Frank Binkle's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sugar & Spice

New York, New York, the site of my talk-show. Good Afternoon America. A lovely place filled with horrible people, great food, and easy access to just about anything. A studio apartment may not seem like much, but its enough for me. A bed, a shower, a small kitchen, and a garage to hold my car. A lovely car that allows me access to my second "home" outside the city limits. A much bigger location, with beautiful views and amenities befitting a personality such as myself. The seclusion is great when I get overwhelmed from people asking for my autograph every day in the big city. What a beautiful life I live.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sugar & Spice

My money comes from the employment of my charismatic personality, used upon the televisions of all my adoring fans. As for spending, self-protection and pleasure take priority. A house outside the city, dinners at extravagant places, and beautiful art for me to enjoy. Saving is also important, as I do not wish to host forever. Some day I will retire to a warmer place, perhaps take up boating or flying, and enjoy the sweet life of retirement only afforded to those of celebrity status such as myself. Perhaps I should purchase the services of a personal chef next, or maybe a trainer...

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sugar & Spice

Ah my ambition. Well at first it was just to enjoy life too its fullest, but I was shown a better way. The true way. The Ones that Came Before deserve this world more than we. They require my assistance to shepherd the flock to their waiting arms. I will open the gates, by any means. I have killed before, as required by them to bring forth the first emissary of their will. I will kill again as they require. Their words come to me in the night, when I sleep I dream of their coming. I cannot die until the work is done. They will bring us to a new age of wonder and enlightenment. They will save us all.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sugar & Spice

My first time hosting Good Afternoon America. I was a janitor, and on that day the hosts had been arrested for drunken driving, and most of the crew was out on holiday. They threw a suit at me, had me sit down, and assured me I would only have to read the teleprompter. At first I was stunned by the glaring lights and all consuming cameras, but quickly I shined like the star I am. By the time the hosts made bail, I was signing my contract to take their places. I went from swabbing buckets to rubbing elbows with stars in the blink of an eye.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sugar & Spice

1. Charlie - The new janitor

I was in his position once. I understand what it is like to be forgotten, taken for granted and looked down on. So He was the first I indoctrinated. It was easy, he had no friends or family, and I was a big star already. Now he silently prays to the Ones that Came Before.


2. Rita - Co-Host

A wonderful woman who accentuates my personality on and off the camera. Someday perhaps I shall court her properly, but only if the Ones that Came Before require it. They have my heart now and I cannot share it without permission.


3. Mike - My Barber

A lovely man who listens to all my troubles while properly accentuating my natural good looks. If only I could tell him about my patrons, or the new powers I have acquired... Perhaps one day I shall bring him into the fold.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sugar & Spice

Perfectly normal in every way. Normal parents (dead to cancer and alcoholism at the age of 20), who loved me as much as everyone else's (beatings, cigarette burns, basic family stuff). School was boring, too many wasted classes where no one learned anything more than basic math, but the kids were alright and the teachers loved me enough to let me do just about anything I wanted. College was fun, people took great pity on me for my dead parents, that mixed with my instant likeability made for a smooth ride. Until I dropped out of course. Who needs a college degree to get into the TV business? Certainly not me of course. Hard work and determination is all one needs, my father beat that into me every night. I admire his dedication to his craft, welding isn't as glamourous as it sounds. He did make enough for mom's "meds" at least, so she barely felt anything at all.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Sugar & Spice

Yes. My co-host Rita is the love of my life. If I were allowed it, I would sweep her away and marry her on the spot. However the Ones that Came Before require my full attention. If they allow it, one day I will ask her to be mine, however for now they are my true love. They have my heart, body and soul. Their will is my very reason for living. However I hope one day their will pushes me in her direction, and allows for just a little bit of selfishness. Until then she shall have to remain just a friend.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Where's my Water?

My worst fears include but are not limited to:


The dark. I know what hides in it. My masters are not the only ones. They have shown me glimpses into what lies beyond, and they are by far the best and only option we have.


The light. If I am found out I will not be able to complete my works. Of course there are others, but we are each vital to their plans. Their will must be done. I must not fail them.


Anonymity. I am a star. All shall know of me and I will not go quietly into that dark night. I am not a pauper set to die alone on the street. I will go out with a bang, with my name on everyone's lips. 


Mannequins. Those facsimiles of life are always up to something. They have lives of their own and are willing to kill for little to no reason. Mannequins harbor ill will to all living creatures, and are known to sneak around when no one is watching. We must remove them from this plane of existence, and The Ones that Came Before promised that when the time comes, they would carry out this important task.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Where's my Water?

My most prized possessions are my bone pendant and sacrificial dagger, given to me directly by The Ones that Came Before. Through these items I am connected to my masters, and through them I am given instruction and power. The pendant and dagger allow The Ones that Came Before to enter my dreams and show me the real truths of this world. As terrifying as they are, each nightmare brings me closer to their embrace. Each item is as important as a limb, and I will defend them with ferocity and guile. I will use them to carry out their will, tearing holes in the fabric of reality and bringing the sheep to the slaughter. Perhaps I will be given more items as I prove my worth, and they will be just as precious as these. I am not too worried for them though, as they have promised me replacements should they be lost.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Where's my Water?

The biggest problem I face at this very moment is Jane Dawson. She has no direct evidence that I am the perpetrator for her husbands untimely demise, but she may still come after me some more direct way. I plan to have my followers deal with her, and perhaps hire a body guard to watch me in the nights. One that I have corrupted to my cult perhaps. She has very little to work with, thankfully. Her husband was an abusive drunk, and everyone at the studio knew it. Perhaps she has a secret fund or sugar daddy somewhere, but as far as I remember she was loving and faithful to him. Poor thing, she will be easy prey for my people. You know, I'll even reopen the case using my show. Ask why she was never suspected in his death, maybe the police will do my job for me.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Where's my Water?

My morning begins with a quick workout routine to keep up my beautiful physique. After several reps, I wind down with some yoga and a nice hot shower. After doing my hair and picking one of my beautiful suits, I eat a wonderfully large breakfast. Over breakfast I pray to The Ones that Came Before. They occupy my mind throughout my day and deserve the recognition for their magnificence. On most days I will spend a portion of my morning at the nearby soup kitchens. Spreading my influence and staking out weak members of society ripe for conversion. On other days, the ones I spend outside of New York, I spend my morning enjoying the picturesque scenery, sipping coffee, and preparing The Entranceway. Beyond these things I would love to sleep in more, but alas the life of a celebrity starts bright and early, as the fans require our attention.