Slake's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Slake's first Contract.

I live in Los Ángeles because its the only city ive ever lived in,and probably the only one i will ever do so.Its filled with rich corpos that employ the most poor people on the city with the worst conditions imaginable.Its dark, filthy and filled with human scum and neon lights displaying the corpos newest cash grabs for the delusionals. Meanwhile,the wealthy live in their manors with all imaginable luxuries while the rest rot. Still this place is the only home ive known and i wont live this place for nothing. Even if the magic stuff going on changes this place for worse. Even if the corporations end up buying us all.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Slake's first Contract.

Right now i get money by doing some jobs for the local businesses and gangs, "get something", "tell something to someone", "move this there",etc. I dont get much but i get enough to afford the basics and cover my hunger for knoweldge of the occultic arts. Sometimes the jobs are tough and unrewarding,and more than once i got into trouble with the police and the corpos. I wish to become a contractor to finally get what i am looking for,and hopefully end my time doing gigs for the local gangs. And hopefully get a bigger place,this one is getting filled with stuff.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Slake's first Contract.

My ambition is to finally understand my visions,and contact with the entities that once spoke to me. I want to understand these phenomenons and use them to my favor,and hopefully master them. I was spoken by something and it still wants to communicate. I want to listen to it and know why me,why this world and what does these visions mean. I want to unlock the power latent in me. I will kill for this and i will cross any limit possible to achieve it. I would risk my life over and over to achieve my goal. Theres no cost too great to understand the unseen and the hidden and use them as tools to improve our realm, or even trascending it.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Slake's first Contract.

A couple months before signing the contract i had a strange dream where a shady figure spoke to me,it tried to communicate, but i didnt understand what it said. After that a series of visions appeared to me. For the next months i had recurring nightmares about unspeakable demons and the visions i dreamt about that day. Since then, i spent my resources to try investigate this phenomenon and similar ones. I got obsessed with darkness and daemonology, and stuff related to dark magic and occultic or lovecraftian arts. Many people dont understand the implications of this and try to expose me for "witchcraft"… yeah,try...

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Slake's first Contract.

One of my friends from university nicknamed "Firefly" told me about the "contractors" he believed they were some sort of govnerment agents to recruit and investigate magic and people with magic capabilities. He is, in part,the reason i knew about the contract.

Then theres Don Carlos, an administrative of one of the gangs i work for the most. He helps me with the gigs and tries to ensure my safety. I am confident i could ask him for help if i needed it.

Then theres my girlfriend Cass, who is now out of the country due to her thesis and scientific research. She believed me when i told her about my visions and encouraged further investigation about my affliction. I havent seen her in a while,and i hope i can see her. Last time we spoke she told me about a "discovery" she made that was related to my research.