Paracelsius G. Smith's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Paracelsius G. Smith's first Contract.

I was born in the city of Montgomery in the state Alabama. I stayed to live here because in this state is legal to fuck every member of your family without all the dirty looks because everyone here is doing that. We have beautiful women. Criminality here is not biggest but even in here there are few bigger crime families which control certrain territories in town. I was born here and i will die here as well but not as ordinary human but as a fucking DEMIGOD. So kneel before your future master and praise the name of the mightly Paracelsius G. Smith the god of Pervertion

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Paracelsius G. Smith's first Contract.

I work as teamleader in international company that makes best cockpits in the world of automobiles. My job is simple, i manage where will work my subordinates, inspect if they do exactly what they should do. Repair every possible mistake made by other employers, sometimes i must repair damaged items used in cockpit. I am also something like trainer, i must teach a new employers how they must work and what to do if there is any problem. If someone have any improvment idea i must do everything i can to make that idea a reality. I spent huge amount of my salary on whores and brothels, sometimes alcohol and different useful things, Life must be lived not survived.