Warren's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Warren's first Contract.

Boston is an absolutely beautiful city. A place where one can easily fade into the background, work there day to day and enjoy the city life. The historical sites, the modern architecture, the easy access to the ocean, the everchanging weather, the full four season experience, the charismatic people, an absolutely massive food scene, and so much more. The large selection of pharmaceutical companies, chemical manufacturers and labs make jobs a dime a dozen, and suppliers even easier to come by. Of course the many empty warehouses also make a wonderful place to hide a secret lab...


And of course, he was born here. Why would he leave somewhere he was most comfortable?

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Warren's first Contract.

Money comes through contract jobs at the many labs, pharmaceutical companies, and chemical manufacturers in Boston. This money, rightfully earned through hard intellectual labor, is supplemented through black market trade using the abandoned warehouse lab as a base of operations to make and sell illicit substances. With the dual income, Warren is able to not only protect the sanctity of his lab, but also afford one old beat-up pickup as well as a small, almost sad apartment where he eats his small, sad meals alone. When not scraping enough together for the rents, he is blowing the meager extra on food and chemicals.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Warren's first Contract.

Warren has been called by his subconscious mind to rework the entire human genome in the most efficient way possible. Humans are terribly designed, and that should be corrected. Biochemistry, chemistry, and the occult, all together, is the most likely tool, and he will go to almost any means to get it. After failure after failure, the inability to fuse the new genome to the host, the rejection after rejection nearly killing the participants, Warren turned to darker means to further his goal. His first test, naive and young, of the new concoction made of science and magic earned him his waking nightmare, and turned failure into an unforgivable sin. He will evolve humanity, no matter how many test subjects it cost him.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Warren's first Contract.

The first test of a gene treatment used on his partner, Joel. The test seemed at first a success, as over time Joel's body seemed to warp and mutate into the perfect human. For poor Joel, this only lasted a few minutes, as it rapidly degraded, mutating him further and further beyond recognition. As Warren was hauled away in cuffs, he only managed to get a reduced sentence for his good behavior, and only spent a couple short years in a low-security prison for the mishap. That was a decade and a long plane ride away, on a distant coast in a different time. This time, he will get it right.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Warren's first Contract.

Joel Johnson- An old lab partner, dedicated to the field of genetics. Left behind on the West Coast. Together they would have saved humanity from its poor genetic lottery, or would have died passing their work onto their successors. Their research was cut short, as Warren took a shortcut and caused Joel to mutate beyond recognition.


Amelia Challants- A new flame, kindled after years of seclusion. The only one that seems to understand Warren and agree with his methods. Her apartment lies across the hall from his, and they grew closer as they passed nearly every morning and every evening since he first moved to town.


Specter- The underground contact. The one that sold Warren the items he required, and then sold off his products. A secretive man, Warren only rarely sees them, and then they are always covered head to toe. Although they meet rarely, a friendly rapport has grown between them.