Kylie Hardy Adler's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Kylie Hardy Adler's first Contract.

Kylie lives in the most fabulous city in the United States; Manhattan, in the greatest nouveau riche neighborhood of Fresh Kills. She lives in a high-rise apartment with a fabulous view out the landscape window of her living room. Frankly, why would she live anywhere else? She hides in her huge apartment a gallery of fabulous stolen artifacts behind the sort of security systems that would even make it difficult for her to steal, not that she couldn't. Her apartment is rather expansive and opulent, yet elegantly designed with modern flair. The rest of her apartment is similarly, though not quite as well, designed security system. This home is a reflection of her high society lifestyle and her hidden desire for the thrill of the steal.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Kylie Hardy Adler's first Contract.

Residuals, trust funds, stock benefits, blah blah blah. Boring rich people stuff. She has been written out as the main inheritor of the main family fortune, but she is wealthy off the family benefits long before that. Sure, she could sell the things she steals and make even more money, but then she wouldn't get to keep the trophies of her accomplishments. No, it's more fun to live the life of the idle rich by day, even most nights. She eats expensive meals, parties in expensive clubs, goes to fabulous auctions and bids on ridiculous artifacts... then steals the ones she gets outbid on or even just burglarizes the auction house if she wants to cause a scandal.