Larz's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

Living in Mislodjin, as opposed to anywhere else, is a deliberate choice rooted in the town's unparalleled combination of natural beauty, cultural richness, and strong community spirit. These attributes collectively create an environment that is not only conducive to a high quality of life but also deeply fulfilling on personal and social levels.

Firstly, the natural beauty of Mislodjin is a significant factor in my decision to live here. Unlike many other places that might offer urban convenience at the cost of natural surroundings, Mislodjin is nestled in a serene valley surrounded by rolling hills, lush forests, and pristine rivers. This proximity to nature provides a daily escape from the stresses of modern life and offers a variety of recreational opportunities. Whether it's hiking, fishing, or simply enjoying a picnic by the riverside, the landscape here promotes a healthy, active lifestyle. The distinct seasonal changes also bring a refreshing dynamism to life in Mislodjin, from vibrant springs and warm summers to colorful autumns and peaceful winters.

In addition to its natural allure, Mislodjin's rich cultural heritage sets it apart from other potential places of residence. The town is steeped in history, with numerous landmarks and historical sites that tell the story of its past. The well-preserved architecture, including quaint old churches, traditional houses, and cobblestone streets, offers a tangible connection to previous generations. Local museums and cultural centers provide educational resources and host events that celebrate the town's history and traditions. Festivals and cultural gatherings are frequent, fostering a sense of community and continuity that is often missing in larger, more transient urban environments.

Moreover, the sense of community in Mislodjin is a defining feature that distinguishes it from many other places. In larger cities, it is easy to feel like just another face in the crowd, but in Mislodjin, community ties are strong. Neighbors know each other by name, and there is a genuine spirit of mutual support and cooperation. This close-knit community offers a sense of belonging and security, where people come together to celebrate successes and provide support during challenging times. The local markets, community events, and town meetings reinforce these bonds, making it a place where social connections thrive.

Another advantage of living in Mislodjin is the quality of life it offers. Unlike the fast-paced, stressful environments of big cities, Mislodjin provides a slower, more relaxed pace of life. The lower cost of living, compared to urban centers, makes it easier to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. Access to fresh, locally sourced food, clean air, and safe, peaceful neighborhoods contributes to overall well-being. Additionally, the emphasis on local businesses and artisanal products means that residents can enjoy unique, high-quality goods and services that reflect the character of the town.

Lastly, Mislodjin's location provides a perfect balance between seclusion and connectivity. While it offers the tranquility of a small town, it is not isolated. Nearby cities are easily accessible for those times when one needs the amenities of a larger urban area, such as specialized medical services, shopping, or entertainment.

In conclusion, the choice to live in Mislodjin instead of anywhere else is driven by the town's unique blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, strong community ties, and high quality of life. These factors create an environment that is not only physically and aesthetically pleasing but also nurturing to the soul. Mislodjin offers a sense of belonging and purpose, making it an ideal place to call home.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

Earning money by engaging in violent acts, such as getting paid to beat someone up, is a path fraught with moral, legal, and personal repercussions. This scenario, while fictional for most, reflects a grim reality for some individuals who find themselves trapped in cycles of poverty and desperation. The subsequent struggle to find a place to sleep only underscores the transient and unstable nature of this lifestyle.

The night was cold and unforgiving as I slipped through the shadowy alleyways of the city. My heart pounded, not from fear of my task, but from the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I had been paid to beat someone up. This wasn’t my first time, and it likely wouldn’t be my last. Each strike I delivered was a means to an end, a survival tactic in a world that had shown me little mercy.

The job was simple: find the target, deliver the message through violence, and collect the payment. There was no glory in this work, only necessity. As I left my victim bruised and battered, a sense of emptiness gnawed at me. The wad of cash in my pocket was heavy, a tangible reminder of the night’s events. It was blood money, but it was money nonetheless.

With the job done, my focus shifted to my immediate concern: finding a place to sleep. The streets were unwelcoming, and the shelters were often full or unsafe. I walked through the city, scanning for potential spots that offered some semblance of security and warmth. The cash in my pocket could get me a night in a cheap motel, but such luxuries were rare and reserved for nights when I felt particularly vulnerable.

I passed by a run-down motel and hesitated. The neon sign flickered, casting eerie shadows on the pavement. I knew places like this well—places where the desperate and downtrodden sought refuge. The clerk barely looked up as I handed over the money, and within minutes, I was in a small, dingy room with a bed that creaked under my weight. It wasn’t much, but it was better than the cold, hard ground.

As I lay there, staring at the stained ceiling, I couldn’t help but reflect on the choices that had led me here. Each act of violence felt like a step further down a dark path, yet I saw no alternative. The money I earned was enough to keep me going, but never enough to lift me out of this cycle. The transience of my existence weighed heavily on me. Each night was a gamble—whether I could find safety, whether I could afford a roof over my head.

The money from these violent jobs was fleeting. I spent it as quickly as I earned it, always on necessities, never on luxuries. Food, temporary shelter, and occasionally, something to dull the pain of my reality. The uncertainty of my situation was a constant source of anxiety. I never knew where I’d sleep next, and every night felt like a new challenge to find a spot that offered even the slightest bit of comfort.

In this precarious existence, I learned to adapt, to navigate the shadows and make the most of the resources at my disposal. But the emotional and psychological toll was immense. The violence I inflicted on others echoed within me, a reminder of my own struggle and desperation. The streets were unforgiving, and every decision I made was a balancing act between survival and morality.

Ultimately, this way of life was unsustainable. The money, though essential, was tainted by the means through which it was acquired. Finding a place to sleep each night was a temporary solution to a deeper problem—a problem rooted in a society that often neglects its most vulnerable members. As I drifted off to sleep in that dingy motel room, I couldn’t help but wonder how long I could continue down this path and what it would take to break free from this cycle of violence and transience.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

My ambition to protect the love of my life is a force that defines every aspect of my existence. It is a commitment so profound that I would kill and die for her without hesitation. This drive stems from a deep well of emotion and a sense of duty that transcends ordinary affection, transforming into a fierce, unyielding dedication to her safety and happiness.

From the moment we met, an unspoken bond formed between us, one that grew stronger with each passing day. Her presence in my life is a source of unending joy and comfort. Her smile lights up my darkest days, and her laughter is the sweetest sound I have ever heard. In her eyes, I see a reflection of my own soul, and in her heart, I find a sanctuary from the world’s chaos. This connection is not just love; it is an intertwining of fates, a blending of spirits that makes us inseparable.

Protecting her is not merely an ambition; it is a solemn vow. I am prepared to stand as her shield against any harm that might come her way. In a world fraught with dangers, both seen and unseen, my resolve to keep her safe is unwavering. This protection encompasses all facets of her life, from physical threats to emotional distress. I am her guardian, always vigilant, always ready to confront any adversary.

The lengths to which I would go to ensure her safety know no bounds. If ever a threat were to arise that endangered her, I would not hesitate to take action. This includes the willingness to confront danger head-on, even if it means taking a life. Such a decision is not made lightly, but rather as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted. The moral weight of such an action is heavy, but the imperative to protect her outweighs any personal cost. Her life, her well-being, is paramount, and I would bear any burden to ensure it.

Conversely, I am equally prepared to lay down my own life if it means guaranteeing her safety. The prospect of dying for her is not one I fear, but one I accept with resolute calm. My love for her transcends my own mortality; my existence finds its true purpose in her happiness and security. If a moment comes when sacrificing my life could save hers, I would embrace it without hesitation. This willingness to die for her is the ultimate testament to my commitment, a final act of love that underscores the depth of my devotion.

In this quest to protect her, I draw strength from the love we share. It is a source of unending power, fueling my determination and resilience. Every challenge I face, every obstacle I overcome, is driven by this love. It is an anchor that keeps me grounded, a beacon that guides me through the darkest of times. The thought of her, safe and content, gives me the fortitude to endure any hardship.

Beyond the physical and emotional realms, my ambition extends to ensuring her long-term happiness and security. This involves creating a stable, nurturing environment where she can thrive. It means being attuned to her needs, both spoken and unspoken, and addressing them with unwavering support. Whether it is a simple gesture of kindness or a grand act of sacrifice, every action is motivated by a desire to see her flourish.

Moreover, my ambition to protect her is intertwined with a profound respect for her autonomy and strength. She is not a damsel in distress, but a formidable individual with her own dreams and aspirations. My role is not to overshadow her, but to stand beside her as an equal partner, offering support and protection as needed. This respect for her independence is crucial, as it acknowledges her strength while also reinforcing my commitment to her well-being.

The journey of protecting the love of my life is one marked by constant vigilance and unwavering resolve. It requires a delicate balance of strength and sensitivity, aggression and compassion. Every decision is weighed carefully, with her best interests at heart. The path is fraught with challenges, but each one is met with the steadfast conviction that nothing is more important than her safety and happiness.

In protecting her, I also find a deeper understanding of myself. The lengths I am willing to go, the sacrifices I am prepared to make, reveal the true extent of my love and commitment. This journey is not just about safeguarding her; it is a process of personal growth and self-discovery. It is about understanding the depths of my own heart and the boundless capacity for love and sacrifice that resides within.

In conclusion, my ambition to protect the love of my life is a driving force that shapes every aspect of my existence. It is a commitment that I hold above all else, a vow that defines who I am. The willingness to kill and die for her is a reflection of the profound love and dedication I have for her. It is an expression of the unbreakable bond we share, a testament to the lengths I would go to ensure her safety and happiness. This ambition is not just a part of me; it is the very essence of my being, a purpose that gives my life meaning and direction

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

It was a bright, sunny afternoon, and I was in the midst of my usual workout at the local park. The park was alive with activity—children playing, joggers passing by, and fitness enthusiasts pushing through their routines. I was struggling through another set of push-ups, sweat pouring down my face, my muscles burning with fatigue. Despite my consistent efforts, I often felt weak and inadequate, my progress frustratingly slow.

As I pushed through the pain, a man approached me. He was an odd sight for a park in the midday heat, dressed in an immaculate suit that seemed untouched by the summer sun. His presence was imposing, and he carried an air of confidence that demanded attention. I paused, wiping sweat from my brow, and looked up at him, puzzled by his sudden appearance.

“You seem to be struggling,” he said, his voice smooth and compelling. I nodded, too tired to engage in small talk. He extended his hand to me, his eyes locking onto mine with an unsettling intensity.

“What if I told you I could offer you power? Real power. The kind that would make your efforts here seem trivial,” he continued, a faint, knowing smile playing on his lips. My initial instinct was to brush him off as a charlatan or a lunatic, but something about his demeanor made me listen.

I glanced around, half-expecting to see someone filming a prank, but no one seemed to notice us. Curiosity piqued, I decided to entertain his proposition. “What kind of power are we talking about?” I asked, more curious than skeptical.

He took a step closer, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. “Strength, speed, intelligence, endurance. Anything you desire. You could be the strongest, the fastest, the smartest. All it takes is a simple yes.”

I was taken aback by his offer. The promise of such power was tempting, especially for someone like me who had always felt overshadowed and insignificant. My initial suspicion gave way to a growing excitement. I thought of all the times I had failed, all the moments of weakness and doubt. This was a chance to change all that.

“Alright,” I said, almost nonchalantly. “What do I have to do?”

He smiled, a satisfied gleam in his eyes. “Just accept my offer. No strings attached.”

In my fatigue and desperation, I agreed. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision, driven by my overwhelming desire to overcome my limitations. The man placed his hand on my shoulder, and I felt a surge of energy course through my body. It was as if every cell in my body was suddenly invigorated, alive with newfound strength and vitality.

I stood up, feeling a rush of adrenaline. My muscles felt different—more powerful, more responsive. The man nodded, seemingly satisfied, and then walked away, disappearing into the crowd as mysteriously as he had appeared. I resumed my workout, eager to test my new abilities.

To my amazement, the exercises that had once left me exhausted were now effortless. Push-ups, pull-ups, sprints—I breezed through them with ease. My senses were heightened, my mind sharper. It was everything the man had promised, and more. I felt invincible.

Days turned into weeks, and my life began to change. My physical prowess drew admiration and envy from those around me. I excelled at work, my newfound intelligence and confidence propelling me to new heights. It seemed that the power I had been given was the answer to all my problems.

Yet, despite these external changes, something within me remained untouched. I still felt the same insecurities, the same doubts. The power I had gained did not change who I was at my core. The man’s gift had amplified my abilities but had not altered my essence. I was still me, with all my flaws and imperfections.

In the end, the power I had accepted so nonchalantly had changed my circumstances but not my character. It was a lesson in understanding that true strength comes from within, not from external enhancements. The man had given me power, but it was up to me to determine how it would shape my destiny.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

1. Sarah - The Love of My Life

Sarah is the dearest person to me, the love of my life whom I am fiercely dedicated to protecting. She has a kind heart and a gentle spirit that draws people to her, and her smile can light up even the darkest of days. Sarah is currently battling a serious illness, which makes my desire to protect her even more intense. Despite her struggles, she remains incredibly strong and resilient, inspiring me daily with her unwavering courage and positive outlook on life. My commitment to her well-being and happiness drives many of my actions and decisions.

2. Timothy - My Best Friend

Timothy is my best friend, a brilliant and eccentric individual with a dream of becoming a cyborg. Ever since we were kids, Timothy has been fascinated by technology and the potential of human enhancement through cybernetics. He spends most of his time researching and experimenting with various technologies, always striving to push the boundaries of what is possible. His passion and determination are unmatched, and he often shares his futuristic visions with me, making our conversations both intriguing and thought-provoking. Despite his ambitious pursuits, Timothy remains grounded and is always there for me, offering unwavering support and friendship.

3. Michael - My Deceased Brother

Michael was my older brother, and his death left a profound impact on my life. He was a charismatic and adventurous soul, always seeking new experiences and challenges. Michael was not only a brother but also a mentor and role model, guiding me through many of life's complexities with his wisdom and strength. His untimely death was a devastating loss that I am still grappling with. Memories of our time together are bittersweet, filled with both joy and sorrow. Michael's legacy lives on in my heart, and his influence continues to shape who I am today.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours
know any better

My childhood was a labyrinth of loss, confusion, and survival. The earliest memories I have are not of warm embraces or the comforting voices of my parents but of the stark absence of these very things. I didn’t know my parents; they perished in a fire when my brother Michael and I were just babies. This tragic event set the tone for a childhood devoid of the stability and care that most children take for granted.

The fire that claimed our parents' lives happened in the dead of night. We were too young to understand the gravity of the situation, too small to comprehend that the very people who had given us life had been taken away in a cruel twist of fate. Neighbors recounted the horror of that night, how the flames devoured our home and left nothing but ashes. In the aftermath, Michael and I were left in the care of distant relatives who barely had the means or willingness to take us in.

For the next four years, we lived with our aunt and uncle, whose lives were already burdened with their own struggles. They provided the bare necessities, but there was no affection or warmth in that household. We were just two more mouths to feed, two more bodies to clothe. I remember feeling like a shadow, existing in the periphery of their lives. My brother Michael, being a few years older, tried to fill the void left by our parents. He became my protector, my source of comfort in an otherwise harsh and indifferent world.

However, tragedy struck again when I was four years old. Michael, the only constant in my life, fell ill. Our aunt and uncle, preoccupied with their own survival, paid little attention to his deteriorating health. There were no visits to the doctor, no medicines to ease his pain. His death was a slow, agonizing process, and I watched helplessly as the one person who meant everything to me slipped away. When he finally succumbed to his illness, I was left completely alone.

After Michael's death, my aunt and uncle's already limited interest in me waned further. I was a burden they had never asked for, and they made no effort to hide their resentment. I was neglected, both emotionally and physically. I wore hand-me-down clothes that barely fit, and meals were often scarce. Their house, which should have been a place of refuge, felt more like a prison. Without my brother to shield me, I became acutely aware of my vulnerability and the harshness of my reality.

Not going to school was not a conscious choice but rather a consequence of ignorance and neglect. No one in my life emphasized the importance of education or even mentioned school. Days blurred into weeks and then months as I roamed the streets, seeking solace and companionship among the other children who were similarly adrift. The concept of school was foreign to me, an institution I was vaguely aware of but never considered for myself.

The streets became my classroom, and survival was my curriculum. I learned to navigate the urban jungle by observing and mimicking those around me. Street smarts took the place of book smarts. I learned which alleys to avoid, which faces were friendly, and which ones were not. I scavenged for food, picking through dumpsters behind restaurants or relying on the kindness of strangers. My childhood was marked by a constant, gnawing hunger—not just for food, but for love, security, and belonging.

One of the few places where I found a semblance of peace was the local park. It was there that I could escape the oppressive atmosphere of my aunt and uncle’s home. The park was a small haven of greenery amidst the concrete and chaos of the city. I would spend hours there, sitting under the trees or watching other children play, longing for a sense of normalcy that always seemed just out of reach. Sometimes, older kids would include me in their games, and for a brief moment, I would forget the loneliness that had come to define my existence.

As I grew older, my life didn’t get any easier. The lack of education became a significant barrier, limiting my opportunities and reinforcing my status as an outsider. Without formal schooling, I was ill-equipped for most jobs, and my future seemed bleak. The survival skills I had honed as a child were inadequate in the adult world, where the stakes were higher, and the challenges more complex.

My adolescence was a continuation of the struggle that had characterized my early years. I took on odd jobs—cleaning, carrying loads, anything that would earn me a few coins. The people I worked for were often indifferent or harsh, treating me as expendable labor. But there were also moments of unexpected kindness that shone like brief rays of light in my otherwise dark world. An old shopkeeper who would give me a loaf of bread, a passerby who offered an encouraging word—these small acts of generosity helped sustain me, both physically and emotionally.

Reflecting on my childhood, I realize that it shaped me in profound ways. The loss and neglect I experienced forged a resilience within me, a determination to survive against all odds. I learned to rely on myself, to find strength in my own resourcefulness. But the scars of my past are ever-present, reminders of the love and security I was denied. My childhood was not a time of innocence and joy, but of hardship and endurance. It taught me valuable lessons about the harsh realities of life and the importance of compassion and kindness.

Today, as I navigate the complexities of adulthood, I carry with me the memory of those difficult years. They serve as a testament to my strength and resilience, but also as a motivation to seek a better future. I strive to build a life that contrasts sharply with the one I knew as a child, one filled with stability, love, and purpose. The experiences of my childhood, though painful, have made me who I am—a survivor, a fighter, and someone who understands the true value of kindness and human connection.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

My love for Sarah is a flame that burns brighter with each passing day, despite the cruel twists of fate that have placed her in harm's way. Sarah, the love of my life, is battling a serious illness. Her courage and strength inspire me daily, but her condition has made her vulnerable to threats far more sinister than her sickness. There are higher-ups—powerful, shadowy figures—who, for reasons I have yet to fully understand, want her dead.

Sarah is more than just my partner; she is my reason for being, my source of joy and strength. Her laughter, even in the midst of her illness, is a melody that lifts my spirits, and her smile is a beacon of hope in my darkest moments. The thought of losing her is unbearable, and I have resolved to protect her at any cost.

The danger that looms over Sarah has forced me into a life I never imagined for myself. To gather the resources and information necessary to keep her safe, I have taken on all manner of contracts—some legal, others less so. These jobs are dangerous and morally gray, but they provide the means to shield Sarah from the threats that seek to harm her.

Each contract I accept is a step deeper into a world of shadows and secrets. I have become adept at navigating this underworld, using skills I never knew I possessed. Surveillance, espionage, and even combat have become part of my daily routine. I have learned to be ruthless and cunning, all in the name of protecting the woman I love.

The higher-ups targeting Sarah are relentless. They have vast resources at their disposal, and their influence is far-reaching. I don’t know why they want her dead, but their determination is clear. They use every tool at their disposal to get to her, and it falls on me to thwart their efforts at every turn. Each successful contract I complete brings us a little more security, a little more time.

Despite the danger and the moral compromises, I have no regrets. Every time I look into Sarah’s eyes, I am reminded of why I fight. Her resilience in the face of her illness is a testament to her strength, and it fuels my own determination. Protecting her is not just a duty; it is a privilege, a sacred mission that gives my life purpose.

Our love has been tested in ways I never imagined, but it has only grown stronger. The adversity we face together has forged an unbreakable bond between us. Sarah understands the risks I take and supports me unconditionally, even though it scares her. Her trust in me is a source of immense strength, and I am driven by the desire to be worthy of it.

Every contract I take is a step towards ensuring Sarah’s safety and securing a future where we can be together without fear. It is a perilous path, but it is one I walk willingly for her sake. The higher-ups may be powerful, but my love for Sarah is a force they cannot comprehend. It is a love that makes me fearless, that propels me to face dangers head-on, and that will ultimately be their undoing.

In the end, it is not just about protecting Sarah; it is about defying those who seek to control our lives and proving that love is a force more potent than any threat. I will continue to fight, to protect, and to love, for Sarah is worth every sacrifice, and our love is a battle I am determined to win

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

Spiders evoke a unique blend of fascination and fear, but for many, including myself, their appearance is the primary source of anxiety. The fear of spiders, or arachnophobia, is a common response, and my own apprehension stems from their unsettling appearance. Their distinctive features—long, spindly legs, multiple eyes, and often a hairy or sleek exoskeleton—combine to create a visual that is both alien and intimidating.

Spiders are designed by nature to be both efficient hunters and elusive creatures, which contributes to their fearsome reputation. Their legs, ranging from eight to twelve, can move in unsettling ways, creating a sense of unpredictability. This unnerving movement is compounded by the spider's ability to make sudden, agile jumps. Additionally, their myriad eyes, which can number from four to eight depending on the species, often seem to follow one around, enhancing the sense of being watched and making them appear menacing.

The sheer variety in spider species adds to the fear factor. Some spiders are small and seemingly harmless, while others, like the tarantula, are large and formidable. The stark contrast between the harmless and the potentially dangerous spiders creates a generalized fear, where even the sight of a non-threatening spider can trigger a strong reaction. Their presence often elicits an instinctive, visceral response—a mix of dread and revulsion that is difficult to rationalize.

My fear of spiders is also influenced by cultural depictions and personal experiences. In popular media, spiders are frequently portrayed as malevolent or monstrous creatures. These portrayals reinforce the fear by associating spiders with danger and evil. Personal encounters with spiders, especially those involving sudden or unexpected appearances, have also contributed to my anxiety. The sensation of a spider crawling on my skin or the sight of one unexpectedly skittering across a wall can provoke a profound sense of panic and discomfort.

Despite my fear, I understand that spiders play a crucial role in the ecosystem, controlling insect populations and contributing to biodiversity. My apprehension is a reaction rooted in their appearance and the instinctive responses they provoke, rather than a rational assessment of their threat level. Efforts to overcome this fear often involve learning more about spiders, understanding their role in nature, and gradually desensitizing oneself to their presence.

In summary, my fear of spiders is primarily driven by their intimidating appearance and the instinctive, cultural, and personal associations that amplify their perceived threat. While acknowledging their ecological importance, my anxiety remains a powerful reminder of how appearance can influence our emotions and perceptions, often more than reason or knowledge.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours
dead brother

Among the many possessions I hold dear, none carries as much significance as the earring I wear. It is not merely a piece of jewelry but a profound symbol of love, memory, and loss. This earring, a delicate silver stud with a small, intricately crafted gemstone, was given to me by my late brother, Michael, and it has become my most prized possession.

The story of this earring begins in a time of profound grief and confusion. When Michael passed away, I was devastated. He had been my protector, my confidant, and the one person who truly understood me. His death left a void in my life that nothing else could fill. In the midst of that sorrow, the earring was a beacon of his presence, a tangible reminder of his love and the moments we shared.

Michael had always been thoughtful and generous, even in the little things. The earring was a gift he had chosen for me shortly before he fell ill. I remember the day he gave it to me vividly. We were sitting together, talking about our dreams and fears, when he handed me the earring with a smile. He told me it was a symbol of his affection and a way to keep him close, no matter what the future held. The gesture was simple yet deeply meaningful, encapsulating his essence and our bond in a single, beautiful object.

The earring’s design is understated but elegant. The silver is polished to a gentle sheen, and the gemstone sparkles with a subtle brilliance. Its beauty lies not in its material worth but in the emotional resonance it carries. Every time I look at it, I am reminded of Michael’s presence, his kindness, and the love we shared. It serves as a connection to him, a piece of him that I can carry with me wherever I go.

Wearing the earring feels like wearing a part of Michael himself. It is a daily reminder of his impact on my life and the values he instilled in me. Whenever I face challenges or moments of doubt, I touch the earring and feel a sense of calm and reassurance, as though Michael is encouraging me to persevere. It is a symbol of his enduring influence and the strength he gave me, even in his absence.

The earring has also become a cherished heirloom, a tangible link to my past and a story to share with those I care about. It carries the weight of my memories and emotions, making it irreplaceable. The sentimental value far outweighs any material worth, and its significance only grows with time.

In summary, the earring I wear is much more than a piece of jewelry. It is a treasured reminder of my brother Michael, encapsulating his love and memory in a form that I can carry with me every day. Its beauty is intertwined with the profound emotional connection I have to it, making it my most prized possession. It serves as a lasting tribute to a beloved brother and a testament to the enduring power of familial bonds.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

Finding a stable place to stay has become my most pressing challenge, consuming my thoughts and efforts in ways I never imagined. The search for a home is more than just a quest for physical shelter; it is a fundamental struggle for security, stability, and a sense of belonging. This essay delves into the complexities of my current situation, exploring the factors contributing to my difficulties and the impact they have on my life.


For me, the quest for a place to stay is rooted in a deeper need for stability and security. My current circumstances have left me without a permanent home, a situation that is both disheartening and stressful. The instability of not having a fixed address creates a pervasive sense of uncertainty, affecting my mental and emotional well-being. It is not just about finding a roof over my head; it is about regaining control over my life and establishing a space where I can feel safe and grounded.


Several factors contribute to my current predicament, complicating the search for a stable place to stay. First and foremost is the financial strain. The cost of housing has skyrocketed in recent years, making it increasingly difficult to find affordable options. My financial situation is precarious, with limited resources and an unstable income. This economic challenge limits my ability to secure a long-term residence, as many rental options are out of reach financially.

Additionally, the competitive housing market exacerbates the problem. With demand far exceeding supply, finding an available and affordable place to live is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Landlords and property managers often have multiple applications to choose from, making it difficult for someone in my position to stand out. The constant rejection and lack of viable options contribute to a growing sense of frustration and helplessness.

Another complicating factor is the lack of personal references and a stable rental history. Many landlords require proof of previous rental stability and positive references from past landlords. Due to my current transient situation, I lack these crucial references, which hinders my ability to secure a rental. This catch-22 creates a cycle where my inability to provide a stable rental history makes it even harder to find stability.


The emotional toll of this situation is significant. The constant uncertainty of not having a permanent place to stay affects my mental health, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and a sense of displacement. The lack of a stable home means there is no personal sanctuary where I can retreat and recharge. This instability affects every aspect of my life, from my ability to focus on work or personal projects to my overall sense of well-being.

Moreover, the absence of a stable home impacts my relationships and social life. Without a permanent address, maintaining connections with friends and family becomes challenging. Social invitations are often declined due to my transient situation, which leads to feelings of isolation and loneliness. The lack of a personal space where I can host others or feel at ease contributes to a growing sense of alienation.


In my search for a place to stay, I have explored various strategies and avenues. I have reached out to local housing agencies and organizations that offer assistance to individuals in my situation. These agencies provide resources and support, but the demand for their services often exceeds their capacity. Despite their best efforts, securing immediate housing through these channels remains a challenge.

I have also explored alternative housing options, such as temporary shelters and shared accommodations. While these options offer some relief, they are not long-term solutions and often come with their own set of challenges. Shared accommodations, for example, offer a roof over my head but lack the privacy and stability I need to feel truly settled.

Additionally, I have been actively seeking employment opportunities that offer better financial stability. A stable job would provide a more secure income, improving my ability to afford housing. However, the job market is competitive, and finding a position that offers both stability and adequate compensation is another hurdle in my quest for a permanent home.


As I navigate these challenges, I am hopeful that a solution will eventually present itself. I am committed to continuing my search and exploring all available resources and options. The process is arduous and fraught with obstacles, but I am determined to find a stable place to stay.

In the meantime, I am focusing on maintaining my mental and emotional resilience. I am seeking support from friends, family, and mental health professionals to manage the stress and anxiety associated with my situation. Finding a place to stay is not just a physical necessity but a crucial step towards regaining a sense of normalcy and stability in my life.


The search for a place to stay is currently my biggest problem, driven by financial constraints, a competitive housing market, and the lack of personal references. The emotional toll of this instability is significant, affecting my mental health, relationships, and overall sense of well-being. Despite the challenges, I am committed to finding a solution and exploring all available resources and options. My journey towards securing a stable home is a testament to the resilience required to overcome such obstacles and the hope that a permanent solution will soon be within reach.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

Every morning, as dawn begins to break and the city stirs awake, I rise from my makeshift bed—a blend of opulence and deprivation that defines my life. The sky is still a canvas of early morning hues, and I am already in the midst of a daily ritual that demands both resilience and adaptability.

I start my day by emerging from the shadows of whatever temporary refuge I’ve found. Last night, it might have been the grandeur of a presidential suite, the luxury of plush linens and a view that overlooks the city's skyline. This morning, however, my waking hours are greeted by the cold, hard reality of the street. My bed tonight consists of nothing more than a pile of leaves, artfully arranged to shield me from the biting chill of the pavement.

As the sun climbs higher, casting long shadows over the urban landscape, I prepare myself for the day ahead. I brush off the leaves, feeling their crunch underfoot as I stand and stretch, shaking off the remnants of sleep. The contrast between the softness of last night’s luxury and the harshness of today’s reality is jarring, but it fuels a steely determination within me.

Dressing is an exercise in resourcefulness. I pull on clothes that have been carefully selected from various sources—sometimes from donations, other times from deals I’ve negotiated. My wardrobe is a patchwork of high fashion and street wear, a testament to my ability to navigate both worlds. A designer jacket that I found in a charity shop gets paired with rugged jeans and sturdy boots, creating an ensemble that is as functional as it is eclectic.

Personal grooming is another act of defiance against my circumstances. A public restroom becomes my temporary sanctuary. With a frayed but functional mirror in front of me, I meticulously clean up. My face, though smeared with remnants of yesterday’s battles, is scrubbed clean. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to tame its wildness. This is not just about appearance; it’s about maintaining a sense of self amidst the chaos. I might use a broken faucet or a faucet in a less-than-ideal state, but I make do with what I have.

By now, the city is in full swing, and I blend into its rhythm. My morning routine includes checking in on potential opportunities, be it a job, a chance to network, or a lead on better accommodations. I navigate the city with a blend of confidence and caution, a seasoned traveler in the urban wilderness. My eyes are sharp, scanning for any sign of potential danger or opportunity. The world is my battleground, and every interaction is a strategic move.

My breakfast might come from a food truck offering a modest meal or from the generosity of strangers. I savor each bite, knowing that food is both fuel and a fleeting luxury. Sometimes, it’s a warm, hearty meal; other times, it’s a granola bar scavenged from the remnants of the day before.

Throughout the day, I adopt a demeanor of unshakable resolve. I carry myself with a quiet pride, as if the weight of my situation is a badge of honor. The presidential suite might have provided comfort, but the street has sharpened my instincts. Every day is a testament to my ability to adapt and overcome, to navigate a world that can be as glamorous as it is unforgiving.

As the sun dips below the horizon and the city lights flicker to life, I prepare for the night ahead. Whether it’s a high-end hotel or a makeshift bed on the pavement, I face each night with the same fierce determination. My life is a blend of extremes, a constant dance between luxury and hardship. Yet, in every moment, I exude an undeniable badassery—a defiant spirit that refuses to be defined by circumstance.