Artemis Kalliste's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Artemis Kalliste's first Contract.

I lived in Silicon valley, San Francisco, California. Though that doesn't matter anymore I was kidnapped taken by those who worked for a corporation. who took me to a hidden lab, and utterly flipped my world upside down. They led me to a pen where i was mauled by a werewolf. They then subdued the frenzied being and carted me off to a lab to recover over 24 hours I writhed in agony as they performed various tests on me. they injected me with animal blood after 24 hours of torture. they never told me what they injected me with, but a group of contractors hired by my parents and freed me. Now I am in witness protection living out in Austin, Texas under Artemis Kalliste an assumed pseudonym. easy really as my first transformation is soon. my house is outwardly a large normal five-bedroom Queen Anne Victorian mansion with a white facade and a a wrap around porch, with a high security wall. but that is all surface level, the house has three floors below ground, to keep me and others safe when it's that time of the month. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link 🔞 Answered before Artemis Kalliste's first Contract.
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3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Artemis Kalliste's first Contract.

I want to be free, free from limits free from guards and free from the people that turned me into a monster, I want magic! Power! an Army ready to heed my beck and call. I will bring magic to the masses learn all magic including healing magic, so I can heal the wounds I inflict when out of control. I will change the world or create a new one or die trying. Money can't buy everything or everyone.  And finally I will make Gen-wyld pay for what they did to me. They think they are untouchable, they think they have the right to destroy people's lives. 

I will live and die a thousand times if it is needed to rid the world of that cancer.  I have nothing against the "modders" but I want to give them an alternative to whatever "Gen-Wyld" is peddling from the suffering of others.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Artemis Kalliste's first Contract.

I have alluded to it, it was my capture and being used as experiments in Gen-Wyld's self serving goals. I was turned into a lycanthrope, They injected foreign animal  blood into me and turned me into a monster permanently, didn't even have the curtesy to let me try and free myself from that fate. I don't know what blood they gave me and I am dreading my first transformation, I am now seeking vengeance against them. luckily my parent's were quick on the uptake and saved me from even more experiments. Even though my fate was unduly altered by those bastards, I won't let them hurt anymore people. Don't get me wrong had they asked and treated me with even a single iota of care, perhaps i would have done it myself, you know "for science!" And everything.... snort too late for that now, my time is short relatively speaking but I won't be going down alone. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link 🔞 Answered before Artemis Kalliste's first Contract.
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6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Thomas Clown Affair

Despite having two wealthy and powerful parents, my childhood was perfectly fine and happy, I was an only child. So I could hog all the love my parents had for me, I wanted for nothing. I quickly became rich in my own right due to my own genius intellect, I didn't have many friends of course. and through out my life I grew really bored of things schools were easy, high school was easy, university and college was only slightly challenging. I did not fit in I was the school idol, the wealthy rich girl. most kept a distance or observed me from afar. Honestly it was really degrading being treated as royalty or a super celebrity. And then I was kidnapped by Gen-wyld and well you know most of what i know about that bullshit, It was only after that, that I was put into witness protection. So Gen-wyld can't find me anymore

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Entombed

No, I have not been in love, at least not that I have noticed, I just not particularly interested in other people, not with my Lycanthropy I have to deal with, my secure bunker was filled with giant claw marks even if I wanted love, it is far to dangerous, If I kill them while i rampage i could never forgive myself. So until i can control myself I refuse to fall for anyone, and should i do so anyway well it's going with me to the grave. That is the most sensible course of action, I will not let anyone see what i become each month. A beast driven naught but instinct and fear. A creature that dwarfs humans. gen-wyld ruined my life I will not do the same to anyone.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Entombed

My worst fear? I have multiple the most prescient are losing control and somehow getting lose during my transformation and killing gods know how many people or worse people surviving and becoming dormant lycanthropes. Another fear, is me losing my parents either pair of them. they maybe my surrogate parents but i wouldn't want them to die either. Then there is the fear of being recaptured by gen-wyld. Being caught by supernatural creature hunters. I am scared that the next contract may kill me, I am so filled with fears for others and myself. I fear that, I may get stuck in my animal form, I am scared that I will end up alone, and I am scared that some news station will discover the truth about me. The next contract marks my third I am worried it maybe my last but I will not stop until i reach my goals and I will not stop until no one poses a threat to me or my friends or family. Would that i did not have all these fears that are buried within me. Would that i could trust myself outside regardless of what time of the month it is. take my fear away. 

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Entombed

My most prized possessions? well I have a few i guess, my clothes are all very precious to me sadly I had to get them tailored due to my new physique. I also adore my manga and light novel collection. it's one of the few highlights of my day to sit back and relax with a good manga series and forget myself in the reveries. Video games are another collection I hold dear, many I have completed multiple times just to see if anything was different. and it's practice for when I go to other worlds now that i have the powers growing within me. Then there is my magic ring and staff that I made. They are my training wheels my pool floaties showing me the way to arcane power and eventual godhood. both of which I made my self using engraving wood work and various other tools to make my companions.