"The Dive" (Davie Archie Dover)'s Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before "The Dive" (Davie Archie Dover)'s first Contract.


I decided I'd have my buddy, hes my friend, Im not his, jot down some QAs for me--you know, incase some funkass airhead reporters pull up on me in the beach or something.

Anyways; I moved around alot as a kid. I was always starting trouble in school, roughhousing kids, uhhh, never really did any schoolwork--plus, my Pa' and Ma' always had government work to do so... I never really settled down with any of the other snotheads or anything.

These days, I rent my place out to fratboys and shit; they treat me like the King I am! These guys, their my subjects, real knights of the water. I let em stay here & I put their ass to work on the beach... picking up garbage and all that shit.

San Diego of course, its a beachfront, lotsa school life,  close to water... active... everything I'd like.

My house's a standard beach fort you know? 2-story, big ol' estate, I got the money for it. Sea-Activism don't pay much but my Ma' and Pa' funnel me money for my superhero shit so.

While most study computers or business or some crap, Im out here saving the world.


2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before "The Dive" (Davie Archie Dover)'s first Contract.


Don't call me a bitch or anything but... My Ma' and Pa' fund my Superhero career.

They work at some big government group companies or something so I don't see them often... something about the Sea? See-Aye-Eh? Dee-Ess-Pee? Probably unimportant but, their never home, don't visit, and don't talk about shit often.

Anyways; they hook me up so I can be out here full time doing Superhero work and I don't even gotta ask. They get me my money, and I spend it to get out there and save the sea.

Whatdya' mean? Oh, Bro...

I spend it on like, beer, water, water, water, and beer, and boats, and beer, and like... important crap you know? what else man?


Bro... you want some cash?

I gotchu!


3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before "The Dive" (Davie Archie Dover)'s first Contract.


Humans are like what? 80% water? The Earth is 90% water! That means like... The 10-20% thats like land or flesh or whatever is... unnessecary. If the world's gonna submerge and sink anyways why don't we just do it quicker so everyone can fuckin evolve faster or something I mean

I activated my supergenes like when I was twenty... All it took is like drowning, alot, and being out on the water all the time. I think if everyone were just to get out there and take The Dive that they'd all like... man the fuck up you know?

I mean I'd kill for it, to sink the land. It seems like something to kill for you know? like... fish kill to survive, soldiers kill, cops do it all the time, its probably fine right?

Shit I mean, I almost died awakening my powers during The Dive. I wouldn't mind having to risk it to dunk the Earth into the sea but, that shit... 

Seems impossible, Bro.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before "The Dive" (Davie Archie Dover)'s first Contract.


When I was a kid, since I was Six, I remember I saw Aquaman like... in real life. Like seriously I saw fucking Aquaman come out the water and ever since then I wanted to like... I wanted to be like real ass Aquaman! There were superheros n shit all around so like fuck, I just started... training

Since I was Seven, I took The Dive Bro.

I dropped out, skipped school, started holding my breathe and drowning myself and shit and wouldn't you know it--one day when im 20 I blackout, wakeup in some weird secret hospital and..... BOOM!

Gills, Water Powers, im fuckin' Aquaman! apparently my Dad and his work helped out or something but, I dunno where my Dad's at these days.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before "The Dive" (Davie Archie Dover)'s first Contract.


1) My Dad obivously!

He like hooked me up with all this cash and helped me awaken my powers and shit. I never had to waste time in school & like, he helped me out with these like experimental vitamins n medicine n shit that he said would accelerate my progress since I was like... 7.'Pparently hes like uh--part of some typa Dee Ess Pee or something.


2) My Ma!

My Ma works for the government too for some sorta like enviormental agency. She said she was uhh Sea-Eye-A; so like oceanwatch? I dunno, my dad says shes doing work overseas in China or some shit. I don't even know where China is, don't ask me.


3) Larry the Lobster

Larry is my best fuckin' friend man, hes my most loyal subject and given that hes a Lobster he'll probably never die. I rescued him from a Chinese supermarket near me and like... hes fucking fuunnnyyyy as hell. I talk to him about ALL my issues, all of them, and the fratguys treat him like a prince.