Keiko Harashi's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Keiko Harashi's first Contract.

Keiko Harashi lives in Kyoto, Japan. They were diagnosed with ADHD, Autsim, Anxiety, Depression, Asbergers,and anti social at a young age. They wanted to become a Geisha woman but also later in life a gamer so they strove to over come their issues succeeding on the anti social for the most partat around middle school. In Elementary she strove to become great a calligraphy so she strove for it for a long time and in middle school going into high school she became a Maiko and did very well after she over came her anti social with help from the other Geisha women and her friends. She became a gamer after high school and fully embraced both of her paths and has gotten a very luxurious life that many envy but she wants something more to her life than just fame.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Keiko Harashi's first Contract.

Keiko, after she hit 19 years old she became a Geisha for many parties and etc for people as she became highly sociable and understanding to others helping people figure things out and being pretty friendly about issues helping them discover solutions through mutual assistance and such. She got a lot of money hpsting for rich families but also her side gig as a gamer girl using a Kitsune character model making a ton of money as she became quite popular for talking with her chat, playing games, making conversation about deep topics and not being harsh but pretty fair about them and playing a variety of games but also letting chat decide things in games when she can't.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Keiko Harashi's first Contract.

Keiko is willing to risk her whole life for this ambition. She wants to become a Kitsune as she doesn't wish to be human and she hasn't ever felt like a human she's always felt like a Outcast amongst society despite her charms and such otherwise. She already has setup her family to live very comfortably for the rest of their lives even without her so she isn't worried about them dying or such due to her choice to do this. She wants to became a Kisune even if it kills her to experience something new and become more than just a mere human. She will gladly kill for it but she doesn't wish to kill innocent people but will if it becomes absolutely necessary to do so.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Keiko Harashi's first Contract.

Keiko saw a Kitsune in a livestream once and she became obsessed with finding out how to become one delving into culture, talking about them to her chat asking about them, what people think of them, and etc. Eventually she decided she would become one no matter and she devoted a chunk of her own resources to finding out how and finding out about the contract system she prepared herself to take on contracts to achieve her goal in exchange for doing whatever is asked of her. Her life has become much more exciting and scary since she made this choice but she refuses to go back no matter what.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Keiko Harashi's first Contract.

Mother, 47 years old, Namani Harashi. Keiko was always close with her mother as she pushed her to grow and embrace her dreams no matter what they were the same went for her younger brother.


Father, 45 years old, Itzuga Harashi. Never really close to her father he is a successful businessman who runs a massive pharmaceutical company but he always made sure Keiko and her brother was okay no matter what even if it put him at risk.


Younger brother, 20 years old, Ashada Harashi. They are a few years apart but Keiko has always been super protective of Ashada even getting into fights with her family, bullies, and etc over him. He looks up to her and is a more athletic and more physical individual as he seeks to join the JSDF this year.


Closest to younger brother. Keiko and Ashada have always fought for each other and got along great though their talents lie in opposite fields they are both always ready and willing to fight for the other even as their own expense.