Wynona E Mori's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Wynona E Mori's first Contract.

I live in a Secret unknown location in Italy. I live in Italy because its diverse and interconnected culinary community might offer valuable connections. These connections may offer opportunities to exploit, whether for accessing exclusive ingredients, or finding potential accomplices. The vibrant culture and bustling markets of Italy provide ample opportunities for me to blend in, gather intelligence, or find unique items to steal. I enjoy living somewhere that allows me to feel like I am apart of a rich culture while relieving people of their riches and enjoying delectable bites in the finest dining places. This will provide me the access, ability and continued inspiration to reach my end goal. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Wynona E Mori's first Contract.

While being a chef is not the most lucrative profession for me yet I make up for that by selling rare or stolen culinary ingredients, rare kitchen tools, or exclusive recipes on the black market. I try to ensure I only sell to those that appreciate my finds and will not sabotage any rival chefs. To be the best you have to beat the best. Sometimes the opportunity presents itself to execute sophisticated heists in luxury restaurants or gourmet food stores, targeting valuable items like truffles, aged wines, or expensive kitchen equipment. Or do undercover work as a consultant in high-profile restaurants that do not have a good morale core. I then can use the position to gather information, rare ingredients and high end kitchen tools. I then discreetly sell them or use them to enhance their own illicit operations.

When all else rodeos.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Wynona E Mori's first Contract.

I hope to use my culinary expertise to develop highly nutritious, affordable, and easily accessible food solutions. They could create innovative recipes and techniques to maximize food efficiency and minimize waste, aiming to provide sustainable nourishment to those in need. During this I hope to use animal events like rodeos to provide access and Better utilization of animals that are killed in these circles. Using the accomplices and connections developed in my covert actions i could establish a clandestine network of donors, activists, and volunteers to discreetly support food distribution programs and humanitarian efforts. Their connections might allow them to bypass bureaucratic obstacles and deliver aid more efficiently. Operating covertly, I can setup underground kitchens or food hubs that provide free meals to impoverished communities. Their skills in high-end cuisine could help create appealing and nutritious meals even from limited resources. By maintaining a dual identity, the chef thief might fund their humanitarian efforts through successful high-profile heists, rodeo networking or profitable ventures. The funds acquired could be invested in large-scale agricultural projects, food banks, or research into hunger solutions.

With this strategic approach, I will target corrupt entities or inefficient systems within the global food industry, redistributing wealth and resources to ensure a more equitable distribution of food.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Beware the Assassin!


"I’ve cooked for royalty, celebrities, and food critics," Elias began, "but nothing compares to the feeling of serving a meal to someone who hasn’t eaten in days. I’ve seen what hunger does to people, and it’s a pain no one should ever have to endure."

Wynona’s earliest memories were filled with the warmth of her childhood tiny kitchen, the aroma of home-cooked meals, and the sound of laughter and stories shared around the dinner table. Food was more than just sustenance; it was a means of connection, a way to show love, and a source of comfort during tough times.

When Wynona was just eleven years old, unspeakable acts happened in her village and her father passed away suddenly. The loss was devastating, and the burden of supporting the family fell heavily on her mother’s shoulders. To help ease her load, Wynona began cooking, learning to prepare their traditional dishes that would feed her family and the rest of their village. It was in those moments, standing alone in the kitchen, that Wynona discovered his passion for cooking. It became a way to honor lost lives.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

my Mother: She’s the cornerstone of everything, she is also my emotional and practical support. After the tragedy of losing my father and enduring the hardships that followed, she dedicated herself to providing her children with a better life. Her sacrifices and unwavering support not only shaped my resilience and work ethic but also deeply influenced my values and culinary passion. Her strength and determination is a profound source of inspiration.

 Father: Even though he’s no longer present, father remains a significant figure in my life. The memory of him and the loss i suffered have influenced the my drive and perspective. My father’s legacy plays a role in my culinary style and commitment to honoring my family’s memory through my work.

My Mentor: This could be a person who provided guidance, inspiration, or training to the chef, helping them develop their skills and navigate their culinary career. This mentor might be someone who recognized the chef’s potential and offered support during a critical time, shaping their professional journey and personal growth in the culinary world.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

The chef’s childhood was marked by both hardship and resilience. After the atrocity that claimed their father’s life and devastated their village, their early years were filled with struggle and adaptation.


I did attend school, but my experience was complicated by my family’s circumstances. My focus on helping my mother and my need to contribute to the household made my educational journey challenging.

Fitting in at school was difficult. I faced stigma and isolation due to my family's financial struggles or the trauma of my past. This experience led me to find solace in solitary pursuits, like cooking, which offered a sense of control and expression. I often made things for my teachers and found they were very supportive in my endeavors and understanding to my situation. They too were aware of the atrocities my village faced.

My childhood was defined by loss, struggle, and a deep connection to my family. My mother’s unwavering support and the memory of our father shaped their values and passion, while my challenging educational experience influenced their path into the culinary world.

The kitchen became a sanctuary where i could channel emotions and creativity, learning to cook as a way to support my family and escape the hardships of the daily grind.


7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Passing the Hours

Given the tumultuous background and intense focus on supporting my family and pursuing my culinary dreams, romantic relationships have been a complex and nuanced aspect of my life that has not been the biggest priority for me.

Romantic relationships have been few and far between due the struggle balancing my personal life, my commitment to culinary success and my extracurricular pursuits. Relationships bring both joy and challenges, forcing me to navigate the tension between personal desires and professional obligations. But not being able to share my whole self makes it difficult to find enough joy to maintain a real relationship.