Void's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Void's first Contract.

I live in the outskirts of Shibuya (Japan), mainly because its the best place to get the latest or the most obsolete technology almost in any corner. Nowhere else one can buy parts to fix any obsolete technology nowadays, with current speed in developing new technologies people is used to discard their devices really fast but some devices from the past have very unique and obscure features only present in them such as the IBM 5100.

The appartment building where I live has been long abandoned, only a few people who want to live out of the grid inhabit this building. I know some may be criminals or people being searched but I feel better dealing with them, the "normal" people tend to hide a lot of what is going on in them while these people dont have anything to hide as we are all the same

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Void's first Contract.

I write some codes for people for cash, or do some digital work for them or for myself, its surprising how from 1s and 0s one can get this much money. Working with computers usually is something people are scared off, they fear to do it wrong and get the wrong result s if this would break the world, I can do all kind of computer work for the unexperienced, but coding and hacking is what I usually do.

The money I get from such activities is spent in buying some parts to fix devices I own or buying new or old devices with special features I can use in varied works

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Void's first Contract.

My goal is to earn enough money to travel to Mars, I know its currently still in development but considering how rotten is this world Im sure a new world would be a lot better even if we have to live in very hard conditions. The cost of this travel is $100 billion, and add more to this to just stablish there, buy a terrain and some needed structures to live there so I may need like twice that much at least.

Because my life here in this planet is finished i wont mind dying to achieve this goal, however I wouldnt be killing to achieve it, human life is something i want to respect the most while im here.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Void's first Contract.

The first time I got in touch with a cmputer that had Basic installed, and possibly the first time I learned how to code in that, after that it became second nature, almost as if computers were easier to be talked to than humans. All the time I spent lerning to code and to say it in other way to communicate with computers was definetly different to any other experience in this planet for me. Thanks to this I managed to find ways to earn money doing what I felt more natural to me than anything and in the digital field all can be achieved.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Void's first Contract.

From the people I remember the most and who stayed in contact with me after long time is my teacher Dr Aki, who taught me the basic of computing and how the digital world works, I lerned a lot more from him and somehow inherited his philosophy about life and death and how this world spins

Shiro is my neighbour, he is into electronics, all that one would wish to be constructed with some circuits and cables, he can do this, we cooperate at times, he does some fixes and takes some commisions to make strage machinery for people. If I had to trust someone i would surely trust him my life

Nene is a girl I met once in a certain "ilegal" situation, she helped me to not get caught back then, she is a hacker as well, maybe she doesnt breath code like me but is quite a lot into this and is also a trustful person, just she decided to fit in the grid and lives in the city, having a regular work in big corporation and paying her bills and taxes like all people is meant to do