Ivan von Karstein's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Ivan von Karstein's first Contract.

Ivan has quite recently moved to Oxford, England from his country of origin, Austria-Hungary well no it's just Austria. He has chosen Oxford because of the medical facilities and blood supplies they have. He pays for tutelage with the assets he has amassed in the century he is alive, it is not such a large sum but it is enough for living well.

He lives in a small flat just outside of the university grounds, he used to have roommates but he eventually pushed them out of the apartment with a parting gift of 10,000 dollars. He just couldn't have them sniffing around in his room and accidentally discovering his blood bags. But now he can safely store them in the fridge without the fear of having being arrested or have a priest sent at him.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1,

As Ivan is over a hundred years old he has amassed quite a wealth from doing various jobs, which included but were not limited to robberies, assassinations, and military service in World War Two. He spends it wisely and has still some remaining only taking out bits per month to survive without actually needing to have a real job. And maybe after he finishes his studies at the university he will become a doctor to have a bigger supply of blood, until he will eventually finally have to change his identity instead of using his real name with a fake ID.