Arthur Pierson's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Arthur Pierson's first Contract.

Arthur has lived in Llanfihangel y Creuddyn since he was a child. It is a small welsh village built around a 13th century church. It’s a tight knit community that helps each other frequently. Arthur’s only been away for the infrequent historical re-enactments of famous medieval battles. Llanfihangel y Creuddyn is where he set up his antique shop when he was younger and he doesn’t have the means to move his business. His antique shop used to be very nice but over the years the cost of living crisis has seen the exterior go into disrepair as Arthur can’t afford to fix anything. The inside is stuffed to the brim with antiques of varying quality. Above the antique shop he has a small studio apartment filled with his favorite antiques in a very maximalist design philosophy.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Arthur Pierson's first Contract.

Arthur makes most of his money from the antique shop. It doesn’t get a lot of business but does get enough to break even on operating costs. He makes a little extra by doing guest lectures at local schools/universities on English history. He spends most of what he earns on upkeep for the antique shop and refilling any vintage goods that get bought. What little he has left over he puts toward his passion project which is collecting a full set of plate armor of a long dead English monarch. In his earlier years he collected a good amount and is just missing the helmet, gauntlets, the fauld, left sabaton, right vambrace, and right Pauldron.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Arthur Pierson's first Contract.

Arthur still holds to his childhood ambition of becoming an Arthurian legend and claiming his own throne just as his namesake King Arthur did long ago. With Arthur’s study of medieval history he no longer holds his childish ideas on how he would obtain said throne. He had given up on his goal or that was the case until he was promised power as a contractor. Now that he has the ability he thinks he is willing to do anything for his goal. He knows that many kings got to their position through conquest, politicking, or standard regicide and so he has prepared to do any of these to claim his throne. Arthur thinks he is ready to sacrifice anything short of his life to obtain his goal, after all a deadman can’t rule.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Arthur Pierson's first Contract.

Other than being completely engrossed in the classic romance stories of Arthur and his knights, the thing that spurred on Arthur was finding a genuine period king sword still in good condition from the time of Arthurian legend. He was never able to get it confirmed but he always called that sword his Excalibur. Finding that sword made him believe that he had obtained the right to rule and so he held onto that desire in his heart while working to find more relics from the time of Arthurian legend. He continued to search for ways to prove to himself that he had alright to rule and he hadn’t mistaken a normal sword for something significant.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Arthur Pierson's first Contract.

Arthur’s father a stern man by the name of Alberich Pierson was a historian and was the one who imbued his son with his love of history and the stories of kind Arthur. Alberich was a harsh man who was raised on old fashion values and so raised his son on those values. He did his best to teach his son how to be a gentleman and be stoic in the face of hardship. Alberich is still alive but lives apart from Arthur. He’s 75 years old and lives in a home on the outskirts of the village with live in help. Arthur still visits his father regularly and maintains good relations. 

A young man who recently turned 19 by the name of Edgard frequently visits Arthur’s antique shop regularly just to look around, talk with Arthur, and get away from his family. Arthur’s taken a liking to the young man and treats him like a son and apprentice doing his best to teach him what he knows about archaeology.


Arthur was engaged at one point but it fell through when the antique store fell in hard times. He maintains contact with his ex-Fiancé and they get along well. Her name is Guinevere and Arthur still holds a spot in his heart for her. The engagement wasn’t broken off by Guinevere herself but her father who didn’t want his daughter to marry someone who wouldn’t be able to support her. Guinevere is the person that Arthur is closest to as they regularly go on walks together reminiscing.