Johnny Fiddler's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Johnny Fiddler's first Contract.

McDonough, Georgia but now Russia

Johnny lived in his dead parents farm. He has learnt how to feed the animals and take care of the farm since he was little, so after his parents died he decided to take care of it. After his first few contracts he decided he would live in Russia. He sold his farm in Georgia to his neighbors, with that money he bought a plane back to Russia to live w the tailor he had met at a previous contract. He cant understand him but he still lives with him and helps him with the shop. He plans on making a lot of money and giving it all to the tailor shop to make it a famous tailor shop.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 6, The Rook's Seal

Johnny gets his money from playing the fiddle. After all thats all Johnny knows to do, play the fiddle. He plays in the street of Moscow, or whenever he's contracting and makes money. Johny isn't very good with money, so he buys food and water and then gives it all to the tailor shop owner. One time he gave all his money to an uber driver! Johny cant keep his money for shit, he's always giving it away because he doesn't things for their material value, but rather through their sentimental value, like his golden fiddle.  He is going to continue making money off playing the fiddle in the streets.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 6, The Rook's Seal

I strive to become a famous fiddle player. These gifts that I get from doing contracts allow me just that. For example, I got a golden fiddle, and everyone that sees me play will recognize me as the hillbilly that plays the golden fiddle. I can also cast a little minion (gilryen) to help me with my music. So far those are the gifts that I have, but I want to get more, and become the best fiddler. I've also made some friends along the way, and I want to protect them. Im willing to risk my life for them, I would only kill in self defense, I would never become a traitor. Ive already come pretty close to death at the sanctuary, so I'm willing to keep coming close to death.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 6, The Rook's Seal

My parents died. I was only 8, but my crazy uncle came back to the farm after being kicked out 5 years before. He came back with people that hated my dad. You see, my dad became one of the best farmers, he had the most selling of crops and animals in all of Georgia, and many people hated that, including my uncle. 25 people with shotguns and rifles, including my uncle, burst into our farm and killed as many animals as they could, they burnt down the crops and killed both my momma and dadda. Ever since then I had to take care of myself and the farm, I'm very fragile and when people I'm close to die I act recklessly and cry (Gilryen).

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 6, The Rook's Seal

Well, as of right now there is Mark and Doc. I met them contracting, they are pretty cool. Even though Mark is an asshole, I know he likes me, and so do I. I wouldn't risk my life for neither of them though, they let my bests friend die... Gilryen was my best friend, he protected me throughout all contracts we did together, he even saved my life back at the sanctuary. He could have saved himself and left, but he came back through the fire just to get me. When we got back we got separated. We later on found each other, but he wasn't him anymore, he was a scarecrow. I had to kill him. Anyways, he is still my closest person, he still lives in soul and as my little minions. There was also some other hillbilly from my first ever contract, but I haven't seen him in a while, I hope I get to see him in the next contract...

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 6, The Rook's Seal

My child hood was fun. Everyday i was learning about new crops and how to take care of our farm animals. I also picked up the fiddle pretty quick and my parents called me a genius. I didn't go to school, I was always helping my parents with the farm or playing the fiddle. After my parents got killed I just focused on my fiddling skills and put all my heart into making songs. I also helped with crops and animals, but I didn't sell products or anything, I just tried to keep them alive because they reminded me of my parents. I cant read or write, but why do I need to? All I care about is my fiddle. I do sometimes wish my parents had died tho, I wish they would have reached me how to drive, but I got mark for that. I guess I just miss having someone that loves me and takes care of me.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 6, The Rook's Seal

Im 14. Never been in love. I like women but I haven't met my fiddle lady yet. Now that I think about it, yes I am in love. Im in love with my golden fiddle. I cant live without it. I do want to meet a lady that knows how to fiddle, she will never be better than me, but maybe our children will. As of right now I'm lonely, I got the tailor shop guy, but he doesn't love me, he cant even understand me. I want to learn Russian and get a Russian fiddle baddie back at Moscow. ay ay ay

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 6, The Rook's Seal

My worst fear is seeing my friends die.  I saw Gilryen, my first friend in this contract business, get left behind by Mark and Doc the assholes. He was very hurt, but he still could have made it. Those son of bitches left him to die against 20 scarecrows. When I catched up he had already turned into one of em. I had to fight him for my survival. Not only did I see my only friend die, but now I had to kill him because of those son o bitches scarecrows. 


Other than that I also fear clowns, they are ugly and scawwy. If I ever see a clown I would absolutely shit my pants. Clowns just don't look right to me, especially when they got them scary makeup and when they are big and fat. very scary...


ooh I'm also scared of the inevitable darkness of life which is found in death, an uninhabited place which all that holds is pain and sorrow. I don't know whats after life, and ion wanna find out. I do wish to learn more about them dark magic to bring back Gilryen back to life, but other than that I don't wanna know nun bout death. very scawwy

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 6, The Rook's Seal

My goddamn golden fiddle... Im in love with it, ijerk it off and clean it everyday, my golden fiddle is what I desire the most and if someone ever takes it I'm would kill them and munt them all in one minute. Its very special because its golden and a fiddle. It also holds my powers that I've gotten from contracts and its the next step to becoming the best Fiddler this world has ever seen. 


Another prized possession I have is Gilryen's drippy jacket. Its one of the only things that remind me of him, I can also bring back mini gilryens to help me with whatever I desire by using that jacket.


When Gilryen died I also took his magical spear that he used to save me back at the devilish fire lake in Nebraska. Im really bad at using that spear, but I will get better and stronger to fulfill Gilryen's desires.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 6, The Rook's Seal

My biggest problem is money... Whenever i play the fiddle and make money, I instantly spend it. Im the opposite of a jew, I cant keep my money at all. I either give it all to the tailor shop back in russia, or accidentally tip them ubers all my money. Either way I don't care bout nun money, all I care bout is my fiddle and jacket and spear and farm and tailor shop and overalls and my straw hat. Although if I learnt how to overcome this money problem I could pay for a band and start the Johnny Fiddler and friends band to become famous and be known as the best there's ever been muahaha. But for now I cant take care of ma money, I might have to ask Mark for some financial advice, but he a dumbass and I think he should die and perish in the deepest pits of hell.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 8, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

I wake up, jerk off, wash my hands and make breakfast for myself and the Tailor. After that I js brush my teeth and get to work on the shop.

Some things I do on the shop include fixing the beat up wood or learning how to be a tailor. For example I made a silly little tophat for the racoon that comes to visit me every month for em contracts. I've also learned how to fix Gilryen's jacket and thanks to the power bestowed to me by them contracts it is now magical and indestructible. Pretty sick if you ask me. I also play the fiddle in the mornings and try and make money off of that. Im not greedy like Eliezar so I give all the money I make to the Tailor. I see him as my father figure. Thats all I do on my days, not so fun. Very lonely :(.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 8, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long
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13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 8, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long
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14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 8, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

My biggest regret is not being there for my friend Gilryen when he faced the terrifying scarecrow attack at the sanctuary. We had always promised to look out for each other, but that day, I was distracted, lost in my own thoughts. I still remember the eerie stillness in the air before the chaos erupted. By the time I realized something was wrong, it was too late. I can’t shake the images of the scarecrows menacingly closing in on him, their sinister laughter echoing in the darkness. I replay that moment over and over, haunted by the thought that I could have made a difference. If I had been there, maybe I could have fought them off, comforted him, or even just stood by his side. Regret weighs heavily on me, a constant reminder of my failure to protect someone I cherished. This guilt will stay with me forever, a shadow I can’t escape.


15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 8, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

The nature of my gifts come from my will to save those I love. I realized after my first few contracts that I cant just save those I love, I have to grow stronger, smarter, faster. At first these gifts where going to help me become the best fiddler ever. But now that's just a side hustle. I need to revive Gilryen, and save the ones I love, like the Tailor and mah future bust thick wife. Them harbingers grant my wishes, I usually just dream about my gift, I don't think about them or plan ahead of what power I'm gonna get next, I just either have a nightmare or dream and when I wake up I get that power. I dreamt about the fire back at sanctuary the other day, but this time Gilryen wasn't there, a demon came out of the altar and consumed me, when I woke up I was a tall muscular sexy demon, it only last for about 3 minutes, which then I just fell into the ground and my entire body hurt. Similar things happened with my other gifts, like the Golden Fiddle just apperaning besides my bed, or two minions appearing out of my jacket.

16. How do you feel about spirituality? Are you religious? What do you believe?

Link Answered after Contract 8, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

Well, lemme tell ya, as a 14-year-old who plays the fiddle and has this wild thing where I can turn into a demon, I reckon I think about spirituality and religion in a way that ain’t quite like most folks. To me, spirituality’s like this big ol’ mystery that ties everyone and everything together. When I’m playin’ my fiddle, it feels like I’m tappin’ into some deep energy that makes me feel alive and all connected to the world ‘round me. It’s like music is my way of reachin’ out to somethin’ bigger than myself. Now, when it comes to religion, I find it mighty interestin’ but sometimes it can get kinda confusing. Folks believe in all sorts of things, and that just makes me even more curious. I don’t really follow any one religion, but I see a heap of wisdom in the stories and teachin's out there. I got this feelin’ that there’s somethin' out there, maybe a force or energy, but I’m still tryin’ to figure all that out. And bein’ able to become a demon just adds another layer to my thinkin’. In lots of tales, demons are seen as a bit misunderstood or they have their own set of rules. Makes me ponder ‘bout good and evil, and how it ain't always just black and white. Just ‘cause I can turn into a demon don’t mean I gotta be all bad, y’know? It’s all ‘bout choices and how we connect with folks around us.

17. How do the events of the Contracts conflict with your worldview? How do you react when everything you thought was true is put in doubt?

Link Answered after Contract 8, The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

Well, I'll tell ya what, these contracts sure do mess with my noggin, I reckon. I'm more'n willin’ to figure out more 'bout 'em, but I can’t help feelin’ like some questions just ain’t got no answers, ya know? Like, what happens after we kick the bucket? And if there's a God up there, why we gotta sit back and watch folks suffer? Why’s there gotta be hunger in this world? Shoot, some of these questions just hang there like a cloud with no silver linin’.

And then there’s them contracts. It’s downright amazin’ that when we finish one, we get all these powers, but where in tarnation do those powers come from? If them Gods are givin’ us their powers, why don’t they just roll up their sleeves and do the work themselves? Maybe they like watchin’ us struggle to get through these contracts, like we’re just playin’ in their little game.

Maybe we’re just pieces on a chessboard in their world of fantasy, runnin’ ‘round tryin’ to finish up their little quests. Or maybe this is all just one long, bad dream, and when I wake up, I’ll be right back on the farm with my folks takin’ care of things. Ain’t that a thought?