Dimitry Romanov's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Dimitry Romanov's first Contract.

I live in the town of Kavarna on the shores of the Black sea. I live here due to the abilities to smuggle into the countries of Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine. I also have easy access to leave my home if trouble arises. It is imperative to my business to be on the water whenever necessary as access to planes to smuggle is still a lucrative and expensive business, which, although I have amounted a successful and astonishing bit of wealth, I still do not have the funds necessary to bribe government officials and high power individuals. Smuggling via the water allows for easy transference of goods into neighboring countries, and allows me to bribe dock workers and small time officials. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Dimitry Romanov's first Contract.

I attain my monetary status by procuring illicit substances, exotic goods and animals, or otherwise hard to get by items. I use the Black Sea to smuggle my items into neighboring countries using the vast sea to distribute my illicit and exotic goods. I spend my money on my business to keep expanding and growing it. I own some factories and warehouses on the west side of the town in Kavarna, and I own a dockyard to the east that sits on the Black Sea. This vast network of goods and buildings allows for the seamless smuggling of goods into the country and out of the country I reside in. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Dimitry Romanov's first Contract.

My ambition in life is to take over the business of import and export into the country of Bulgaria. I strive to be on top of the market in this business, as well as grow my illegal criminal empire of smuggling and black market dealings. I grew up poor in the country of Bulgaria, and worked tirelessly alongside my father, who worked in the factories of Kavarna, all the while being extorted by the Black Hand, due to my fathers status as Union Chief within the factory. His extortion meant that the factory would freely produce metal parts for the creation of illegal arms within the country, and additionally, he must pay fines to the Black Hand monthly. After the Black Hand was through with their mission to create illegal gun parts, they killed my father and slaughtered the factory workers. They left me as an only child to care after my mother, and I was determined to create wealth for myself and my bloodline for the future. Therefore I will do anything in my power to make my dreams come true. Murder, extortion, blackmail, torture, manipulation, and otherwise moral treachery is not outside my bounds, and I will happily do any of the former, and then some, to achieve what I need to achieve. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Dimitry Romanov's first Contract.

My father was killed infront of my very eyes as a young boy, at the hands of "The Black Hand" and it left me with a burning desire to overcome this adversity, and make a name for myself in the country of Bulgaria. The killing of my father taught me that nothing in life is certain, and there are those in this world who will do whatever it takes to get what they want. And that is what has shaped me up until my time of signing this supposed contract. I have become ruthless and unwavering in my desire to achieve my goals. And I will stop at nothing to get what I want. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Dimitry Romanov's first Contract.

Ivanka - My mother, who is nearing her 50's, who was left widowed after the black hand murdered my father. She lives in Bulgaria near the town of Kavala, in the same residence that I grew up in. I pay for her housing and costs to upkeep the house as she has struggled to recuperate her life properly after the death of my father. 

Aleksei - My most loyal friend, who I have grown up with for all of my life. He was also left fatherless due to the slaughter at the factory my dad was foreman at. He too knows and understands my desires and ambitions and pains more than anyone, and he additionally shares those values, because he too saw what was happening in the town. He is my confidant and the most important person in my life. He alone is the person I speak to when I cannot speak to anyone else. He is my second in command when it comes to my business, and I'd place my life in his hands if the time should ever arise.

Bogdan - He is what I would call an uncle. He was my fathers best friend and was shocked to hear the news of his death. He was there with him nearly every step of the way, growing up with him in Bulgaria, attending the same school, and working under the same foreman. However, when the Black Hand moved into the town of Kavarna, he grew distant from my father and retired from his job as a factory worker, and led a life to become a fisherman on the east coast. He is why I have so many connections into other countries and now know so many different people. 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, (0-3) Hello Vietnam!

My child hood was definitely not one of a desired outcome. There were many hardships that I encountered in my life, especially due to my standing and my fathers standing in my home town of Bulgaria. I wished to become something more than I was and more than what my father was. I helped my father with his business and it wasnt long before I discovered the shady dealings he had to do to survive and continue the survival of our factory workers. It was all so much for him and when he finally refused them one day, he was murdered in front of my eyes. Losing my father was the pivotal moment in my life where I realized that I needed power to succeed in life here. No longer could I be pushed around. I need to survive. Power is survival. And from there I made my life of crime a reality and I needed to expand it. My friend Alexi was there every step of the way with me, and it wasn't long until we ha power. All is well I feel. Hopefully these contracts can help me forget about my past. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, (0-3) Hello Vietnam!

I have never been in love because the loss of my father taught me something. I live a dangerous life. To bring it to someone else would be an unbearable burden. Constantly trying to survive leads to enemies, enemies lead to danger. And danger leads to death if left unchecked. I'd have to be on my toes 24/7, and I couldn't do that for another person. I'm tryin to survive too. I gotta look after the #1 at the end of the day. No one else has to help this guy out but me. I cant depend or let anyone else depend on me.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, (0-3) Hello Vietnam!

My greatest fear is the fear of failure—of losing everything I've fought so hard to build. I’ve clawed my way up from nothing, and every misstep or miscalculation could bring it all crashing down. The Black Hand took everything from me once, and I refuse to let that happen again. Every day, I navigate a treacherous world of betrayal and shifting allegiances, and I fear that one day, those I trust might turn on me or that my enemies might finally outmaneuver me.

There’s also a more personal fear—a fear of losing my closest allies, like Aleksei. He's not just a friend; he’s family to me. The thought of something happening to him, him being killed, is almost too much to bear. His loyalty is something I value above all else, and losing that could be devastating.

And then, there’s the fear of becoming what I despise. In my quest for power, I worry about losing my humanity, becoming just another ruthless player in the game of life. I never want to end up like those who destroyed my father’s life, becoming a tyrant myself.

So, yes, I have fears—fears of loss, betrayal, and moral corruption. They are the shadows that follow me as I build my empire. But as with any fear, I use it to drive myself forward, to ensure that I never falter and that my empire remains strong and unyielding.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, (0-3) Hello Vietnam!

I carry with me a black palm miniature statue, an artifact that’s both a chilling reminder and a dark emblem of my past. It’s a small, intricately carved piece, about the size of a man’s palm, made from a dense, jet-black stone that seems to absorb light rather than reflect it.

The statue is shaped like a stylized palm, with elongated, almost skeletal fingers that curl inwards. The design is both elegant and menacing, capturing the cold, unforgiving nature of the Black Hand. Each finger is etched with subtle, grim symbols and patterns, a nod to the esoteric and sinister aesthetic associated with the Black Hand. The base of the statue is inscribed with faint, but deliberate scratches that form a cryptic series of characters—remnants of the Black Hand’s own marks.

The black stone itself is cool to the touch, and it has an almost unsettling weight to it. I keep it in a small, hidden compartment within the lining of my coat. It’s a constant, oppressive presence, reminding me of the brutality that tore my family apart and the vengeance I seek. Every time I feel its weight against my chest, I am reminded of my father’s death and the oath I made to avenge him.

This statue is more than just a keepsake; it’s a symbol of my unrelenting drive. It channels the rage and determination that fuel my ambitions, a dark talisman that strengthens my resolve. It’s a reminder that every move I make, every decision, is fueled by a deep, personal vendetta. The Black Hand might have taken everything from me, but they also forged my path. And this statue is my way of carrying that dark legacy with me, ensuring that their influence never fades from my memory.