Shinobu Sugitani's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Shinobu Sugitani's first Contract.

Shibuya, Tokyo Japan. Is where i live, I grew up here and it's where my school is. I live in a two story house in the Shibuya suburbs. It has three rooms one is my elder sister's room and one is my parent's room, it has a lounge and full bathroom and a fully stocked kitchen. My room is a typical modern japanese girls room filled with pink, plushies and a study desk with my computer on it.  A vanity beside my western bed set into the corner with the foot of the bed meeting the edge of the balcony doors. In the corner is my kendo shinai next to it is my live katana and tachi. at the southern wall is my walk in closet and my room's door. where my bags hang.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Shinobu Sugitani's first Contract.

My money is an allowance from my Parents, my sister gets money for paying for our living expenses. Our parents are in lucrative positions in the c suite within our family owned corporation. I spend it on my hobbies like video games on my pc parts, on buying manga, light novels and anime, and it is used when I am going out with my friends and family. My kendo gear and maintaining my swords, clothes and cosplay when I go to comiket. I also spend it on art supplies for my manga. I also maintain a motorbike so I don't have to rely on family or public transport to get anywhere locally.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Shinobu Sugitani's first Contract.

I want to be a powerful wizard that can summon an army to do my bidding, and I want the everyone to gain to potential to learn magic, by becoming a goddess of magic. I want to create a world were magic solves just as much as science does, if not more. for example healing magic that could help the disabled, paralyzed, cure cancer etc. I am willing to kill and to die to get to where we should be. I also want to uncover why we lost magic in the first place. From there I would eliminate the cause. My goal is way too important to let anyone or anything get in the way of achieving it. And if i earn a little on the side who cares.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Shinobu Sugitani's first Contract.

I was recruited at the age of 13, on a special exception due to my combat ability and intelligence. Whichled to being invited to join Tsuki no Ken, an assassin squad under the jsdf an extrajudicial execution squad that largely targets people who cause people undue suffering, or those the japanese government wants to silence. There she went through basic, officer training including but not limited to sniping, marksmanship, first aid, lock picking, on top of making her swordswomanship more viable in live combat.  She would still go to school, but she would also be doing higher education as part of her military training. 

I became a hitwoman, for hire and for the government. I was to take out the trash of society, I have killed, I have maimed and tortured. stolen things. I became cold to those outside friends and family. I can't get close to potential marks.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Shinobu Sugitani's first Contract.

The obvious being my Sister Shion, my Friends, Aoi, Miyuki. And my handler Ren 


Shion is my 21 year old College grad student sister, she looks after the house and family expenses. She runs our families multi discipline dojo. She keeps her long black hair short she looks like an ancient princess. her blue eyes shine with mischief.

Aoi Masaki, is my best and child hood friend, we always hang out and discuss the days events. She has long black hair, Black eyes, she is tall and very beautiful. 

Miyuki is my other friend, an androgynous otokonoko, she is a super rich girl that likes to host tea parties and dress up. me and Aoi decided to adopt her and help her with her make up and teaching her about fashion, Shion lends a hand as well. the three of us are close. Luckily i can confide in the two of them when necessary. I will protect them should anyone dare try and hurt them.   


Ren is my independent handler for my squad, he gives me the information and contracts for my kills.