Eneasz's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Eneasz's first Contract.

I live in the great city of Amsterdam. I came here as an exchange student from the UK and fell in lowe with the place. "Why?" You may ask. You see... Ah fuck it who cares: It was because of the DRUGS, tons and tons of DRUGS. Weed, acid, heroin, methadone, speed, amphethamine, METAamphethamine and, obviously, THE COCAINE!!!!!!!! Man, oh man do I love me som' drugs. Oh oh I forgot about the PARTIES! Parties for thousends of people underground raves with cheap hallucoinogens, thats my beloved place, and the one i fit the most of the whole world. I LOVE it here <3 Oh, I alomust forgot. You asked about my home too right?

I live in an abandoned warehouse in the docks, with a peculiar group of people. We mostly met at raves and decided to live together in the best place on earth: HET COCAÏNELAND (THE COCAINELAND for my non-dutch folks [yes, I came up wiyh the name why did you ask?]). The place is built with shipping containers we stole from the docks and put in the hangar. Then we took some angle grinders and welders and made some adjustments. I even have a slide running from my container to the floor :3 The lighting is made with lightbulbs on a wire, and we have a place to chill on the ground made with cut up europallets. About the crew ill talk maybe another time cuz I'm getting a bit dizzy from all that truth serum...

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Eneasz's first Contract.

How do i get my money? It's a bit complicated. I do all of the classic low-level crook shit like here I steal a litlle bit of scrap metal, there some pickpocketing, but mostly I deal drugs. We have joint funds with the crew but most of it goes to buying and using drugs. Don't get high on your own supply, they said but we didn't listen and now here we are scraping every bit of money we can get to PARTY HARDER MOTHERFUCKER!!!!! You thought I was gonna get all sobby and sad? Bitch, I'm on so much COKE right now that I could lift a building. No sad shit over here *points at his head* only copious amounts of drugs

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Eneasz's first Contract.

Why do I want to do all that shit with contracts and all that? Tough question... MOTHERFUCKER I want 3 things:

1. Cocaine

2. Money- to buy more cocaine, party harder and fuck more hookers

3. And i want SUPERPOWERS to be like Snowflame and have all the coke hookers and money i want

In all seriousness i want all that ( except for the coke obviously) to help my crew you know? Cuz' I love, LOVE all of them sincerly and will protect them with all my strength be it mental, phisical, or any other psychic bullshit i come up with along the way. I will die for those guys and gals. I will do anything to protect them and give them the life they really deserve.