Aira (Ashley Scott)'s Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 2, BOUNTY ALERT: Albert Young

I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I had to move there for university and because it was far enough from home that I was willing to go off to try and explore myself, maybe make some friends, maybe some better job opprotunities. But hey, I would rather that than anything else y'know. W-why do you want to know what my home looks like?? I-I guess I'll tell you. My apartment is just an average, somewhat messy home. I-It's not because I'm a slob or a-anything... Okay jeez! It's only a little messy because I have a bunch of tech everywhere. I just buy a lot of specks for my computers, okay? S-stop askin' about my home, weirdo!

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 3, BOUNTY ALERT: Albert Young

S-sometimes I uhhhh, I sell some computer parts and refurbish them for other people usually, sometimes it pays a lot and sometimes it doesn't do all that much you know? I usually buy old computer parts, sometimes I keep them, sometimes I end up selling them but usually they stay in my home. I spend most of my money on some games and my collection of figurines of certain anime characters. I love anime, it's a fun little escapist piece of media I enjoy you know? But aside from that, I also spend my money on uh... Lots and lots of food too.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 3, BOUNTY ALERT: Albert Young

I mean... I just wanna see the game's code. Nothing too extravagant in comparison to what other people want, maybe they want money, power, fame or infamy. Still, for me, that's all just a bunch of taking shit wayyyyyyy too seriously for just a silly little VR game.

That being said:
My character dying is not something I would really be too sad about, like, just make another one, restarting from zero is not that hard. Also,
I'm totally okay with killing people, in-game, over this. The beef cannot be that serious; Would I even need to consider the other person's feelings over just dying and losing? Doesn't that just mean they weren't better than me, y'know? As the wise old ones say:

"Get fucked. Skill issue ig."

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 3, BOUNTY ALERT: Albert Young

That fateful day still lingers in my mind like a haunting nightmare. I was a starry-eyed tech geek who just loved to impart my knowledge to others. However, it was a speech in front of my whole class that made all the difference. I had put all my heart and soul into the project and my nerves just overpowered me. I stumbled on my words, my slides would not behave. The room fell silent, with all eyes on me, and I felt like I was drowning in a sea of embarrassment. The snickers and giggles after that were just the icing on the coffin. Ever since that day I turned into a little hermit, I became really shy and reclusive. Fear of mockery or judgment had set in, and I had retreated into the comforting embrace of my loneliness, a place where my technical prowess could grow unhindered by the threat of contact with another human being.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 3, BOUNTY ALERT: Albert Young

There are 3 very important people in my life who have greatly influenced me, and all 3 of them are very special to me. Well, #1 is my best friend in the whole wide world, rachel - the one and only. She's the epitome of kindness, always lending a listening ear and offering words of encouragement when I need them most. Her infectious laughter and quirky sense of humor never fail to brighten up my day. And then there is my mentor Alex, who has helped me every step of the way in the tech world. His valuable insights and constructive feedback have helped me grow both professionally and personally. Last but not least, there's my grandmother, who has been my rock since childhood. Her unselfish love, knowledge, and life have helped me become what I am. Each of these individuals brings out the best in me, and I'm grateful to have them by my side.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, BOUNTY ALERT: Albert Young

Growing up, I was always the odd one out. My childhood was an interesting mix of science and art because of my parents. My parents, my mom a liberal artist and my dad a genius engineer encouraged in me a passion for creativity and invention. Between the gadgets and the paintbrushes and the half-finished projects, our house was a wonderland for a curious child like me.

I was always curious as a child as to how things worked. I used to take toys apart and put them back together for hours on end and my parents used to laugh at me. My parents nurtured my curiosity though, and before long I was constructing my little robots and creating my games. But this love of tech didn't really make me the most popular gal in school. I was the kid who never wanted to play tag but instead wanted to code, and none of the other kids understood why I was so obsessed with computers.

I never quite fit in with the rest of the kids at school. They were out playing sports or talking about the latest TV shows and I was building websites or learning a new programming language. It's not like I didn't want to be a part of them; it's just that the things I enjoyed learning about and experiencing were light-years away from what interested them. And that's okay.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, BOUNTY ALERT: Albert Young

Ugh, my love life is a total disaster, and I'm not even being dramatic. I mean, I'm a tech lady, which is just a fancy way of saying I'm a socially awkward introvert who'd rather spend her Friday nights coding than, you know, actually socializing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not entirely anti-social – I do have a few close friends who somehow manage to put up with me – but let's just say I'm not exactly the life of the party. My idea of a fun night out is probably everyone else's idea of a snooze fest: me, alone, with a laptop and a never-ending stream of Netflix shows. And don't even get me started on dating. I mean, I've tried online dating, but let's just say it's experience. I've gone on a few dates, but they never seem to work out. I think it's because I can come across as a bit...much. I mean, I'm a bit of a know-it-all, and I have a tendency to, um, "educate" my dates on the finer points of artificial intelligence or the importance of data encryption. Yeah, I know, it's a real turn-on. Needless to say, I've yet to find someone who can appreciate my unique brand of geek chic. So, for now, I'm just stuck in this rut, alone with my code and my cat. Sigh.