“Oggi” Ogburne's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Vermilion Manor

After the incident I live with my grandma in Cardiff, Wales. It’s quite good, I like the relative peace and quiet. It’s a two storey house with a garage, my favourite place to be. That garage is where I really live. I’ve literally spent bloody nights sleeping there from working overnight, the smell of oil is my bread and butter. I do have an actual room in the house, which I decorate with records and cool shit I stole. I have a collection of road signs that I took from the government.

Growing up in Wales is alright I guess. I like the town I’m in enough, though I see the occasional things that make my blood boil. There’s some asshole neighbours around.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Vermilion Manor

I gots a little repair service set up, mostly do work around the neighbourhood. I also have an allowance from my grandma. The money is for more materials I can build with, unfortunately making my gizmos aren’t cheap. I like what I do, it feels like the best way I can help my community. Also cuz it’s a job I actually like.

’Sides more mechanics, I spend my cash on concerts, movies and supporting indie artists. I put a bit into savings because god fucking knows the economy is horrible. I hate how capitalism makes jobs all soul-sucking and pointless and that no amount of labor is gonna fucking free the working class. The people up there are fucking leeches.