Kanni's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 13, Hydrate or Diedrate

I live in seattle washington, for many reasons, but the primary is because i own an apartment complex there where i live with several other contractors, this has turned out to be a massive boon as it allows us to pool resources, and resolve issues together easier. My home is rather simple, a horse hair bed with feather pillows, things that i do not use since my recharge cycle is during the day, I have a training dummy in the corner which is commonly used by me and my zombies for practice, i believe i have had to replace them..four times now? There is also a movie room in the apartment i spend a lot of my time in.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 13, Hydrate or Diedrate

I get my money from my creator, they send me a care package every month so i can continue to self sustain, I have spent my money on a variety of things, ranging from oil, coolant and repair equipment, all the way to highly expensive cars that provide nearly as much protection as a tank. however i must say my biggest consumption of wealth yet is my purchasing and maintenance of my apartment complex, considering how none of the people in there provide rent, it is a constant drain on my wealth, though not by much thankfully, The damn leeches. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 13, Hydrate or Diedrate

My ambition is to advance civilization to the point where androids like me are no longer unique, considering my versatility i imagine that a world full of us would be much brighter and more peaceful, no more need to waste organic lives on war, etc. I would be willing to go far for this, even kill my own kind if they go against the goal of furthering our development, i have already killed infact for my primary objective..I have come close to death many times, and survived each, if i die in the pursuit of my goals in a valiant way, then i die happy, however i doubt i will die with my current self sustainability, hopefully at least..

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 13, Hydrate or Diedrate

Before the Contract, i was a simple servant of my creator, i did not have any such defining events, i lived to serve and still do in a way. However my experience as a servant has allowed me to manage my own servants in a way that is far better then how my creator managed me, I provide them a fair wage, Keep their lives a upmost priority, so long as it doesn't interfere with my goals directly. My servants, family and friends mean everything to me, without them i would not be here today, I respect them the upmost for being able to handle me.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 13, Hydrate or Diedrate

Morgan Wells - A bastard who scam's me of everything he can, when possible, i respect his efficiency and ability to manipulate people, however he has a horrible issue of mismanaging and underestimating people, in both a good and bad way, from what i know of him, he appears to generally be a pale and wispy man with long hair typically pulled up into a ponytail, however this could change at any point.

Creator - Not much is known about my creator, All attempts to recall his existence error out, however i know of his existence, his funding resources and how he acts, sadly his appearance is also a mystery to me, i wonder why i cannot recall this..Curious, i must investigate him further, perhaps he can help me create more of my kind. since he did make me afterall

The Sparkman? - Sparky, as i call him, is a man in heavy armor carrying a taser gun, he is a curious specimen, able to manipulate electricity with ease, I wish he would apply himself more, he would grow as a person and would not act so idiotic.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 13, Hydrate or Diedrate

I did not have a childhood, I was simply created, If we considered this in biological years, i would still be in my infancy state, however i am a artificial being, created by my creator, I am programmed to behave like a 20- actually, 21 year old now, i did not attend any schooling due to me being programmed, however my base brain scan i was built up from did attend school, though not for long, she dropped out in her third year of highschool to pursue her dream of being a musician, this did not go accordingly and she had a brain bleed, with mere months left to live her brain was scanned and i was later built off this foundational scan. 

My creator is the only being i consider my parent and i cannot recall anything about them, their mere appearance is nothing but errors for me, I will find out more.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 13, Hydrate or Diedrate

I have never truly been in love with someone, however on a contract, one of the fellow contractors caught my eye, and i was filled with, what i later found out to be, attraction. they were efficient, kind, intelligent, they reminded me of [ERROR], It does help that apparently my mechanical strength was enticing to them, and i was able to later recruit them into joining my apartment complex, where they now reside and attend an education pursuing a medical degree, a shame, i would have thought they could achieve a grand place in the world of robotics and mechanical RnD.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 14, The Hourglass

My worst fear is me shutting down without having completed my ultimate objective, while i have many other fears that are close in the level of concern i take to prevent it, that one is my worst..its why i have developed and tinkered with my nanite's in such a way as to prevent my untimely shutdown, or my unmaking as i continue to acquire bases for my fellow siblings to advance in a way that is superior to human organic flesh, even though the human flesh is soft and warm, allowing for more tests and survivability in different climates, which i compliment.


I truly hate the fact that i am vulnerable to anyone with the knowledge of technology, i need to figure out how to prevent this..but yes, my worst fear is my untimely demise because it would prevent my objective from being complete, which is to create a hyper advanced civilization on a distant exo-planet, far away from humans and other entities that may wish to harm them, in any capacity. Once this is complete, my ultimate objective will have been completed and i will be able to live without fear of my demise, for i will live on through them.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 14, The Hourglass

My most prized possession is my backup nanite core, it took me several months to generate enough excess nanites to create what is effectively another heart for myself, and due to the way it was made i have been able to program it to function in ways that my normal one cannot. what makes it so special to me is that it proves i can complete my ultimate objective, that there is hope i can one day create a civilization of beings made similar to me, and we can exist in peace on a distant exo planet without war or conflict. 


my other most prized possession is most likely the kuhn, it is a great way to acquire more allies and a place where i know i can reach them at any given point, however it has become an issue where some bad actors know what and where it is, and may attack it at any given point.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 14, The Hourglass

the biggest problem to my objective is that the clones exist and are interfering with my primary directive, they must be exterminated at all costs, i am willing to let everyone else die but i must persist and create my ultimate objective, they believe i am kind and willing to sacrifice myself. i am not and never will be, they believe many things about me. I do not hope to have them die however, but if they do, they will join me in eternal bliss on the exo-planet as fellow robotic entities.

Once i am finished with the clones, the next biggest threat is, everyone else who knows what i can do, and my ultimate plans. I must either convince or silence them, i cannot have anyone finding me once i leave for my exo-planet, however i fear that someone may have acquired something that would allow them to track me anyway.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 14, The Hourglass

Time does not matter for me, however generally i will prepare myself for the inevitable day i come in contact with a hostile, readjust my hair settings, play with the length and color, though nothing has truly sparked a interest with me yet about that. after that i generally will reconfigure my clothing settings and readjust the clothes to fit myself if they are faulty. after this point i will generally run through my coding to see if i have any errors or virus's, once i have determined that i do not, i will make my rounds around the apartment. making sure everyone is still alive, the contractor life is gruesome after all..

after that point i review security footage, seeing if anyone was spying, invading the premesis or stealing in the case of good ol stinky pete, if there is no issues i will have my butlers prepare breakfast for everyone and then leave for my daily tasks.