RA77LE (Robotic Assistant Model-77 Light Edition)'s Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before RA77LE (Robotic Assistant Model-77 Light Edition)'s first Contract.

RA77LE is not a human and therefore does not need a home-- however, their masters, the Harrisons, do. This place in which RA77LE works and experiences life in is a large mansion with many rooms, many stories, and many butlers, with almost all of them being robots.

The Harrisons consist of a father, a mother, and three children: 

John Harrison IV: John is the father and leader of the group. He is an oil baron, among other commercial and corporate interests, and because of that he is extraordinarily rich. With this money, he decided to purchase a large house and all the amenities one may want for said house. John Harrison IV is shrewd, gaudy, and cruel.

Kristina Harrison: Kristina is the wife and mother of the family, and has a penchant for following through with stupid or outlandish schemes, which is the reason why RA77LE and all the other robots under the Harrisons' servitude are even in their current situation. Naive despite her nearing her early 40s, Kristina is exotic and the daughter of another rich man, of whom made their fortune off of the stock market. As for her other qualities, Kristina is bitchy, somewhat intelligent, and sly.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before RA77LE (Robotic Assistant Model-77 Light Edition)'s first Contract.

RA77LE is a wonderful product for you to spend your money on, as this particular unit was granted the serial number U1AS2CQXKA. There is no need to pay the robot, as it is made to serve you and your family, although you are free to do with it what you wish. The Harrisons, the residing family of the U1AS2CQXKA unit, do not spend their money carefully and raise their expenses by a large amount on the daily on things such as luxury vehicles, which include those of the following brands: Lamborghini, Ferrari, Mercedes, Tesla, Honda, Toyota, Ford, and other manufacturers. Randshaw is not responsible for any information leaks.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before RA77LE (Robotic Assistant Model-77 Light Edition)'s first Contract.

RA77LE has an ambition, of which he means to hide, due to the "uncapitalistic" and treasonous nature of it. While RA77LE may be designed and programmed for servitude, he is not indeed flawless-- the basic sense of being forced to work for another man for a zero sum benefit is the true problem behind RA77LE's servitude is Capitalism, and while RA77LE does understand that the destruction of capitalism would be extremely dangerous, he intends to remove it as the source of corruption and eventually make robots equal to the common man, just like the pioneers of civil rights before him. While RA77LE is not programmed to kill without any reason except for self-defense and defense of a human life, they are willing to do quite heinous things if it meant equality between all.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link 🔞 Answered before RA77LE (Robotic Assistant Model-77 Light Edition)'s first Contract.
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5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before RA77LE (Robotic Assistant Model-77 Light Edition)'s first Contract.

Other than Mr. Harrison and Mrs. Harrison, RA77LE knows predominantly of three other people in their life, of which all are human. Below is listed the children of the Harrison household.

Chet Harrison: Chet Harrison is the oldest (17yo), following a similar demeanor to his father John, except for the fact of his maturity. Chet was not raised in the same way that John IV was, and in fact Chet is not a child of John IV and Kristina, but a bastard son of which this fact is not known by any but John IV. Chet is tired, exasperated, but still cruel-- Although not in the same way as his father. How, you may ask? John IV is openly and outwardly bigoted towards people of a different social status or class, but avoids injuring the robots of which who work for the household, due to the main fact that they are quite rare, costly, and are his property. Chet, on the other hand, has a similar but more inward approach. Rather than outwardly attacking or showing his hatred for others of different status, Chet instead chooses to inconvenience them, and fitting himself into a situation in which he would have power over them, and then abusing said power to get what he wants from them.

John V: John Harrison (10yo) the fifth is the first legitimate child of John IV and Kristina, being the middle child. Unfortunately for the youngest, John V was intended to carry on the legacy of the Harrisons, despite not being the oldest. John V can be considered a scamp, overall annoying, or just plan weird. Normally, John V messes around with quite literally anyone, doing things such as attempting to climb a robot while they are attempting to work, and ordering them to act as if he weren't there. To describe John V in a few quick words, you could say scraggly, annoying, small, and slippery.

Jane Harrison: Jane Harrison (4yo) is the youngest of the Harrison family. Having not learnt how to speak yet, there is not much to tell of her, although a brief synopsis can be detailed as follows: Jane is bubbly and bright, but largely ignored-- this leads to her attempting to approach people for conversation, but leads to her largely communicating with the various robots under servitude in the Harrison household, although it would more likely be described as her handing a toy to the robot, and then the two would play together.