Maze's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Maze's first Contract.

My home? Well my town is in Mellowbrook, it's a really nice place with an assortment of pleasant people from a lot of walks of life. Most of the people in town are very sweet and typically have festivals almost every single month about some holiday or gathering, but for my home it was a rather nice cabin. It was mainly made of wood, has a lot of space for me and my two other siblings and I still live there till this day. Namely because my parents left it to me so I thought- why not you know? After all I"ve heard its hard getting a home in this day and age haha. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Maze's first Contract.

Oh! I earn money by crafting little things for people, I tinker and fix broken tools and sometimes work on much bigger projects like someone's toaster, maybe fixing a stove, or just making sure Ms. Elizabith gets to and from the store with out too much issue. She's a sweet older lady, can't walk as quickly as she used too, but even still she appreciates my company even if she probably just dose all that because she wants someone to talk too and be around haha. But those are the main ways I tend to make money, at least normally.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Maze's first Contract.

I wouldn't say I'd kill for it, but if its big nasty monsters or trying to get ahead to complete my goal I'd say I'd do anything fun to experience all new games and other realms in the virtual space. I want to have a good time but to also know and understand what it happening, how should I go about it? I think the best way to do it is to just hop in and see for myself, after all there is a lot that I have to go through, but I know its possible with a lot of extra work and effort on my part. As for the games I'd like to play- maybe something that doesn't put me immediately close to death haha!

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Maze's first Contract.

Hmm, really I think it was when I was told about the game worlds in this system, I was confused at first since I only was into one game, but when it was explained to me how much they had out there and why I should play it I couldn't help but try to dedicate some of my time to entering into this and trying it out for myself. I couldn't wait to actually experience new events, new stories, and do it all in person too. As such, even if it sounds a tad shallow, I wanted this for a long time, to experience something outside of my own realm.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Maze's first Contract.

So one person would be my mother Rachel, she's been with me all my life and ensured I was cared for and loved for as long as lived. As most mothers typically are very loving, she was a bit more stern at times, any time I'd climb something I shouldn't or did something silly she'd bop me with a wooden spoon. Telling me to knock it off and to go sit down and stop using everything as a play ground. 


The other two people I care a lot about is my brothers and sisters, I grew up in a big family, as such my mom had a lot of kids. We had to share a lot but at times we also knew well enough to work together and just be a family instead of bickering due to this. They're sweet, but a pain in the tail when they don't get their way occasionally, but that's not all of my brothers and sisters, some are just silly while others are a bit brash. I wouldn't trade them for anything.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Monster Hunter: Island

It was nice...being in Maikendo makes your life a lot better than what my mom had told me her life was before coming here. Oh right, Mom. My mother came from reality, she played the game and ended up here and changed. She told me that she was from a place of hardships and that she felt that being here with me was better than ever going back to the life she had prior. 


Therefore I grew up with my little brother in a really loving home, everyone here is really caring and happy, not any bad people that I could imagine I'd say. The school was a bit odd for me though, it was quick, only around 8 years of my life was in school, where I met my friend Mimi. Realizing a few things and that she'd be there forever made my feel for her, that she was in this loop of sorts, but she seemed to cope with it well. So even though I graduated without them, I was able to show some appreciation and take her to my favorite ice cream shop. 


I had a good time in school, I had a good life here, and although not much changes, or did change, I'm just happy that I never had to suffer anything the people in reality had to deal with. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Monster Hunter: Island

I uh...well...not really, I should say. Though when I was growing up I did like my friend Mimi a lot, she was lovely, shy, and a bit of a nerd, but that's what made her cool to me. However there were problems with it, and I couldn't naturally like her due to them, which sucked a lot but I was happy to be a good friend to her as I got older. Now we still are, and she's been a great friend back since then, we hang out occasionally and I give her advice when I can about life and whats been happening with me.


But now? I don't know, my mom had me a while back and said that she came in here while pregnant. There's been a few of my neighbors who have also had kids the normal way, which is odd given our features. Though love doesn't have to involve any of that, it can be just the care for someone you want to ensure is safe and sound. Maybe one day I'll grow to love someone like that. After all, I have the rest of my life here, and life never ends in my world. 

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Monster Hunter: Island

My worst fears before I started doing these jobs for Dr. Oid was being gobbled up by some monster, that I would be alone, that I would go out and die alone in some place with out a means of coming back. It was all scary to me, and I worried about it every time I left this world and jumped into the other. But now, my fears have been abated a bit, I don't fear monsters as much, and lately, with me helping my friends, I've grown to get better at leading others since humans seem to be a lot less capable in certain environments. 


Now my fears still stand in terms of being alone, and never coming home again, I'll always keep those, but it feels like the more experiences I take on the more I feel natural and less jittery when standing up to some big beastie that wants to eat me. Best thing I can do is be strong in the face of my fears and get better set by step. But to also use those fears I have to fuel my determination to see my goals to the end, after all- I'm from Maikendo, and I can't let fear beat me!

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Monster Hunter: Island

I was given a nice tunic from Mr. Oscar's wife, she was really sweet and made sure that I had something spiffy to make friends with everyone I encountered outside of the game. My mom also sewed on a patch or two on it to make it into a cloak of sorts with her own skills, making it twice as nice a gesture and item for me to keep close to my heart. Now I wear it every time I go out into the great unknown because it reminds me that back home I have people waiting for me, back home I have friends and family who want me to do well and get stronger. 


Its what helps me progress forward into the unknown, it helps me to focus and ensure that every step I take will lead to further greatness. Plus, as Mr. Oscar's wife said: I do kinda look spiffy in this hehe.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Monster Hunter: Island

Nothing! At least that comes to mind right now, though I guess the biggest problem I have to worry about is having to go on these little exploration missions. They can be rather scary I think, but sometimes they can be super fun too! But for the most part, each game I've played had a rather easy challenge, and was not too hard to take down every game I've played so far. I honestly can't wait to see what other games I could play, yet for the question I think I don't have much of a problem in my life. In this world problems were very small, a stubbed paw, getting dizzy from someone failing a cooking roll, those are the problems we have to normally deal with. 


Maybe that's why so many people come here when their time is up? I don't blame them, I've heard many bad places to go too when you pass after all. 

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Monster Hunter: Island

Welp, when I wake up I typically go and go to take a bath, then right after I brush my teeth and place on a shirt for the day. I don't have many clothes to wear, but I'm happy with what I got. After this, I take out some food and begin writing in my journal, normally detailing what happened the previous day or if I ended up going to do something scary by exploring other games. 


Once my journal is done I tend to just go out and see how my friends are doing for the day, greeting my friends, enjoying some time with family. Really I don't have to do much at all, but I have been told about the expansion of our world and now that things are finally being filled in and the code is being stabilized I've taken time to map out what new areas get made and give the maps to either Rebecca or Oscar. Although, I expect them to leave it to me soon, after all, they don't tend to travel around much haha.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Monster Hunter: Island

Oh that's easy! I'd wear my tunic! Its the best in fashion, though a tad old time in how it looks, it was given to me by my mom and Mr. Oscar's wife, so I have to wear it. Plus everyone says I look good in it, makes me feel a little like they're just placating me, but if everyone's saying it I might as well believe them. As for what else I'd do? I'd probably just brush my fur, teeth, and whiskers. Then finally make sure smelt as nice as possible, like the most beautiful flower field. Afterwards, maybe work on another shower if I did smell bad, but outside of that, it might take me around 20 minutes or so to get ready. I'm not too picky on how quickly I should be out the door I think, but I'd rather not be late to any gathering I was invited too of course. 

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Monster Hunter: Island

Same thing I do for all my birthdays, or the birthdays of my friends and family, we all make a nice get-together and do a picnic in the woods. Though I should mention birthdays in my world are a bit odd, we celebrate them, yes, but no one really dies here. We all seemingly stop aging at a certain point, right around the age fo 30 or so, and some of us barely age past 18. It's as if the game keeps us at a certain point in our lives where we're either our strongest, our more in tune with the world, or just when we'd like to stop aging altogether. At least that's what I've seen, and given how things have been, I expect to probably stop aging soon as well. But for my next birthday? I think I'll just be happy with seeing my little brother, my mom, and just showing how much I value them. 

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Monster Hunter: Island

There not many regrets I really have in my life, everything in my own life has been so far nice, pleasant, and super relaxing. Though there are a few things I wish could happen and would make sure to happen in my life, I wish my friends didn't have to go through everything over and over again, to be in this loop of living day by day the same thing over and over again. Namely my mouse friend, as Oscar and Rebecca have kinda resigned themselves to their work, after all they provide a nice good to everyone around them. Both food and drink. But there's not much I can do about it, however I do wish that for those who can help, and come here to our world, that I could help them in some way. But maybe this si what it's like to be an "NPC", I don't think I am, but I know now what its like to be on the sidelines. 

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Monster Hunter: Island

Yep! All of my gifts come from becoming stronger and leveling up, improving on what I can do to make myself stronger, after all, I live in a game. I'm fully aware of that, and as such as I complete more games more rewards for them are new skills or just better stats overall, which soon will lead to me being strong enough to conquer any game I encounter!


Although I have heard about the harbingers and whatnot, maybe that's who called me to go places on my last game? After all, they seemed human and didn't seem to live in this world, so maybe they just appeared to give me the letter and then leave. Does that make me a contractor? Maybe, though I do hope that more new games become available to me, I'd love to go to the new world and defeat baddies, and overall just have fun for once.

16. How do you feel about spirituality? Are you religious? What do you believe?

Link Answered after Contract 7, The Hourglass

That's the funny thing about that, I was born into a world where our spirits linger forever. Many of the contractors who've talked to me have seen hell, some knew they ere bound for it, but they chose my world instead, and I'd never blame them for that. So in that case I'm not very religious, after all I don't believe I'll be going anywhere any time soon- at least I hope so. 


As for what I believe, I believe that everyone will eventually be given a choice on where they may wish to go with their souls. Some may feel they deserve a better lot in life and where they're heading, while many others won't even be given a choice at all. I hope that some others might get that choice though and I'd get to see them again, either in this new life they picked for themselves, or maybe in a distant one. 

17. How do the events of the Contracts conflict with your worldview? How do you react when everything you thought was true is put in doubt?

Link Answered after Contract 7, The Hourglass

A little bit, I was always interested in seeing what was outside of my normal realm, what was there but just out of reach. These 'contracts' I've been given more of since exploring outwards have shown me a lot of the other world, and what people may or may not be used too when seeing little old me hehe. Over all its not broken much of what I felt to be 'true, but it has shown me how horrible the other world is, that crime, famine, and murder is common. That people live in poverty, and that only a select few people seem to control everything.


I hope my world never comes to be that way, and given how everyone acts and is very happy to keep it from happening, I don't think that will ever come about happening. But still, it's a good reminder as to why I'd like to keep that world far away from my own, I would very much not like to see all my friends and family suffer due to greed. 

18. Give a brief description of the other Contractors you see often. What do you like or dislike about them?

Link Answered after Contract 7, The Hourglass

Oh! Well I've seen tons now, lets see...


There was one I just met who was super nice, she could turn into an eagle and enjoyed some of my sandwiches, I hope she's doing well. I never got her number, but she probably isn't one for technology. 


Another was SUPER edglordy, he had inky darkness around him, multiple arms, some belts, bandages around some of his body, and obviously had to have muscles too. He was cool though and not really that bad. 


Sora is another one, he helped save my world from danger! Everyone see's him as a hero, but he's very humble about it and doesn't want us to praise him too much, maybe he's just bashful? Either way, we thank him silently with every visit he makes.


Kayleigh was someone I met not too long ago, she is really skilled, and is becoming stronger by the day. She'd like a ninja I think, and looks a lot like one of my other friends who is a contractor. I think she has a long way to go before she reaches her goal.


Over all I've liked most of the people I've seen and worked with in the past, everyone has a fun air about them and it just makes playing games with them all that much more fun. 

19. Describe the perfect room.

Link Answered after Contract 7, The Hourglass

I'd say the perfect room is a nice log cabin, everything feels natural as the floor is a nice hardwood, and a carpet with some naturalistic designs is near the foot of the bed. Mean while the furniture all has a wooden look and feel to it, to make it more homely and also very natural. On top of this the desk lamp can be a dimmer one, to adjust the light level when waking up for the start of your day.


On the wall, there is a book shelf that has a few books stacked in a row, a window with a planter box on the outside to plant all the nice flowers you could want. Finally, I think I would also try to get a nice work bench area to draw up some maps, and other things for scribing down notes and information for later. After all when your exploring and you come back home you want a good spot to inspect your collectables and write down any landmarks on your map haha.

20. Everyone excels at something. What is your philosophy about the thing you are best at?

Link Answered after Contract 8, REWORK IN PROGRESS

What I'm best at? Well given how some of my games have gone, it seems I'm best at just being me. Well, that's a bit corny, I'd say I'm best at adapting to environments that try to impede me, exploring, and all manner of pathfinding! I'd say my philosophy is that if you prepare for every environment you can make anything fairly easy. 


Which has been rather true for how many games I've played and I'd rather just walk through all my problems without any issues. However, my skills aren't as powerful in certain conditions, like being in an urban place, or something outside of my expertise. But there is no place you can't get adjusted too and become stronger from the experience, its the best way to play and engage with the world when you learn how things work and how to navigate the lands with out harm. At least you can try too?

21. What do your Limits say about you? What would it take to make you break them?

Link Answered after Contract 8, REWORK IN PROGRESS

Aguish: Obviously I'm not that used to being in pain, but it happens from time to time, yet I'd never want myself to be tormented or tortured. I don't think anyone would like that, and I try to avoid it...but for me to break that? It would have to be for the greater good, to want to put someone through that, especially for the sake of 'fun'. 


Capture: I...don't like being kidnapped, or taken somewhere I don't like to go. I enjoy freedom, and being able to explore where I'd like. Yet I know some games focus it on you and whisk you away without any control over your body or your own skills too, which I guess means that I don't like having my control taken away.


Failure: I'm from Maikendo, no one can beat me. Well, I say this as it's the motto that I follow day to day, but losing can happen, and although I hate it I understand it's a part of playing games. I try not to get emotionally tied to many games I play, but it ends up being pretty hard when I do mess up and get a little annoyed from losing at something I'm good at. Which Luckily, I'm not that good at many things, but its nice to always humble yourself.