Captain Ten Zero's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Captain Ten Zero's first Contract.

Dayton Ohio, a fitting place for a pilot determined to take over the world to make his start.  Why is it such a perfect place?  It's were the Wright Brothers built the first powered air flight.  So it's only fitting the next era of air superiority starts here as well.

My designs of the latest flying fortress prototype have finally gotten off the ground with the vessel, The Dawn Hammer.  And she will prove to be a valuable asset, not just for myself, but my new enterprise as well.

Hammer Enterprises is striving to lead a revolution in many industries to show the world exactly what we're capable of.  Computer Science, Metallurgy, and determination drives the world forward, and I will lead the way!

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Captain Ten Zero's first Contract.

Why I am the sole owner of Hammer Enterprises.  A large and successful manufacturing company that's come out of nowhere.  You might be surprised to know our products are actually in many places every day items that you use.  From coffee makers, to container ships.

We are happy to expand our product lines to include finished products.  We'll be releasing a new car line soon.  I hope you are ready for it.  I really can't say any more then that.  Hammer Enterprises is ready to take over the manufacturing world, and the world isn't ready for us.

As proof, I present you the 'Dawn Hammer' airship.  Built entirely in house.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Captain Ten Zero's first Contract.

The better question is why I want to take over the world.  A man doesn't nearly take over the world and do nothing with it.  There's a whole universe out there, and this planet is so small.  Humanity has a whole universe out there, ripe for the taking!  Anyone who's scared of me, only wants to hold humanity back!

Humanity will reach the stars!  Even if I have to drag them kicking and screaming!  Then once we're there, Hammer Enterprises will develop the engines to get us to the neighboring stars.

Humanity must survive!  Humanity must perceiver.  We didn't just make it this far to simply fade into the night!  Humanity will leave it's mark if I have anything to say.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Captain Ten Zero's first Contract.

The most defining moment of my life as CEO of Hammer industries would have to be the launch of our latest test bed platform...The Dawn Hammer Airship.  She was made from special, experimental alloys that took the best minds in the business to develop.  Her frame was designed by the most skilled and dedicated designers in the world.  Finally, the Dawn Hammer was assembled by world class engineers, hand picked by yours truly.

The Dawn Hammer is a modern marvel of engineering, and I do declare that she is unsinkable.  The Dawn Hammer will mark a new dawn of aviation engineering.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Captain Ten Zero's first Contract.

Speech by Ten Zero during the launch of the "Dawn Hammer."


"The three most important people in my life would have to be my mother, my good friend Dan Carter, and my Chief Engineer, Samson Hephaestus.  Without their commitment the success of the Dawn Hammer would have never gotten off the ground.

Mom, without your constant pushing for me to never give up on my dreams, I would have never achieved what I have.  Also, thank you for all the chocolate chip cookies you made for me as a kid.  May you rest in peace.

Dan, without your networking abilities, I may have never met the people I did.  Without your support, Hammer Enterprises would still be a lone manufacturer of increasingly outdated parts.

Samson, without your genius mind, the Dawn Hammer would have never been feasible in my lifetime.  Maybe not even in the lifetime of our grandchildren.

Thank you so much for everything."