innocent with the means to have liberty and happiness. He could become powerful enough to remove the people that refuse to provide for humanity and better the world.


That's the moment when Kroll Rebuke knew.... it is time for civility.... to die.




4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Kroll Rebuke's first Contract.

When Kroll was working in the wake of an earthquake he noticed a toddler buried under debris through a narrow tunnel created by the damaged structure.


Kroll tried to get assistance rescuing the kid but after trying to come up with a plan with his supervisor they said "its to risky, disturbing anything in this situation will probably collapse the gap and kill them and anyone trying to get to them."


Kroll disagreed and tried to convince his supervisor that he had assessed the route and debris on the kid and he could pull off a plan to rescue them. But he was denied. "The risk is too high! If you go in there you'll both be crushed to death! We need to get a team to clear the rubble.


Kroll knew the kid couldn't wait for things to be cleared... but he didn't want to die either... 


Kroll decided he had to try or die trying!


Kroll executed his plan and went in to rescue the kid despite the risk and being told it was to dangerous. He succeeded and then covered his tracks so he wouldn't be let go for risky behaviour.


That success allowed Kroll to understand deeply that he was capable of success where others saw failure. No one was going to hold him back.


The kid survived but had to lose both of their legs above the knees. Kroll hasn't seen them since and sometimes wonders how they're doing.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Kroll Rebuke's first Contract.

-Renick Armstrong (closest)

Kroll'slongest friend, met in the Internation Rescue Committee (IRC) then went with Kroll to the Red Cross and then followed him again to Doctors Without Borders

Brought together by competence and circumstances Renick is the only person Kroll needs by his side to believe they can take on anything out there. They met while providing aid at a refugee safe zone camp that despite being a safe zone would get bombed. Renick impressed Kroll with his world class abilities on par with his own and they connected over their shared... high risk tolerance... Renick is still out doing the good work as hes younger than Kroll


When innocent people needed help in a tricky situation people understood you could give the task to Kroll and Renick and it was better for everyone that nobody ask them how they would get the job done.




-Mitch Reed 

Kroll and Renick met Mitch while working with the Internation Rescue Committee (IRC) he was (and still is as much as he can) their on the ground coordinator/supply manager.

Mitch has a wonderful sense of humor even in the most dire moments and an inhuman ability to create a positive spin. Kroll and Renick world play cards with him whenever they got the chance. Alot of Krolls positive attitudes are a direct result of his friendship with Mitch. 

They dubbed themselves the cardsketeers a name so stupid non of them can hold back a chuckle when its used.

Kroll doesn't get to see Mitch anymore. But they talk on the phone atleast once a month and Mitch may or may not led Kroll a hand with networking to get his medical/drug supplies




-Beau Gagnon

Beau is a veteran that Kroll encountered while picking up some consumables for a camping trip after retiring in Makkovik. Beau was doing the same thing and they got to talking about their favorite childhood places around the town and about how much further out they wanted to go now that they're 'old and wise plus still in great shape damn it!' They decided they should go together for safety reasons and developed a very enjoyable relationship sitting around and "let me tell you an old warstory of mine!"  which Beau contested calling it because Kroll isn't a vet but Kroll says "chaos is a warzone Beau, and thats always where people needed me"

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bx3

I had a fun childhood going out into the forests with my friends. Going to work with dad After school, he's a vet. I liked to see the dogs and cats. It was never very busy in Makkovik, so he'd help me with homework and I'd ask him about how to be a vet. The more I think about it I, the more I wonder if I would have even tried to do first aid. My dad was a quite skilled professional. He was a good man.

Mom did a lot of community activity. Ha Haha I mean for Makkovik. She was a fun person, my favorite thing we did together was camping. You wouldn't think it to look at her but she was an athletic mom! We climbed a tree once 40ft up to protect a nest of birds that was getting attacked by some other bird while the mom was away. She definitely fostered my drive to seize the moment and jump into action.


I liked school well enough. I thought learning was fun. I also got along well with most everyone. I realized later I didn't have very close friends when I was a kid but I got invited to birthdays and I went on to go around the world and make friends everywhere and save them and their families. 


I hope mum and dad would be proud of all I've done. I'm sure they would say they are, I am. The harder question is... I hope they will be proud of what I'm going to become.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bx3

I had a serious relationship... I don't like to dwell on it... after the Lake Nyos Erution I got tangled up with a nurse named Bella and we had a relationship for a couple of years... we managed to make it work sometimes over distance... but life always brings that question to settle down. Damn I wish I was different sometimes it would have been a beautiful life.


She asked me what I was waiting for... I didn't know at that moment. 


it hung over us for a little while, I wrestled with it. Told myself I was being stupid. 


But then a disaster happened and people were hurting and I figured out who would get me out there to help people... she took my arm and looked at me and said she didn't want me to go... she said if I did she couldn't stay with me... 


I struggled to look into her eyes, but I did, and I said "I can't stay Bella..."


both of us knew it was over...



That was the first breakup I cried over but I discovered my purpose was more important to me. The kids I've rescued, the dads I've pulled from disaster that I could see go back to their family was worth just me not having a long term partner. I'm content with what I've done