Charles Hubbard's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Charles Hubbard's first Contract.

New York, New York. Manhattan, to be precise. The center of the Modern World. Home to brokers, investors, dreamers and everyone else forced to share space with them. Hubbard needed to live here. It was necessary for the CHARACTER. No, New York was home to the top and they would only trust one of their own. He destroyed every trace of who he once was. He was now Charles Hubbard. And he lived in New York City.

The Penthouse was chosen for its isolation and high-class styling -- it nearly bankrupt him, and he barely eked by for months after. Still, it gave him a secluded area. A rooftop to himself. A place to rub noses with elites, to host private parties, to forge an empire.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Charles Hubbard's first Contract.

Charles was once a middling investor. He played by the books and made calculated investments, risks and ventures. But since he began rubbing noses with the elites, his profits have soared. They ooze secrets, they practically beg to give away their insider information... Hubbard just needs to take care to make his investments seem a touch more random -- he cannot yet afford the costs of blatant insider trading. He takes hits, losses, pays out stiff rates and fees -- but it keeps the Pigs away. The rest is mostly spent on maintaining his illusion of absurd wealth. He barely makes ends meet for himself, but keeps a well-stocked and expensive pantry. A well-kept home and frequent expenditures on expensive social events... All necessary costs, to maintain the lie.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Charles Hubbard's first Contract.

Charles Hubbard realized the truth of things exactly four months before his eyes were ruined in a botched laser-eye surgery. It was one of many steps in maintaining his new self. Now, he plays it as an additional angle. Another reason for others to trust and rely on him. If only the well-to-do can win at the great game of Capitalism, then he would be the best-to-do. He will kill. He will trample any who dare try to stop or oppose him. He will become a magnet. A star in the sky. Charles Hubbard killed the man he was before, and he will die before he gives up on his dreams of absolute power.

He will carve an empire of flesh and coin.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Charles Hubbard's first Contract.

Twenty-Seven years old. That was when Charles Hubbard learned the truth. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how great he struggled -- he was only upper-middle class. He could never truly join the upper echelons of society by work, smarts and effort. So he gave it all up. Abandoned his built up knowledge, his degree, his very life. He saw how the world was conned by pleasant smiles and kind faces. He watched enviously as Elon Musk shilled DOGE, as NFTs rose and fell, as each new scam and lie was raised up high -- before collapsing down into itself.

Only men like him ever lost. The rich got richer. The wheel turned, and the spokes ran by as though new again.

Charles would no longer be a loser.

He was going to win.

He was going to win it all.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Charles Hubbard's first Contract.

Echo Narcie is Charles Hubbard's first true follower. He hired her not long after his botched surgery -- as a caretaker and living assistant. He wooed her as she assisted him. He charmed her, deceived her, and convinced her of his great ambitions. She is now his closest confidant and aid. His second hand. His lover... He would drop her in an instant, if it helped him achieve his ambitions.

Louie Bell is his Hubbard's broker. The man makes all of his money off of Hubbard's investments, and is eager to please whenever Charles should call. He was easy to convince of Hubbard's higher power: the man made him more money than he'd seen before, and hadn't left him for bigger and better brokers when he'd had the chance. Bell was a dependable loyal, for the money if nothing else.

Frank Alfalfa is Charles' go-to for insider information. A rich fool with loose lips. The two meet once in the VIP section of a nightclub, and Charles made sure that they hit it off. Alfalfa often only offers small fish, but Hubbard keeps him close for every detail he can glean... He hopes to soon bring Frank into the fold of his Cult -- and to use him to reach his far more interesting peers.