Runa Ōkami's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Runa Ōkami's first Contract.

I live in Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan. In a luxury pent house apartment. My Family the Okami have been around since before the Edo period. The apartment has a full lounge, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom.  I even have access to the pool, this home filled with luxuries to make my life easier and to show my status, I even managed to get a rooftop forge near the helicopter pad, So I can practice my arts. My bed is a double queen size, my living room has a HD tv and a computer filled with the latest hardware. I live here alone sadly but we can't spare a thought to romance just yet. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Runa Ōkami's first Contract.

My money has many sources, the family inheritance, my own shares in multiple companies both foreign and local. I have many businesses I fully own, from anime and manga studios, light novel publishers, Video game companies and publishers. Many realtors, Vehicle manufacturers, Mining companies, construction companies, defense contractors, multiple forges and steel manufactories, so many businesses that I need to remind myself what and who they are.  I just leave it to the managers and c-suites. 


As for what I spend my money on? Running my forge, home bills, various forms of entertainment including going out. New businesses to buy, or buy stock in. Then there is the clothes and makeup, and maintaining my car, and private jet. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Runa Ōkami's first Contract.

to become a kitsune, and to ascend to goddesshood, anything less would be an afront. I will prevail, I will prosper and I will kill any who would get in my way. To do less is to embarrass myself. If i cannot win I will abandon a job, I can't proceed if I am dead. I maybe willing to risk it but actually dying is problematic. I will bring new races and new creatures to earth. and spread the supernatural, so they are no longer just uncommon curiosities. Even if I must create a sanctuary for them at first a world were humans and the supernatural coexists together in relative harmony. I don't care how long it takes to do it either.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Runa Ōkami's first Contract.

My parent's death hit me very hard, I can safely say I will never get over how they died on that airplane trip to america, on company business only for the engines to die and then explode mid air. hundreds died. I now never fly on public airplanes and only use my own highly maintained jets. where everything is triple checked the extra it costs me to do this is a price I am glad to play for my safety. One day I will find out what happened to my parents but for now I have a higher purpose one that will benefit everyone. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Runa Ōkami's first Contract.

I have two friends and a crush that are very important to me. They are Miyako Tanaka, Naku Tanaka and Yukiko Takeda Chan. The three have been my friends for as long as I can remember but Yukiko is the one I have a crush on. I don't know if she cares about me in the same way. But I am okay I don't want to ruin our friendship over a possible unrequited  love. still we are close enough, maybe I could confess to her but I shan't push my luck. I don't think she is dating anyone, anyway I am getting off track. 


Miyako is my childhood friend and lives near me, we used to be neighbors. I wonder what happened, they suddenly had to move away. She was a chestnut brunette, short straight hair, simplistic dresses and clothes nothing overly flashy. Her older brother Naku had short black hair and was always smiling, he is friendly and outgoing, I had heard he had gotten into college as well. Though it was a community college. While we were friends our families income differed significantly. And they were too proud to accept hand outs or let me pay for them. and then there is my crush Yukiko chan has long black hair and often wears her hair in twin tails, she always had this demure smile on her face, restrained and kind, the embodiment of yamato nadeshiko or Joshiryoku. though I try I am not really full of Joshiryoku myself my hobby is too masculine, muscle defining.  

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Guest Book Getaway

My childhood was filled with training and being inducted into the Okami faith Inari, the goddess of prosperity, rice, travel, sake, blacksmith's and swordsman. And so many different people have their own interpretation of her. My parents Aki Okami, Keita Okami. The two were beautiful kind, and compassionate. they met as college sweethearts and it wasn't long till they got married and had me. I did indeed attend school, and did well all things considered. I did have a couple of friends and a crush but otherwise I didn't fit in, in the sense that being rich meant people weren't trying to be a friend. honestly my happiness didn't last when I had to take over as the head of the family as the only heir my parents had, when they died in that plane accident. Honestly I doubt it was an accident alas I can't prove any foul play yet. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Guest Book Getaway

If you can call a childhood crush a love, I guess I do love her. It was Yukiko Takeda I had confessed to her and we kissed, being accepted was the greatest feeling, well until I discovered the hunger and the curse when our lips locked is when it started. and when I saw her she had aged not significantly but I saw her body size increase. Shamefully I ran away back then, I had hurt the one I loved. Even if it wasn't on purpose, I am still a danger to her and I refuse to hurt her anymore. That was also the day I grew fox ears fox tail and teeth. 

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 2, ANOINTED
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9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, ANOINTED

What is my most prized possession/s? My forge and my black smithing tools, heating metal, bashing out the impurities and molding, extruding metal into shape under my own hands twisting bending, doming, grinding. quenching. Ahhh the sheer bliss of a piece completed and set finished, and my work being tested. it's a hobby but it is one that has helped to keep me sane all these years. other than my forge, my collection of swords, all self made or made by those smiths whose work i love and I get to learn, and improve my own work. one day I hope to be able to forge a weapon one worthy of legends, One worthy of being my permanent companion in battle one that would destroy my enemies, one which will solidify my name in the annals of history. but that's just wishful thinking. I have a long way to go.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Comfortable

The biggest problem in my life, well that would be my hunger for life force. Honestly I can't keep eating people's life. But I need it. The one time I tried to fast, well it was hell, I lost my mind entirely, sleep didn't help and it didn't end well for those high school kids camping. They never found them. For now I only target criminals and creeps. it's easier that way, well it can't last either the daily disappearances of people is eventually going to alert the police to my existance, if not an onmyoji or shinto priest. Or if not poor saps investigating an urban legend about me, hoping for cryptoleaks fame. I wonder how much life I have consumed. I wish this damned hungar came with a status screen, so I could read what exactly it was doing if anything.

Nah that would way to convenient for me, 

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Comfortable

I wake up, to hold on to a semblence of normal life, I have a shower washing my tail and ears. I clean my teeth put on a little makeup, I make my fake breakfast, and then I have my real breakfast. Then I watch the news, read a light novel book, a manga or watch anime. Sometimes I see a missing person I ate and their crying families. I let out a sigh, it sucks when your diet has to include sapient beings. Even if they are criminals or creeps doesn't make it easier for me, I wouldn't have to eat them entirely if I could manipulate their memories, hmmn yea that's the next gift I have to get. It will make my life much easier and I won't have to steal entire lives. Then I get lunch before I start training myself. learning new things, reinforcing old knowledge.  

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Sleepover~!

It would depend, for all cases I would be extra thorough in my bathing, if it's a rich japanese party, maybe a multi layer kimono, if it was a western or modern japanese party. I would wear a beautiful party dress, in all cases I would wear makeup, brush my tails and my ears and hair, wear jewelry and carrying my fan. and bust out the fur care products. For the former it would take atleast two hours. and for the latter about an hour. honestly, don't leave my home for much anymore outside of hunting and doing contracts. Well that might change in the future as i have to do things and be more active and more proactive in keeping myself hidden. So I may dress up even less, or go to parties less and less. Yes definantly need a memory control gift next and after that some illusion magic. 

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Sleepover~!

Well honestly I don't know that's not something that wil happen soon, I age at an extremely slow rate, I age once every four years. Many would kill to have this slow aging, but I do have an annual birthday, just to keep up appearances with my friends. And even then that's a modest affair as I'd prefer their company to a huge party of people who don't even actually care. I leave the big birthdays to the 4 year ones that's all they deserve of my time. I will surely outlive all of them, short of being killed. but by that time, I'll definantly be more powerful. 

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Maikendo

My greatest regret is that Takeda Yukiko, my crush can't touch me without risking her life. That I will never again press my lips to her's for fear I may kill her in my passion. I had to leave her side when I learnt of my abberant physiology. In order to live I must eat people's life force. I want to protect her from myself. At least until I can manage my curse better. Still by the time that happens she might be dating someone else. Honestly I think that would be even worse a fate, though one I'm re-signed to, it doesn't help that I am going to outlive generations of people, going to outlive my children, grand children and great grandchildren. That's likely going to hurt me too should I ever decide to have kids. Maybe if I'm lucky my gifts can be inherited for my children and my children's children. 

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 5, Maikendo

Honestly at this point, it's like they are unlocking gifts I received from inari Sama. Locked behind the genes of my ancestors. My potential. I could ask for something but it seems like each gift I get directly makes me more kitsune more inhuman. More than I was, I feel like someone or something is pushing me to a predetermined path. First my curse it should have been obvious at that point that I wasn't human. But I became complacent and now these contracts are forcing my body to change, giving me more power than I could have hoped for, magic, healing, shields, minions, beautiful electricity flowing through me to smite my foes. What else do they have in store for me what new vistas of power will I unlock and what will I be able to pull off by the end of this will I become a harbinger will I become a god in my own right?