Kirk Johnson's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Kirk Johnson's first Contract.

Kirk lives in Wilburton, Oklahoma, because it was where he was born and raised by his parents and family back in the 1970s, around the time he was born. Kirk prefers things he is used to such as a home he had lived in for most of his life, of which he managed to get a really cheap one around the time he was to move out, a stately 1 story cabin in the rural area of Wilburton with a more neutral hue of color, which was a dull red brick topped with a roof that has weathered shingles that line the slanted roof. His house has a basement, although it is more considered to be a storm shelter, having provisions for many days as well as a secure door to block and protect from any storms or other natural disaster. Kirk's home, although quite nice and warm, is devoid of other people for the most part, since Kirk went straight to Desert storm to fight as soon as he turned 18. After his term ended, (or so it is believed) Kirk never found it in himself to marry and have children, believing to himself that he was corrupted with the burden of going to war, and that having a child would only make his situation worse.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

Kirk had worked many different odd jobs after the war, such as woodworking, construction, carpentry, and other sorts of blue collar jobs. Nothing much seemed to stick, with the exception of logging. It was quite dangerous, but a reasonably fair way to make money at his age while utilizing the skills he had. Occasionally, Kirk gets involved in schooling and acts as a decent substitute teacher, but he is in no way a stellar example of one. Kirk doesn't tend to spend his money on anything other than the essentials, and since he never married, he never really needs to spend any money on gifts for children or a wife. Unfortunately for this cause, though, Kirk has a brother named Chris, of which has a wife and two children, each named Janet, Michael, and Mary. Every now and then, Kirk comes over to his brother's home and celebrates the birthday of Janet or Chris with a neat gift more for the thoughtfulness of it than the use, such as a pocket knife or rope.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

Kirk was a coward in the military. It isn't necessarily obvious, but when he and his squadron were in combat over during Desert storm, Kirk hightailed it out of there without a second thought but survival. That ended up with him being the only one left alive from that encounter. Kirk lost brothers and sisters from different families that day, but it never stuck to him that he was unable to help them-- Kirk knew that he abandoned them, and that it was wrong to leave his siblings-in-arms behind. Because of this, Kirk wants to atone for his sins and make things right for once. He hates himself because of his cowardice, but also is secretly relieved that it wasn't him-- Out of the 6 person squadron that had participated in that patrol and was gunned down, he was the only survivor. Who wouldn't want to be the only living guy left, right? I mean sure, you have the guilt of being the last one and the guilt of betrayal, but hey-- you get to go back home, right? Kirk hates these feelings of reassurance for an action he did that was clearly wrong, and he wants to make his peace with it sometime in the remainder of his life. Kirk believes that his last purpose in life is to atone for and make up for these things, and for that he is willing to die or even be brought by the tip of a knife to death for it.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

The most defining event of Kirk's life before signing The Contract and beginning his experience as a Contractor was when he left his squadron in combat. The occurrence happened when the 6 man squad was on a routine patrol split into each 3 groups of a person and their battle buddy, as the terminology goes. Kirk was paired with his buddy Clips, who was another soldier given the nickname because of his tendency to maintain his hair with scissors and no other item. While an uninteresting name that would otherwise be stereotypical, it was a short-lived explanation of ones life. In the span of mere seconds, Clips was shot in the head by a sniper and fell to the ground like a rock. Fearful for his life, Kirk dropped to the ground as fast as he could, and without a second thought from his juvenile mind, began immediately scrambling to get away. The regret he had experienced in recent years was not recognized until much much later, when he had already crawled almost a mile-- Kirk wasn't thinking at all about his fellow man, merely that of his own survival.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Kirk never really married after his time in the army, but instead he had a younger brother named Chris who didn't go to war and instead married, of which whom has a wife named Mary and two children, named Michael and Janet each. Chris was an engineering major in college and managed to get a master's degree after hard work and strife, and his wife Mary was a psychology major in college, earning a bachelor's degree in the field. Both very studious and hardworking people, Mary and Chris have two children that are reflective of their outgoing personalities, who are as follows: Michael is an exceptional young man, aging at around 16 years old. The older of the two siblings, Michael enjoys physical activity such as football, wrestling, and swimming. Janet, on the other hand, enjoys less physical activities but more so active in the measure of talent, of which would be theater and performance of music.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Kirk had a relatively calm childhood, not like a childhood one would expect to say about a person who abandoned their people in combat, such as a rough childhood with no parental guidance or other, but instead a more strict upbringing with tones of hateful nature surrounding it. (Keep in mind, Kirk was born in the 1970s where such problems like racism and homophobia were very common, although less so than before the 1970s) Kirk had a father who was a metalworker and carpenter, usually working for commission but sometimes he would assign himself to a more menial and consistent job. Kirk's mother, on the other hand, was for the most part a stay-at-home mom. In the occasion of a shortened workforce, Kirk's mother would help out as a substitute teacher to assist with getting some money on the side. Kirk attended public school and had a simple but rough time-- being not the strongest when it came to mathematics and sciences, he didn't really do very well. As a result of this, Kirk joined the army instead of going to college, and went straight to Desert Storm when it began.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Kirk was never truly in love, although through his years in schooling, it is undoubtedly true that he had crushes or other forms of physical attraction. Most notably, Kirk had a girlfriend named Jane for a few years, but broke up over a scandalous situation that turned out to be untrue and the result of rumoring. After that, Kirk didn't really have any other opportunities to experience love again, and after his time in Desert Storm, he felt that he was undeserving of love and ceased all attempts to search for it. If in the future he would run into someone with potential, Kirk would likely try to at least socialize and be friends with them. While he is 49 and notably late to having children, it isn't impossible.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, See Me Not

Kirk fears many things, as he is a paranoid and fearful man, but except for the fact that he isn't an unchanging person. The recent contracts that he had been on had certainly strengthened his resolve and feelings about the matter of fear, and now he feels more neutral about terrifying things, preferring to take a condescending and matter-of-fact approach to such things. Even still, Kirk has quite a few fears in his life-- that being that if his secret were to get out, or perhaps if he were exposed to the world as a super-abled person, and thus would be hunted down. Despite choosing to remain abstinent and restrain from having children, Kirk does enjoy their presence and by extension the company of his brother and their family. Other than the fate of his own life and the secrets he holds, Kirk would be fearful for the lives of the ones he cares about, since they are his only practical way of receiving love and affection from others. Other than the obvious answers, Kirk does not enjoy the presence of clowns, being in a group, and anything that would remind him of wartime. The reasoning behind these is pretty simple, but that is because Kirk regrets his actions and also fears that he would do it again.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, See Me Not

Kirk's most prized possessions are simple, but quite literally his own life, his guns, his money, and his brother. The reason why these things are so special is pretty simple beyond the fact of just having them: Kirk's brother is his family, quite literally the only one left. (Being 49 years old, both of Kirk's parents passed away by natural causes and he does not have any cousins.) Kirk enjoys the presence and instability of his two nephews Michael and Janet, because of their electrifyingly overactive personalities, but also the calmer nature of Chris' wife Mary, who he shares tea with every now and then. Otherwise from them, Kirk hopes for and defends the safety of his stuff, which includes his weapons such as the assault rifle, his pistol, and his deagle. The reason he cherishes them such is because they are practically his lifeline in the contracts, and without them he would easily be dead.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 4, See Me Not

Kirk's biggest problem in his life is a pretty clear-cut problem, but a more complex and less of a simple problem: That being that Kirk regrets his actions in the war of Desert Storm, and wishes he could go back to fix it, or maybe instead make it up with the fallen souls of the fellow soldiers whom he abandoned. Among this ambition to fix his ways and become a better person as a result of it, Kirk has the ambition to become the ultimate commander, strategizing and controlling the battlefield with a fervor unseen by any other previous commander, even better than the likes of those such as Napoleon or even Hannibal. Kirk's problems other than these ambitions include potential money problems, since he works as a logger, of which a logger isn't traditionally paid a very high amount. Alternate to this could be his potential legal trouble thanks to his abandonment in combat.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 4, See Me Not

Kirk woke up. His eyelids creeped up his vision, opening the curtains to the world, which was sending a beam straight through his window directly towards his face to split open his eyes like Moses parting the red sea. It seems, that ever since he left the war, sleep had come easily, but also left just as quickly as well. Groggily, Kirk rubbed his eyes and sat up, placing a hand to shield his eyes from the sunbeam that had awoken the man. Feeling around his nightstand for some eye drops, Kirk glanced over, discovering that he left the eye drops in the drawer, rather than on the top. Never the matter, Kirk held it over his head, placing 2 pristine drops on each eye and blinking the chemical into effect. Placing the eye drops back, Kirk stood up and moved to the bathroom. Brushing his teeth and managing his stubble was on the top of list of morning rituals, but also was obtaining coffee from the kitchen, where he had a multiple gallon container of instant coffee. Sipping a steaming mug as he went to sit on a chair on his porch, Kirk stared at the morning sun as he finished his breakfast.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, See Me Not

If in the need to look good at a special place, Kirk would likely be heading to a nice restaurant or other, but regardless. To look his nicest, Kirk would likely go to a tailor's and search for a nice dark suit with a white blouse and full fittings, as well as dress buttons rather than sport. To get his size correct, Kirk would of course get measurements at the tailor's, and would want to ensure comfort as well as style, since he would need to look nice for this occasion. Depending on if he needed a suit or other clothing, Kirk might only take a few hours at the minimum, but it could be up to fate considering the common queue times of tailor shops. Kirk's goal with this suit would be to make a good impression, but not to establish any form of dominance-- merely the potential for cooperation but the priority of establishing a common ground.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, See Me Not

For his next birthday, Kirk is likely to give himself a simple day. Just like any other usual holiday, Kirk would definitely call off work on the day of, but ensuring to keep having scheduled days before and after his "special" day. Here is a small excerpt of how his morning would look like.

*BEEP, BEEP, BEEP* Kirk shook himself awake, listening to the sounds of an alarm he had set the night before. Unlike a normal day, Kirk knew that he had called off work the day before for this day. Shaking himself awake, Kirk stood up and went to the bathroom to get ready. Instead of drinking instant coffee, Kirk decided to head to a cafe to get some breakfast.

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Safe House

Kirk's greatest regret, aside from his time in Desert storm and abandoning his crew as well as the following actions he took to avoid the consequences, may be his choice not to have a family and spend time with his own family. Being more a recluse than his brother Chris, Kirk never got into the dating scene at all, leading to him not ever being able to leave a legacy. As for Kirk's time in Desert Storm and his regret regarding his betrayal and cowardice, Kirk deeply regrets his actions. Not to overstate, but when he heard that gunfire-- he bolted. There was no other thought than self-preservation, but why wouldn't it be? Kirk was just an 18 year old kid drafted into the military straight out of high school, not a trained monster. Kirk wasn't made to fight, he was made to be a kid. Unfortunately, Kirk was just not ready and acted wrongly as a result

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Safe House

The Nature of Kirk's gifts stems largely from his connection to death. While not latent potential simply being uncovered with each contract, Kirk's powers are as a result of "the usual payment." As known by many contractors in this reality, Harbingers pay them with gifts, which is no different for Kirk. Instead of granting his wishes, the harbingers grant a burst of power to Kirk's soul, of which can be found in the underworld, bound to his body and waiting to be disconnected to be declared dead. When a harbinger bestows the power upon his soul, Kirk's subconscious molds the power into a gift not of his choosing. To summarize how exactly Kirk's major gifts work, they are determined by need and theme; the need of a power is determined by things such as if Kirk requires a form of information gathering and prevention of being attacked whenever he wouldn't want to be, Whilst theme is determined by Kirk's progress with his squadron. Clips, Bear, Coyote, Cards, and Leader are the other members of his squadron, and one of his recent powers allowed Kirk to withdraw Clips from hell momentarily.