gehrman sparrow's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before gehrman sparrow's first Contract.
This area is ideal for my past – after losing my position of a special agent, I had to find a quiet place where my wife and I could live with a new identity.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Mushroom Hunt

The most defining event of my life was when my family’s information, which was supposed to be heavily protected, was leaked. This put them in immediate danger, and despite my efforts to safeguard them, the criminal syndicate I was investigating targeted us. The agency I worked for shut down my operation when I refused to back off, leaving me feeling utterly helpless. The corruption ran so deep that I couldn’t trust the fake identity they provided, so I turned to the deep web to secure a new one.

This sequence of events left me disillusioned and bitter. I realized that in the face of massive criminal operations, a single man like me was akin to an ant—insignificant and powerless. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, Mushroom Hunt

After I went into hiding, I lost contact with most people, but there are a few who remain integral to my life:

Bernadette, my wife and the person I am closest to. She has been my steadfast companion through all the chaos and danger we've faced. Compassionate, intelligent, and unwavering in her support, Bernadette provides me with a sense of stability and hope. Her presence in our secluded life in the Swiss Alps is a constant reminder of what I’m fighting for, and I am deeply protective of her.

Azik Eggers, my former colleague and the one person I trust the most. He saved my life numerous times during our years working together as special agents. Resourceful, brave, and possessing a strong moral compass, Azik remains a vital part of my life. We still keep in touch through encrypted letters, sharing information and offering support. His loyalty and friendship are invaluable, and I often rely on his wisdom and guidance.

Then there's Luca "The Shadow" Bartoli, an enigmatic figure who runs a well-hidden bar and boasts a wealth of underground connections. Luca provided me with my secret identity from the dark web and occasionally supplies me with bounties in real life. Despite his involvement in some shady deals, Luca has strong morals and has helped me in times of need. I respect his discretion and resourcefulness, and while I turn a blind eye to some of his activities, I trust him to have my back when it matters most.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Mushroom Hunt

I don’t remember much about my childhood, and what I do know is pieced together from fragments and stories I’ve been told. I was involved in an accident when I was very young, an incident that took away my family and my memory. I have no recollection of my parents or what they were like.

After the accident, I was adopted into a special operation designed to refine individuals into top-tier agents. The man who ran this program, an old and determined figure, shaped me into who I am today. His methods were rigorous but fair, focusing on discipline, training, and a strong moral compass. Under his guidance, I developed the skills and principles that would define my career.

However, after his passing, the operation changed drastically. It became less about justice and more about control. The new leadership introduced brainwashing techniques to ensure agents wouldn’t disrupt the activities of powerful criminals operating in the background. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Mushroom Hunt

Yes, I have been in love. Bernadette, who was once known as "The Hermit," was a figure deeply entrenched in the criminal underworld. Her extensive network of information made her a formidable presence in those dark alleyways. She turned to crime driven by a singular goal: to uncover the truth about her father's fate and avenge him.

When I first encountered her, I saw beyond her criminal exterior. I recognized that she didn’t truly belong in that world. I reached out to her, offering a chance for retribution and helping her achieve her goal of avenging her father. Once she fulfilled her mission, she left her criminal life behind, seeking a new path.

Our love grew from our shared experiences and the trust we built. She chose to marry me and embrace a peaceful life away from the shadows. Now, we live together in the Swiss Alps, enjoying the tranquility we’ve both fought so hard to find. Bernadette’s transformation from a shadowy figure to my partner has been one of the most profound changes in my life, and her presence remains a constant source of strength and solace.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Mushroom Hunt

My worst fears are deeply rooted in both personal and existential anxieties. The first and foremost is the fear for Bernadette’s safety. Despite the peace we've found in our secluded life in the Swiss Alps, I am constantly haunted by the possibility that the enemies I’ve made could reach her. Her past as "The Hermit" involved dangerous people and powerful networks that might resurface. The thought that she could be harmed as a consequence of my actions or be dragged back into the criminal underworld because of my enemies is a constant source of dread. The vulnerability of the people I love is a fear that shadows every decision I make.

The second fear is a more profound, existential one: the futility of my efforts against the massive, entrenched corruption I’ve spent my life battling. The systems of power and corruption I’ve confronted are so deeply embedded and far-reaching that sometimes it feels like my fight is a mere drop in the ocean. I worry that no matter how hard I strive or how many battles I win, the underlying rot will persist, rendering my sacrifices and struggles ineffective in the grand scheme of things. This sense of helplessness and doubt gnaws at me, making me question the value of my mission and whether my actions truly make a difference in a world dominated by corruption and shadowy forces. 

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Mushroom Hunt

My most prized possessions each hold deep personal significance and represent different facets of my life and journey.

Firstly, there's my marriage ring. This simple band is far more than just jewelry; it's a symbol of my commitment to Bernadette and the life we’ve built together. It reminds me of our shared struggles, our triumphs, and the peace we’ve found in each other. Every time I look at it, I’m reminded of the love and trust we have, and it reinforces my resolve to protect what we have.

Then there's my trusted handgun, The Death Knell. Although I don’t use it much anymore, it represents a part of my past—a time when I was actively pursuing justice with my own hands. The weapon’s iron-black finish and its slightly longer barrel carry memories of countless encounters and the fight against corruption. It's a reminder of the battles fought and the principles I’ve stood by, even if my approach has evolved over time.

Lastly, there’s a copper whistle given to me by Azik Eggers, a symbol of our enduring friendship. This whistle, small and unassuming, carries with it a wealth of shared experiences and the trust that Azik has placed in me. It’s a token of the many times he saved my life and the bond we maintain through encrypted letters. The whistle is a tangible link to a friendship that has survived the most challenging circumstances, reminding me of the loyalty and support that have guided me throughout my journey.