Neymari "Nari" Booker's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Neymari "Nari" Booker's first Contract.

Nari's parents both work for the U.S. Embassy, so she has spent most of her life moving. For the last 4 years, she has lived in Tokyo with her parents and younger brother.

It's a nice, fairly simple home. It's two stories, with a small attic. On the first floor is the kitchen, a family room, a dining room, a small bathroom, and a few storage closets, as well as another room that is empty. On the second floor, there are three bedrooms and two full bathrooms.

Nari's room is decorated much like how she is as a person. Her walls are a very pale yellow and covered in posters of shows, games, and other things she likes. She has a big bookshelf full of comics, books about different countries and cultures, and lots of books on mythology and the supernatural. Her bed is covered with plushies. She also has a desk and full sized mirror in her room, along with her dresser and a closet.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Neymari "Nari" Booker's first Contract.

As she is living with her parents, necessities for Nari are taken care of by them. They don't mind paying for her food or helping her with little things; Nari pulls her weight around the house, which helps them a lot. Both her parents are busy, so Nari will often be the one to look after her little brother and the family cat. She will be given money to buy groceries and she and her brother take care of household chores together.

Nari has her own "job," though. Nari is pretty famous in the online world of the supernatural. She's been present in the community for a long time, from Reddit to Twitter to YouTube and TikTok. She films videos when she goes to allegedly haunted places, or her "ghost hunting" episodes. But Nari has never been interested in profiting off of it. She does this to document the things she knows exist, to hopefully get evidence to show people that she isn't making things up. While there are many, MANY people who believe her, there are also plenty who don't. She gets money from this through donations or revenue. She spends this on her books, clothes, and other personal interests. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Neymari "Nari" Booker's first Contract.

Nari has spent her life being called a liar.

She's seen things no one else can for as long as she can remember. When she talks about them, especially in her younger years, people saw her as overly imaginative. But as she never outgrew this phase, it became more of a problem. She would stop paying attention at random moments, seemingly spaced out. She would randomly scream at times, which tended to disrupt her class or bother the people around her. While her parents don't believe in ghosts, they do believe she sees something. As a younger child, when her senses were incredibly strong and unbearable and she was terrified nearly all the time, they had taken her to see a good few doctors. When they moved to France for work a few years later, it seemed to improve (or perhaps that was simply her aging).

Though Nari would never want to leave her family and friends behind (and has no interest in dying), Nari would be willing to sacrifice her life to become a Spirit Medium. To her, frankly, dying is simply a different, more horrible path to her goal. If she were to die, she would only feel bad for her family, not for herself.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Neymari "Nari" Booker's first Contract.

(possible warning for body horror or horror imagery)


Nari does not remember much of her childhood. Her memories come mostly from other people's retellings, with photos and videos filling in gaps. She isn't sure why she can't remember, but there is one memory of her younger years that she can recall vividly. She wishes she didn't.

Nari was four. Her younger brother was only a few months old at the time, so she slept in her room alone. It was a small room, appropriate for a kind her age; she slept in a twin bed with a wooden railing that left only a foot of an opening at the end of the bed. Typically, Nari liked her room. She had toys, a little bookshelf, and a good few plushies that she slept with; her window had light pink drapes that were drawn for the moment; a little nightlight by the door kept her room dimly illuminated.

She was stirred awake in the dead of the night by a bright light. As she squinted her eyes open, she saw something hovering in the center of her room, near the ceiling. She blinked. The light seemed to be more than a light -- there was the outline of a body within it, facing her. The details were fuzzy: the figure had hair, long hair, and any of their features were just as white as the rest of the body. It was hard to make out any features.

But what Nari could remember were the eyes. There were none, just gaping sockets that stared back at her. Two pools of darkness, pulsating, fixing their gaze on her. Nari pulled at her blanket, lifting it past her chin. She opened her mouth, a feeble attempt to scream for help, but her throat was dry. It was like a nightmare, except this wasn't one. Somehow she could tell. There was something too real to everything, something that her childish imagination wouldn't dare conceive.

It moved closer and she squeezed her eyes shut, pulling the blanket over her head. A weight landed on her, and something cold was resting over her knuckles, fighting for the blanket. She screamed, finally, kicking her legs up and pulling the blanket with all her might. 

The blanket was pulled down. All Nari could see was darkness, black that grew like lungs breathing. Cold covered her body and her limbs went slack and Nari couldn't do anything but try to scream and--

She fell back onto her mattress as her door slammed open. Her parents rushed into the room, her father turning on the lights as her mother reached the bed first. She looked around, blinking, as she was pulled into a tight hug. Her eyes reached her window, where the drapes were pulled back, revealing a pocket of the dark sky outside. It blinked back at her.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Neymari "Nari" Booker's first Contract.

Edogai Kanako:         18 years old;   Has been Nari's best friend for four years. They met in the first year of high school; Nari had joined in the middle of the year. Kanako, who sat next to her at the time, happily befriended her with ease, and the two have been inseparable ever since. Kanako believes Nari can see things. She sometimes joins Nari in her ghost adventures, even when they aren't filming it. She was the school's track star, but not the best in school or socializing. She and Nari balance each other out. There might be something more between them but they haven't addressed that yet.


Mateo Booker:          14 years old;   Nari's younger brother. Mateo and Nari get along pretty well for siblings; they fight, like any brother and sister do, but they also look after each other. Mateo is good at helping out with chores and stuff and is able to look after himself. He is also a little "weird." He is very introverted and prefers to talk to animals and inanimate objects. 


Miko:                        4 years old. A Balinese cat that became part of the family as a kitten. While being a "family" cat, Nari is the one she loves the most. She is often sleeping in Nari's room. Miko also seems to be supernaturally aware, which might make her and Nari's connection stronger.