Valerie Sepal's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sleepover~!

Valerie lives in the sleepy town of Milton, New Jersey. She's lived there since her parents divorced and her father left the picture. She's currently working to support her mother's medical bills, due to a recent accident. Any money that doesn't go into her portion of the medical bills goes towards paying rent in a small apartment she shares with three others. Her roommates are aware of her situation and let her use their groceries as she sometimes doesn't make enough for food. Although she dreams of moving from Milton to New York City, its just not possible currently. For now, she's stuck in her 10x12 foot bedroom until she either can save up enough to buy her own place or her circumstances around support her mother changes or ends. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sleepover~!

Valerie has several odd jobs she takes up on occasion, but her current most steady job is a gas station attendant. She works mostly night shifts so she doesn't have to interact with as many people. While she's working for just over minimum wage, she makes enough to pay for half of her mother's medical bills as well as rent. Any left over money after food goes towards clothing. Often times, Valerie frequents Goodwill and other various thrift stores to find cheap enough clothing. Despite this, she still manages to look her best and adhere to her, albeit strange, sense of fashion. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sleepover~!

More than anything in the world, Valerie dreams of becoming an influencer. Currently, she has a medium following on both Instagram and Tik Tok, but is quickly gaining recognition and popularity as she details the events of her contracts to her followers (of course, leaving out any illegal portions or details of her employers). Many of her followers believe her to be an adventurer, going on these missions to detail both her personal life as well as the supernatural going ons around her. But, this isn't enough for Valerie, not yet anyways. She needs more. More fame, more recognition, more fans. She's willing to do almost anything for this, whether it be immoral or dangerous. She sees this as the only way for her to escape this pathetic excuse she calls a life. As long as her followers don't know, she will do everything it takes to achieve this.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sleepover~!

Before signing up for contracts, Valerie had a close friendship with a girl named Rebecca. While Valerie is loud and boisterous, Rebecca was quite and shy. They were inseparable, doing anything and everything together. Valerie stood up for Rebecca when she couldn't stand up for herself, and Rebecca supported all of Valerie's ambitions and wishes in life. However on one night, Valerie and Rebecca went camping with some friends they knew from high school. While neither of them were particularly close with the group, they still managed to enjoy each others company. After several hours of drinking, talking, and smoking, the group ventured out into the forest. They came across a bridge that was about 50 feet above a small lake. Rebecca wanted to turn back, but the group insisted that they all jump off the bridge into the lake below. Valerie drunkingly agreed with the group and tried to convince her to jump.

"You can't be scared of everything, Becca!" She jeered.


Rebecca looked at her with slight hurt in her eyes, but a renewed confidence to prove them wrong. As she stepped towards the edge of the bridge, she looked down into the expanse below, questioning her sudden change of heart. She shook her head, taking a step back from the edge before speaking.

"I just think we should check if it's safe fi-"

She yelped as she was suddenly pushed from her spot. Rebecca screamed as she fell, hitting the water with a loud clap. As the group cheered, Valerie stared over the edge, watching the water below calm from the sudden intrusion. She became increasingly worried as several seconds have passed with no sign of Rebecca coming up for air. 


When they finally removed her body from the lake an autopsy revealed her spine had broken, leaving her paralyzed from the neck down. Valerie never forgave herself and refuses to believe it wasn't her fault. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sleepover~!

Valerie and her mother, Lucy, have always been close. After her father's divorce and sudden disappearance, they have been each other's support system. While her mother became extremely depressed after the divorce, Valerie gained a new sense of purpose. She spent the majority of her free time with her mother, forcing her to dine out, go shopping, or really anything that got her out of the house. While Lucy's been doing better, the recent accident has once again lowered her spirits and reignited Valerie's efforts.


Benny is one of Valerie's closest friends. He was there for her after the sudden death of Rebecca and is the sole reason she is alive today. While Benny cares for Valerie, he doesn't always have her best interest in mind. He's been dealing since college, mostly narcotics but occasionally the odd poison or two for those vindictive souls. He often gave Valerie portions of his stock for free, thinking it could help her with depression. Valerie refuses to acknowledge that Benny isn't a good person to her, and continues to reap from his stock.


Gianna is the only roommate Valerie actively speaks to. While the others don't particularly care about Valerie and her issues, Gianna is the only one who took the time to ask her if she's okay. They go to each other any time either of them is having a difficult day. Gianna also ensures that Valerie takes care of herself, sometimes even forcing her to eat if she hasn't all day. While Valerie may never admit it, she is extremely grateful for her and would do just about anything for her.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sleepover~!

Valerie's father was never in the picture. While he was around for her at a young age, she doesn't have any memories of him. Her mother was always there for her and supported her all throughout her childhood. She was compassionate, always taking her to get ice cream when she had a bad day. Valerie was fairly popular in school, often seen as the head honcho of her group of friends. She was well-liked, but only by those she deemed decent. She had a vicious bullying streak, and often times was suspended for such. Her mother loved her, but didn't know how to make her see her wrongdoings. Eventually Valerie met Rebecca, a shy girl that on any other day she would torment. For one reason or another, she didn't, and instead quickly became friends with her. After becoming friends with her, Valerie stopped bullying others. This did cause her to be less popular, and disliked by her previous friend group. This didn't bother Valerie however, and her and Rebecca continued being friends.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sleepover~!

Valerie may never admit this to anyone or even herself, but her first love was with Rebecca. From the first time she met her, she was infatuated with her. Rebecca helped shape her into the woman she is today. Rebecca taught her that to be kind to others, she first had to be kind to herself. She carried Valerie out of ever emotional hole she found herself in, and never thought less of her because of it. In turn, Valerie stepped up for her when she couldn't step up for herself. She was Rebecca's voice whenever she couldn't find hers. They completed each other, in every way possible. They probably would've become something more if given more time.