Desmond Zane's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Desmond Zane's first Contract.
My Hometown of Seattle.

Small place, I used to live in New York but, that was cut short after the Fire… Don't want to talk about it right now, maybe a later time.
It's a bit quiet, much more so than my stay in New York, and I think I'd rather prefer that, than the other option… I know all the places I visit and
get some clients that are pretty much happy to see me as well, or I hope they are, they wouldn't try to- Oh, never mind. Just wish the work gets
easier as you go along, guess i need to work on my approachability, don't I?

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Desmond Zane's first Contract.
Money and My Job.

Well, I'm a Psychiatrist, basically, I work with people to try to figure out stuff like traumas or other mental issues of theirs, so we can then treat
them and they can get back to living a much more normal and peaceful life, I didn't use to charge much, but considering the student loans and medical
bills I had to pay, the price went up a bit. Still affordable to most people, I give them a free session then they can decide if they want to work
with me, or find another guy that can help them. This honesty can go a long way and I intend to prove that you don't need to lie, just do a good job
and the clients will come to you, easy.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Desmond Zane's first Contract.
Curing all Mental Sicknesses…

That's my ambition, fitting for a man whose job fits that description, but that leads to the question of, what do I count as a mental sickness? Well,
I use the textbook definition and my own common sense, of course being gay or bisexual isn't an illness, but then we then have someone who's for
example, autistic? Is it a sickness worth treating, or just another state of being for a person? I ask myself these questions a lot, along with my own
morality… I'd rather not kill people for it, but I am willing to do what it takes to protect my patients and get them the life they deserve, that is
what my Ambition is about.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Desmond Zane's first Contract.
The Fire.

This probably should be explained before I go any further, even if I don't want to remember it at all… I used to live in New York, in one of the older
houses made with wooden parts, making it rather flammable, you can imagine the shock I felt when one day, I woke up to my home being on fire and
having to evacuate with nothing to my name. A piece of rubble was lodged into my chest and neck, I still feel it even after the surgery… I can't talk
loudly again, or even be quiet without wheezing half of my lungs out, i was left with nothing, but the scar and a new fear of fire, good thing I
managed to rebuild my life after that disaster.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Desmond Zane's first Contract.
People Closest to Me.

Guess I should talk about them, I can't really talk much anymore, so I usually have someone fill in for me or help me speak my words out loud, when I
can that is. His name is Luis, a good friend of mine and also in the business of psychology, though is generalized more with creating books then
actually trying to treat patients… He always says I was the more social one out of the two of us. My Parents also supported be greatly, especially
after the fire happened, and I had to deal with my scars, we had a joke that it would be silly for a Psychiatrist to treat a fellow Psychiatrist, but
it probably would have helped me a lot in the earliest weeks after what happened. My Psychology professor did help out a lot and even gave some good
advice on how to deal with my new phobia and other stuff, I miss him sometimes.