Ray's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Ray's first Contract.

He lives in Nyth, the city he grew up in. The reason he lives there is because he has barely enough money to live where he is, he cannot afford to live elsewhere. His home is near the burnt orphanage. He goes there, once a month, and stares at it, as if, if he stays there long enough, he’ll be able to see his sister again. The orphanage he was transferred to is also near him somewhat, and he visits it from time to time, helping out the people who raised him. His apartment is tiny, with an outside studio where he crafts weapons or other objects and then sells them. His shop is next door, and it’s an abandoned building he cheaply restored. He is a salesman there abusively. He mostly deals with low lives who don’t care.