Amy Lightner's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Amy Lightner's first Contract.

Hudson Yards!  So, you know, New York!  It's a nice place, by and large!  Why do I live here?  Well, because my parents live here, silly!  But why do we all live here?  Probably because it's a really nice, safe place.  Everything is really clean, and the schools here are really highly rated!  And there's a really fantastic music program.  I'm not in it yet, but my mom wants me to start on it. I'm thinking the flute, but.. yeah!  I'll see what instrument I like!

There's... some darkness in the streets, sometimes.  And I have to go out sometime and deal with it! And I can.

Because I have to.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Amy Lightner's first Contract.

"Well, I have an allowance! That's where I get most of it!  Although I have some chores and stuff which help, and I have a job after school sometimes!  As for what I spend it on?  Hmmm.  Well, I spend it on various things!  Sometimes I get lunch and stuff, and sometimes clothes and stuff. I buy school supplies occasionally!  Overall I don't really spend much of it!  Most of the things I need I already have, and.. well, I don't know what else I spend it on!  You know,  I sort of like getting nice things!  Like, little things of art and stuff! 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Amy Lightner's first Contract.

The Darkness is in the world. A force of despair, cruelty, decay and corruption.  And I'm striving to rid the world of it.  And... I know that's never going to happen, fully.  Not by my hand, and not by a thousand hands like mine.  Not even a million.

But maybe, just maybe, I can make the world a little bit better.  And that's a good enough ambition by itself. 

How far do I need to go?  I'll put my life on the line.

Would I kill for it?  I don't believe I'll need to kill another person to make the world better.  But the Darkness, the Darkened?  Well.  They're not really human anymore.  Just... husks that were at one point, just existing now to make the world a worse place.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Amy Lightner's first Contract.

Well... probably my Blossoming.  When I went from just being... normal, to being what I am now.  And knowing that I had been given power - or rather, had I always had it? - but with it came responsibility!  And I knew I needed to make the world a better place.  And... and then I was offered the chance to sign the Contract.  And have the chance to keep making it a better place. 

How could I say no?

But yes.  The Blossoming.  It was... the opening of a whole new world, and the knowledge that I was entirely more than human. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, CONTRACTOR CON

Mm, three people?

Well, there's my mother and father!  Although I kinda feel like they just count as one person, simply because they're covered under 'family'!  Sort of! But yeah.  My father is a lawyer, and my mother is a schoolteacher!  And they're both really good people.   They've never left me wanting for anything.

There's Katie!  She's one of my best friends.  I've been best friends with her for what feels like forever, we went to kindergarten together and have shared all the same classes and we really share a lot of the same hobbies!  ...Besides, you know, fighting the darkness.  I don't think there are any other Princesses in the city, sadly.  It would be nice if there were.  There's.. a lot of people that need help.

And James!  James is my homeroom teacher.  He's really super nice, and he helps to coordinate a lot of the clubs I do and stuff! 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, CONTRACTOR CON

Mm, I don't really think my childhood is over yet!   But... well, I guess it's been good!  Really good, by any standard!  I have two, loving parents, I live in a safe area, my family is above average social class!  So.. I have a really good life.  I've always been supported.  My parents, Mark and Nicole, are great.  Not were!  Hmph.  Of course I attended school?  Who doesn't attend school?   Well.  I guess not everyone is as privileged as me.  But yes!  I did!  And I fit in really well!  I'm pretty popular!  Or at least I think I am!  But.. I dunno.  I'm on the cheer leading team, and I'm a mentor, and I try to be involved in things!

Overall, yeah.  I had a good childhood, with good parents, and I went to a good school!  And I fit in, and... well, I want to try to make things good for other people, too!

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, CONTRACTOR CON

Hmmm... nope!   I've had a number of boys have like.. puppy love towards me!  But I haven't really loved anyone! Maybe a couple of crushes, but mostly just good friends!   I mean, I'm sure I'll fall in love eventually!  But I don't know if I want to yet!  Being friends is good too!  As for why not.. I dunno!  I'm young, I'm not in any rush!  I've done like, play dates with some, but... those are just silly!  Love is.. something special, right? 

It's silly, I want to say a willingness to die for the other, but.. I don't know, is that right?   I'd.. not want to die for anyone, but I'm willing to fight to try to save everyone.  I do right now. 

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, And Everything Nice

The Darkness winning.  That's my worst fear, I think.  The Dreamlands being overtaken, and all light and hope in the world being smothered out, replaced with just... the darkness.  The fear and the hate and the greed that is in it, and leaving none of the good left. 

That's why I need to fight it .  That's why I fight it as hard as I can, every day.  And not just with violence, of course!  I have my Levinbolt, but... but most darkness isn't something you can shoot.  Most of it isn't even something you can fight, sadly.  At least, not with your fists.  There's the bullying in the hallways, there's the person crying because they failed a test, there's the fear of going home.  All of those are different aspects of the darkness, and... and I do my best to fight it wherever I see it.  I make friends with those being bullied and convince the bullies to stop, too.  I comfort the person crying, and I help them study so they don't fail it again.  I provide the afraid to go home somewhere else to stay, or at least the knowledge that someone else cares for them.

And as long as I can do that, my worst fears will not come to pass.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, And Everything Nice

My Phylactery.  I got it from the Dreamlands, when I first had my blossoming.  And it represents a channel to my Queen.  Though it I can channel the light that is inside of me, and thus I can enlighten the world.  Though it is the Glory, and with it I can push back the Darkness... in a more physical form, if necessary.  I don't need it in every day, of course.  Most days are the little fights - helping people in school, helping people at the foodbank, and such like that.  Having my Levinbolt and the armor isn't necessary for that! 

Other than that, there's not a ton in physical things I really care about!  I care about people!  There's plenty of things in the world, and never enough people!  So really, thinking about it, I'd say my most prized possessions are my friendships, and my parents, and such like that! 

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, And Everything Nice

The Darkness always pushing against everything is the biggest problem, really.  Well.  Maybe the exhaustion fighting it, really.  I'm tired, like, all the time.  I get up early, I have to do my homework, I have to talk with friends, I help with chores.. and then I have to go to school, and do my classes, and talk with my friends, and help people there, and go to the after-school programs, and then go to the food bank afterwards, and then go try and try to keep people safe!  And all things like that. 

It's... I don't get a ton of sleep, honestly.  So yeah. That's the biggest problem, I think.  But I have to do it.  Because if I don't, who else?  People are just... sleepwalking into the future, and the darkness saps at everything.  And I have to try to fight it, and... I do my little bit.  And maybe if I do, and maybe if other people too, we'll  make the future a little brighter.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, And Everything Nice

Well!  I get up! I have a long shower, I do my chores, I go out into the bark yard and feed some of the birds, and all things like that!  I need to get ready for my day!  Honestly, I sort of consider drinking coffee now and then.  It... might help, honestly. Because like.. I'm always tired.  But I just have to push though it! Because people depend on me and such, right!  So I have to do everything, and get ready, and go and face the world to help push back the darkness!

And yeah. With that, I go and face the world!  I'm... I don't know.  I talk with some of the other Princesses about this, and.. you know!  I think everyone is a lot the same.  Everyone is tired all the time. But we just have to keep going along, because we have to keep going. 

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Detention Homework


I guess it depends on where, exactly, really! 

If it was in the Dreamlands, I'm probably go in my Regalia!   And I mean, thankfully, it doesn't take me to long to transform!  Well, sometimes it feels like a really long time, but it doesn't actually take that long!

And if it was somewhere in the normal world with people I trust, I think I'd do the same thing.  People like seeing me in my Regalia, and.. well, it lifts their spirits.  It lifts everyone's spirits.

But the Darkness has eyes everywhere, too, and... well, I can't always go around in it.  That, and it's exhausting.  So I'd probably just have to get dressed up normally!   And that takes a little bit, doing my hair, and getting my outfit ready, and everything.  Honestly, it takes longer because my mom always likes to help me dress up and she fusses with my hair and everything...

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Detention Homework

I'm going to have a big party!

I always do.  And I always have a ton of friends come, and it's a really big thing and everyone has a lot of fun!  And that's important, right?  And I enjoy talking with people, and it 's a good excuse to have people come over.   Not that I need an excuse, but to have a lot of people come over!  And then it's not just my friends, but I get to spend some time getting other people to be friends too!  And that's important!  And honestly the best present! 

Yay!  I'm already looking forward to it.