"Pepe"'s Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 2, Silbidos en la Jungla

The clown lives in Buenos Aires´s main city, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires. He really doesn´t live anywhere in particular, he usually crashes in abandoned buildings or anywhere with a roof. There are a lot of abandoned places, so it is easy to find different places to sleep each night. During the day, the clown does a bunch of performances on the street at different places of the city. In some places he is quite famous and is recognised by the locals. Living like this isn´t easy and he doesn´t earn a lot of money, but he is cappable of collecting enough money to buy lunch, dinner and some props for future performances 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Silbidos en la Jungla

During the day, the clown does a bunch of performances on the street at different places of the city. In some places he is quite famous and is recognised by the locals. Living like this isn´t easy, he doesn´t earn a lot of money, but he is cappable of collecting enough money to buy lunch, dinner and some props for future performances. He is truly happy while performing for an audience
At night, he looks for a job at the local circus. Somedays he is lucky and can get a quick gig to earn a few extra bucks. But, unfortunately, he never gets anything permanent

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Silbidos en la Jungla

While the clown is happy when he is performing, the rest of the time he is miserable. As someone with a disability, he can´t get a normal job or live a normal life, he is often ridiculed on the street by complete strangers. 
All of this made the clown despise modern society, when he learned about the contracts and the concept of "gifts", the clown exploded with joy and, from that moment on, he made his life´s goal to complete as much contracts as possible to earn incredible amounts of power and destroy this society that constantly makes his life a living hell.
Nowadays, this goal is the only thing that the clown puts his attention on. He will sacrifice anything and anyone to make his dream come true

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Silbidos en la Jungla

The clown´s apathy, that later turned into hatred, for society didn´t come from a singular moment. It came from a life of abuse and an enless mocking of his mental illness from the outside world.  
His dream was to become a famous entertainer and make people laugh and smile. But, that dream was short lived and he resorted to work in the streets and short gigs in the local circus for a small public.
However, his life make a complete 180 when he was introduced to the concept of "contracts" and "gifts". He found meaning again in his life, he was reborn as a new man (or a new clown).

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, Silbidos en la Jungla

The clown doesn´t have any friends o any significant relationship with anyone. But, there were a couple of people that deeply impacted his life.
He couldn´t remember much from his childhood, but he remembered two people very well:

-His mother: she was a single mother, the very religious kind. Every sunday she would go to church, often accompanied by her son. One time, her son got suspended from school because he couldn´t stop laughing during one of the classes. Upon finding out about this, the woman beated the child with a belt. No matter how many times she hit him, the kid didn´t stop laughing, he laugh and laugh until he passed out.

She thought her son had a very serious problem, so she took him to see a priest to see what was wrong with him


-The priest: The priest was a kind man that served the local church. One day a woman came with a child, she begged the man to see what was the problem with her son. He escorted the kid to his office where they would have an interview. He watched the behaviour of the boy under different stimuli and seeing how he would go from being normal to suddenly have an extreme fit of laughter, he came to the conclution that the child was possessed by a devil.

He and the mother of the child took the boy to a dungeon under the church where they would lock him up. Each day, the priest would go to the boy´s cell and try to "exorcise" the devil inside the child´s body. His methods started lightly, reading a passage from the bible and spraying a little bit of holy water on the boy´s face. But, seeing how the conventional methods weren´t working and, taking the child´s laughter as the devil mocking him, each day he would escalate the process, making it more extreme. He would start to "beat the devil out of the child", "buring the body so it would come out" and some other methods that we are better off saying. After countless days and nights of this cruel process, when the priest went downstairs to go on with his daily routine, the cage was open and the boy was gone without any trace.


-The last person he remembered fondly was a child he met: One day, the clown went to his local homeless shelter to get some free food and shelter when he saw a sad kid eating all alone in one of the tables. To lift up his spirits, he went to the lone boy and told him a silly joke and made him a balloon dog, he let out a weak laugh and they both ate together. The clown learned that the child was an orphan and that he started to stay at the shelter a couple of days ago. After this, the performer started to spend a lot of time with the boy, making him laugh, teaching him some magic tricks and starting some food fights at the shelter to amuse the child (he was kicked out of the shelter several times for this).
One night, the clown noticed the child was missing from the shelter but his stuff was still in his bed. He grabbed it and went outside hoping to give it to the kid, thinking he might have forgoten it. After looking for him for the best part of an hour. He saw a group of men taking the kid and putting him in a car. He tried to stop them with all of his might but he was beaten almost to death. He never saw his friend after that, that night the clown laughed a lot.


6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Silbidos en la Jungla

The clown´s childhood was set in a vey religous little town in the countryside. He lived alone with his mother, he didn´t know why his father was absent and his mother never wanted to talk about the subject. His mother was a kind lady most of the time, but she would get realy angry when his child would "missbeahave" or didn´t follow the instructions given by the church. she worked at the local hospital as a nurse. She will usualy get home late, so the kid was the one in charge of the house chores, such as all the cooking and cleaning. 
He went to a religious school next to the local church, he wasn´t able to make a lot of friends at a young age due to his early and undiagnosed showings of his mental illness. He was often bullied and ridiculized by the other children and beated and reprimended by the teachers.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Silbidos en la Jungla

With everything that went on, and is still going on, in the clown´s life, love is something that he never thought about. Sure, he loved his mom, other people within his little community and the friend he made at the shelter. But, he was never romantically involved with another human beign. If we are talking about physical attraction, we don´t think he has any preferences.
Currently, all his love and attention is being divided between his daily shows and street performances and his newly aquired mission to destroy society and make chaos reing in the streets of every place he visits. 

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Silbidos en la Jungla

If you ask the clown what does he fear most, he will most likely respond with a joke in order to dismiss the subject or tell you he doesn´t fear anything. But the reality couldn´t be further from the truth. One would guess, after the "exorcism" incident that he would be afraid or gain some kind of trauma from any kind of religious imagery. But the only thing he gained from that experience was a potent sense of hatred.
Nowadays, the clown is only afraid of a couple of things and they are all connected. First, the biggest thing that plagues his mind is dying without telling the world a big story where he is the protagonist. In other words, he fears being forgotten by the world, or in his own words "his public". The second fear came when he signed the contract and gained new meaning in his life. Now, there are days when he doubts his own abilities and fears that his dream to reign chaos in the society that ridicules him is nothing but the delirium of a sad and pathetic man who is slowly but surely losing his mind to an enemy he knows he can´t defeat

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Silbidos en la Jungla

The clown lives on the street, this means he doesn´t have a lot of material stuff to his name. If you asked him this question before he signed the contact, he would most likely tell you it´s anyone of the props he uses to perform on a daily basis. 
Nowadays, if he is asked the same question he will, one hundrer percent, tell you it is the flower boutonniere he wears in his suit. This is the first thing the clown fabricated when he was given a "gift" for completing a contract. This was his first step, of many to come, to achieve his newly aquire dream. He spent a lot of time pondering how he should spend his first reward. It´s easy to say that he was thrilled with the results, he couldn´t wait to try it out. 
It is very possible that he will gain more artifacts as he continues to complete contracts. But, his first "baby" (as he likes to call them) will always have a special place in his heart