Megumin's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Megumin's first Contract.

i live in tucson arizona! ii live here because my parents live here duh X3 it's SOOOOO hot here, paint melts off the street signs sometimes!! which gives me the super lulz because the paint is MADE for these temperatures!!! why didnt they think of that before putting it on the signs? i wonder how people with a GPS used to navigate with the paint melting off the signs and everything? oh well its not like I have to worry about that im not even old enough to drive XD and theres like no trees its SO different from the pnw that its not even funny!! but the desert is so pretty too.... like the saguaro cactuses and the sequoia trees- they look like big ferns and it's so fun to pull the leaves off all at once! XP theres a neighborhood pool and it's so nice to go there and swim when it's super hot.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Megumin's first Contract.

uhhh well i have an allowance! my parents are like supes rich so i get to spend a lot of money or at least the kids at school tell me its a lot of money but i guess i wouldnt really know?? i spend it on all sorts of stuff but especially games for my VR headset!! i love love love videogames and VR games r the BEST!!! they feel so real and its so exciting and fun!! :D i also spent some of it on a pair of kittens!! i love love love kitties and my kitties are the bestest.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Megumin's first Contract.

ummm i dont know anything about ambition... my parents say that everyone should have ambitions but i dont really know what id count as an ambition... i just wanna play games!

but my character megumin, she's based on the anime girl!!!! megumin!!!! i love megumin she's the cutest best magician ever and she's so funny and cute!! X33333 she's an explosion magic user and she wants to be the best explosion magic user ever! maybe that's what my parents mean by ambitions! i don't really have anything like that but when im playing megumin ill do my best to be just like her!! ill blast the baddies and ill support my teammates and ill be the best explosion wizard ever!

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Megumin's first Contract.

well i guess it would have been moving to tucson. i had to leave a bunch of friends behind and i was super sad :(( its hard for me to make friends, i dunno why! i really want to be freinds with people but they dont seem to like me :((( so leaving my friends behind was really really really sad. i still dont have friends at shcool and it's really lonely. but maybe i'll make friends in neo genis!! i havent played online much yet so im really excited to play with other people X3 i wonder what the people will be like?

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Megumin's first Contract.

my mom is really important to me! shes really pretty and nice. she and my dad arent around a lot but they love me, they tell me that every time they see me! shes a lawyer and she does really cool work helping defend people in court!! i wanna be just like her when I grow up. :3


my dad is really awesome too. hes a dentist. he fixes peoples teeth! lots of people think dentists are scary but my dads not scary hes really nice. taking care of your teeth is REALLY important because your teeth are super close to your brain!!!! if your teeth get infected, it can move to your brain and then you can DIE x_x so i brush really well and floss cause he told me that's the best way to protect yourself from infections.


my best friend anita is one of the people i left behind. i try to talk to her every day but shes not picking up my calls lately :'(

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, All That You See

im still a kid lol! my parents are nice! like i said theyre not really around a lot... but i have a nanny that takes care of me when they cant X3 i like her, shes nice.

i guess i dont really fit in with the other kids at school no...... :( my parents said i should go to a charter school so i can be around normal kids but not be in public school cuz the school system in america SUCKS!!! but i like stuff that nobody else really likes like reading and playing roleplaying games instead of stupid stuff like FORTNITE. i hate fortnite its confusing and i never know what to do in it. but everyone thinks im a loser cause i dont play it. and other kids think im snooty cuz my parents are rich. which im not!!!! im not snooty!!! i cant help my parents being rich!!!

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, All That You See

ive never been in love cause im only 13!! im not old enough to be in love stupid! X(


i do really love my best friend but Not like that. shes pretty and cool and she does the best impressions of birds that ive ever heard! i miss her a lot. we put our names in the wet cement outside my parents house when we lived in washington and i miss it because it was proof.


i dunno what it was proof of. but it was.


anyways isnt it weird to be in love at 13??? my schoolmates were dating and doing sex in like, 7th grade, and i think thats super weird.