Jane Lee's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jane Lee's first Contract.

New York, where shit always goes down in the movies. Probably because it is actually that eventful. Never a dull moment here for good or for worse. Like, really. I see why they call it the city that never sleeps.

In this lousy economy I am forced to share an apartment with roommates. It’s not that bad and we struggle together or whatever. The people here kinda alternate, I’m actually one of the longer lasting residents. I think this used to be shared between a group of friends that have kinda fallen apart, so now they rent it out for college age students like me.

I’m just taking online classes though. And I keep living here because it’s cheap.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jane Lee's first Contract.

Oh my god, don’t remind me of the million fucking jobs I have. Right now I’m doing 2 at once, mostly at this pizza place whose name I’m not even gonna bother mentioning since it’s likely I’ll get fired soon. Missing a few shifts and all that. My second one is the occasional graveyard shift at a gas station. I’m scheduled for that a lot less which means I have more time for… My nighttime activities. 

I spend my money on classes, groceries and not much else. Coffee. That’s kind of included with groceries though. And also a boring answer. 

My hobbies are free. So let’s keep it at that.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Jane Lee's first Contract.

I’d go far for it. I’d risk my own neck for it, sure. The major issue I have? Hurting innocents. I think no matter what I do though, not going for my ambition will be worse. Injustice is all around us. Those who are meant to rectify that make it worse. If we the people don’t take action, who will? I’m just trying to start small and work my way up. (That goes so well,famously, in our society.) 

Gonna start by abolishing prison and cops, cut right into the root of active corruption. Pay violence unto violence. But at the same time, I’ve got to remember my place, that I’m doing this to protect people. And that the best way to stop crime is ethical prevention.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Jane Lee's first Contract.

My sensei has always encouraged me. I suppose my defining event would have to be when I picked up martial arts. I was a weak kid. Had shitty constitution. But when I mastered my first kick, I felt powerful. My sensei egged me on to improve.

He was a tough but understanding master. Taught me well, I think.

When I find the time, I practice. That rush of energy it gives me, it fuels my resolve. And on a good day, I can practice against an actual target.

But no one knows it’s me. I’ve created a double life where I act innocent and demure and manhandle annoying customers during the day, and fight crime like a vigilante from a comic during the night. I like to think my training has led up to this fantasy. Except, you know. Not a fantasy.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Jane Lee's first Contract.

My martial arts teacher, Wu Sensei. He would be the one that I’d say is closest to me. Raised me more than my own parents did. Saw past my shy childhood self’s barriers and broke through them, challenging me in order to make me better. I owe so much to him.

My parents. Mira and Cai Lee. Like any Asian parents, they pushed me. Look where that ended up. They were both second-generation immigrants, who had small successes in their lives for some time before the status quo pushed them back down and I was born and raised in poverty. 

Finally, Rosalie, one of my roommates, is someone I’d consider a friend. She and I have similar senses of dry humor, and I appreciate her wit. She’s also a take-no-shit type of person while still being pretty non-judgemental. I dig that. Unfortunately we don’t interact much outside of living together. Last time we hung out was a movie night. We were watching But I’m A Cheerleader. It was a nice movie.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, CONTRACTOR CON


My parents had some hefty expectations for me but no resources to back it up. In terms of academics and talents, I was completely average and I liked it that way. Do just well enough to pass but not too well and have more expectations put on you. I don't know what their fuss was, though. Even if I was the top of my class, I went to a mid public school. It wasn't like I was gonna get into an Ivy League with their income. So, whatever. My life does currently suck, but it wasn't gonna magically become better if I was born a genius.

I fit in fine. Was labelled as kind of boring. Kept to myself. Didn't have a lot in common with the white kids. 

The part of my childhood I did like though was martial arts lessons. And Sunday cartoons, though I'm not admitting that out loud.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, CONTRACTOR CON

Can't say that I have. No one was interesting to me when I was a teen and I'm much too busy to put even an ounce of effort into a dating life. Not that it bothers me. Just seems like a lot more work. I hear my coworkers gossip and yearn all the time and frankly I can't relate. Never had a crush. And I don't give a shit about raising a family, so there's that. 

This question really pisses me off. Everyone keeps pushing towards romance in their lives but I could not care less. I just want a stable income and a fair justice system, and dating isn't gonna add anything to that. Honestly, I also just don't see the appeal of it.