Sirai Dang's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Sirai Dang's first Contract.

Sirai lives in Sacramento as the cost of living in the city is less than some others in California. The area is also fairly diverse in culture without any noticeable discrimination towards those with Asian heritage. The weather and temperatures are rather fair and on the warmer side which means Winter is not freezing. Recreational or leisure activity outside is not much of a hassle outside of dry spells. Sacramento is also rather on the smaller side when compared to other cities in California and is therefore less crowded. The city itself is positioned somewhat in the middle of California, leading to easier deliveries of metalworking contracts. As well as less effort to receive commissions for works. The place also has a suburban and urban mix around. All in all, the area is fairly peaceful, beyond the supernatural of course. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Sirai Dang's first Contract.

My income comes from metalworking as a contractee. I receive commissions or job requests and fulfill them to whatever was requested. My works are genuine and gleam of effort. Various businesses know of my expertise and craft. I spend money on daily necessities as well as items and equipment that would aid in metalworking. Materials also have a fair cost, though the contractor would usually incur the costs within reason. Most crafting takes place in the garage where all of the equipment I have acquired is located. Otherwise, equipment must be maintained in order to keep quality at a maximum. Rarely, choose to splurge on expendable items that would improve my well-being or overall happiness. Then there of course is insurance, medical, housing, and transportation fees. On top of it all, education regarding the most modern metalworking is not always free.