Shizuku Morinaga's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Shizuku Morinaga's first Contract.

An modern luxury apartment complex, in Tokyo akihabara ward, owned by her parents gave her. She is an otaku at heart and loves akihabara, it's her home town.

Shinjuku is too stuffy and shibuya is too busy with reajuu for her liking. 

It has four bedrooms, a full bathroom, A fully stocked kitchen, and an office and library. 


When in america and not in akihabara as an american citizen,  she lives in a mansion outside Boston, which has a pool, tennis court, garage with multiple cars, a large library and a large master bedroom. a full kitchen. A cinema, gym and office, 10 full ensuite rooms She likes to live there because it is a city filled with universities and colleges of esteem. which means easy access to knowledge.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Shizuku Morinaga's first Contract.

A mixture of ways, she was born into the Morinaga zaibatsu an exceedingly wealthy family run company, she didn't want for anything, her parents spoilt her quite a lot and not many outside the family would say no to her, and while this would normally create a spoilt brat all it did was cause her to be so very bored, school didn't challenge and nor has college or university. she would work at the university to pass the time and do something productive but in the end that left her unfulfilled despite multiple patents and the manufacture of those patents gave her more money. it wasn't until she had discovered japanese manga, light novels and anime. being sheltered this new interest blossomed into a full time obsession which most of her money goes into outside of living expenses of course, she's obsessed not stupid. and that was when she decided that in order to brighten up her world she needed magic and or a portal to another world. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Shizuku Morinaga's first Contract.

She wants magic, to become magic to control it to rip wide the veil and learn how to use all magic. to become the most powerful and pinnacle of magic. to drag it fully into the world, and reach such heights as immortality and goddesshood. she also wants to be a cat girl or a kitsune girl, or maybe an elf girl. it doesn't matter as long as it affords her more magic and more time to learn more of it. her ultimate goal to become the grandest of great sages. Her life was boring and she will kill to avoid going back to that boring life. money can't buy magic but it can help me get it. I'd sooner die before I return to normalcy.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Shizuku Morinaga's first Contract.

Coming into contact with japanese popular media opened up a huge gulf of possibility I hadn't even considered, I want magic, I want to be isekaid, i want an actual challenge, too often I found myself way ahead of everyone, put on a pedestal, the school idol. I really wanted to smash the faces of those smug girls who used to hang onto me as if i were a liferaft. too conceited by half and too worried about appearance, even though they were mediocre. it's honestly sad I might not have fallen into otaku culture and find my magic, if i had friends, then again it might have happened faster. for that they earned my enmity and I am glad that i nipped it in the bud in college being ahead multiple grades it's helpful i guess. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Shizuku Morinaga's first Contract.

Mother: Misaki Morinaga (written 森長美咲)

Father: Yuu Morinaga (written 森長優)

friend: Chiba Yuka (written 千葉由華)

Misaki Morinaga the wife of Yuu Morinaga, she is bright and cheerful. She is a patient and kind woman. Misaki spent her days studying sciences as her majors and had several electives including the occult, technology and creative writing. She met Yuu during her final year of University and the two hit it off right away. A year later they were married, and another year later they had Shizuku. 

Yuu Morinaga a scion of the ancient noble zaibatsu family was a transfer student to the university that Misaki attended, he is an outgoing man, get's along with anyone. He fawns and dots on his only daughter. the majors he took were technology and sciences, and his electives were creative writing, occult and business studies.

Yuka Chiba, Shizuku's friend and confidant. a fellow student of Tokyo U she is the person who introduced Shizuku to manga, light novels and anime. an otaku and some would say a Yuri fujoshi, she never asked Shizuku for money, nor did she request aid in studying only staying beside her and treating her like any other girl. 

She was doing a major in creative writing, with electives of the occult, science and cultural studies. She also took Home economics, her explanation was she wanted to be the perfect wife to the girlfriend she wanted.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

My childhood was filled with luxury, I didn't want for anything and my parents would always make sure I was raised right, my dad Yuu taught me about business and finance. My mother Misaki taught me how to cook and navigate politics and intrigue. She also taught me about the occult and various creative outlets (art and creative writing). Meanwhile I worked on my studies in my local school in akihabara. I went to public schools as my parents wanted me to connect to the normal people so I would know how lucky I am. I didn't particularly fit in, sure i was the school idol, sure I was a genius school was so easy it was sad, I had to add to my own homework, so I would still improve. 


I met Chiba Yuuka, as a child she has been my best nay only friend and my confidant. She introduced me to manga, light novels and anime.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

Yes I have been in love, still am. I don't know if she returns my feelings. Never got the courage in order to actually confess. I am scared that it may destroy our friendship. She isn't straight atleast she's bi so it's not like she couldn't be attracted to me. But maybe i am just a dense romantic comedy protagonist. I doubt she will find me attractive after what my gift did to me, or maybe she will be all over me as I am unique. (Maybe I am just coping) Well we'll find out when we meet her again.