Ryan Runkson's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Ryan Runkson's first Contract.

Ryan Runkson hails from Boston massachuits and he lives out his 2002 Subaru Impreza while touring the east coast USA, using multiple gym memberships across the country to maintain and improve his physique. Ryan doesn't want to plant any roots yet, so he tours and fights for a living in MMA, wrestling and kickboxing. His blue Subaru Impreza is on its last legs and could probably needs replacement parts soon. Ryan doesn't sleep, a chronic insomniac, Ryan will just find the nearest convenience store grab an energy drink and run another mile, constantly running on fumes and adrenaline. His home could be considered the road, or the gym but it never stays the same place. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Ryan Runkson's first Contract.

Ryan fights for a living, whether its sanctioned or not. He will fight thugs who accost someone in the street, any belligerent drunk in a bar or anyone who wants a fight... and proceed to take any cash from their wallet. He seeks sanctioned matches when possible and always gives as good as he gets, though he has been KOed plenty of times


At the moment Ryan doesn't have much money, he functions on the bare minimums of protein powder, milk, pepperoni and most importantly, energy drinks


any extra money gets blown on drugs and alcohol to unwind after a hard fought victory

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Ryan Runkson's first Contract.

Ryan Runkson wants to get stronger, faster, and become a world class champion mixed martial artist / kickboxer / wrestler. Every day he trains hard, cardio and strength, calisthenics, yoga. He is very willing to push himself extremely hard to the point of passing out or injury but does not want to hurt anyone who doesn't deserve it.

Ryan tries to promote himself on social media but is awkward and too intense for many people, but has a loyal following amongst the athletic community.

once he gets his "big break" and makes it big he would like to open a gym of his own, and personally train anyone else who wants to better themselves or learn to fight

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Ryan Runkson's first Contract.

In Boston, Ryan's high school nemesis was Tyler Smith... a 6 foot tall jock who was extremely popular but the biggest douche you've ever seen. massive ego, massive pecs. He constantly bullied anyone smaller than him and was generally feared and hated amongst anyone who didn't fall in with the preppy jocks. All the artists, nerds, drama and band kids were Tyler's victims, and only lunch money spared one from his wroth

On the last day of school in grade 11, Tyler was going on a tear messing with everyone and anyone who looked at him funny. After witnessing Tyler shakedown Ryan's best friend Charlie for his 5 bucks that they were going to put towards a new skateboard ramp for the summer, Ryan had seen enough and took a chair from the cafeteria and slammed it into Tyler's knees, a cheap shot

Shouting about how he wasn't going to take any more bullshit from him Ryan tried to bring the beatdown on Tyler but his feeble punches could not best the beefy jock

Tyler, enraged, mercilessly beat the shit out of Ryan and left him in the cafeteria, unconscious.

Ryan was expelled for starting the fight and began training to fight at the age of 17

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Ryan Runkson's first Contract.

Charlie Stubbs

Ryan's best friend from childhood, Charlie is a graffiti artist and fellow skateboarder. Charlie is 5'8" and very lithe, though typically wears extremely baggy clothes. Currently unemployed and going through art school Charlie wants to paint on canvas rather than concrete but as long as someone see's his work he is satisfied. 


Tyler Smith

Ryan's high school bully and nemesis, Tyler Smith is a 6" tall beefy jock and beefier ego. Tyler plays football at a college level and has a following of preppy groupies that bow to his every whim. Tyler comes from a rich family that owns an accounting firm based out of Boston.


Slim Tim

Tim is Ryan's connection for illicit substances such as steroids, pain-killers and marijuana. Ryan met Slim Tim slinging his stash out the back of his van after winning his first sanctioned fight and has always provided quality goods at reasonable prices.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Pinnacle Hotel

Ryan Ruckson grew up in boston, to strict parents who he clashed with often. When he got expelled from school after the altercation with tyler he also kicked out of his home and had to live on the streets

he worked a bunch of different jobs that all sucked, first he was a dishwasher scrubbing away all freakin day, got a used subaru with his first paycheck and has been living out of it ever since. Then he lost that job after his short temper got him fired, with even more limited options he found a position as a janitor (which also sucked). but through that while cleaning a gym one night he met the owner of the gym, who told him he needed someone to fight in a boxing match. 

Those were the best 50$ bucks he had made. Ryan had never felt so alive to win that first fight, and every since has been fighting on the local mma circuit around boston and the northeast coast USA

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Pinnacle Hotel

Ryan's only love is for adrenaline and his bros 

Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro,Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro,Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro, Bro,

