Klein Salinger's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Klein Salinger's first Contract.

I lived all of my childhood and most of my adult life inside a super protected complexe in Antarctica.

It was the wish of my father for me to be far from the world, far from his enemies...

No one should know that I existed.

Recently however, I sometimes take my private jet to go to my mansion In France.

I bought it with the pocket money that dad give me through Teodor (the family banker, or is he a notary...?).

It's way smaller than my previous house but people that came here all say that it's still bigger than the house of the president of this country so I shouldn't be so ungrateful I suppose.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Klein Salinger's first Contract.

My Father is the one giving me pocket money.

Theodor is the one that is tasked to regulate the flow of money I received.

I have the right to a few million per month.

I often spend it on new chefs to have some new food to try or on business about the occult.

I sponsorise a few good websites that propagate the knowledge of the occult and pay some hacker to give me fresh info on the latest cryptoleak.

Those are hot potatoes that are so interesting. Even through most of them are fake in the end.

Recently I economised sufisently to buy a house in France. Dad strangely approved for once.


3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Klein Salinger's first Contract.

My greatest ambition is to uncover the secrets of the occult world.

I'm ready to sacrifice anything for this goal, be it money, lives or myself.

My current objective is to take over the company of my dad in order to not be culled by his wife and my half brother. 

The money will also help me to bring me closer to the fantastic I'm searching for.

The first step of this plan is to make myself an identity as I'm not in any official record on the planet.

Next I will need to find my sick father to take a sample of his ADN and make a test proving I'm his son.

Then it will be a constant battle for succession.


4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Klein Salinger's first Contract.

One night I came back from my game room to eat the dinner without a care in the world, as so many days before.

That's when I heard some strange sound coming from a dark room on my right.

I stoped walking. After a few seconds of incertitude I decided to push the ajar door.

My eyes took some time to accommodate to the darkness.

My mother was lying on the floor in her beautiful blue dress, her long black hairs scattered all over the floor contrasting with the alabaster skin of her arms that seemed to try to grasp the air in the direction of the exit. Her blue eyes wasted by the torrent of tear that was coming from them were rolling without control in their socket.

I didn't understood instantly but this scene was incised in my memory and I later figured that my dad was the reason she was so miserable.

My goal was always to surpass my father from this instant.