Noah West's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Gold Nest, Silver Nest

Noah West lives in Braunschweig/Germany

Braunschweig a City in Niedersachsens is not really a big town but ist not small ether so he always describe it as the perfect City not to big not to small you know many peopel there but always meet new ones but as always there also bad peopel and crimes but Noah he likes that he likes the Clubs the Crazyness all over Town hidden in the shadows only a few get to see and some mysteries you would never think about that someone or something would be in this inconspicuous city and because aof things like that he could never leave that place  alos he got buisness to do

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Gold Nest, Silver Nest

Noah west is always on the streets ether selling drugs or he goes tho the pimps to squeze out ther pockets but mostly he is selling drugs sometimes even weapons when he find the right costumer. Most of the time he spend it on Drugs or good food but most of the time he just save it or spend it for the buisness but sometime and this is a realy rare thing he does that he will take some money and give it to church in particuilar a Priest he knows for quite a wihle who will do gokd deeds with it

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Gold Nest, Silver Nest

Noah want just three Things to Power, Money and to get High so he set his goal high and try to controll what he wants so he set his ambitions straight to anything crime realeted like Drugs, Weapons, Human trafficing and even the selling of CP although he hated to do this but for his goal to get great power so no one can fuck with him he would do anything you could be his best Friend for a great ammount of Power or enough Money he will kill you or if you just give him some weed he would also be cool with that but he would never put himself or his family in danger what he would never do.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Gold Nest, Silver Nest

He saw many things as a kid and started realy young in the drug "Buisniss" he knew that the persons he dealing with are like rats or Cockroaches yust dirty an self centert but he tought he cloud deal with it but every one has his limiits when he was at the age of 13 he saw something he could never forgett the day was normal Noah got home from School he took his "Stuff" and got out to make some miney while going to a reguillar of his he got a message "I need the stuff now for 50 Bucks" Noah knew that the person was a Junki with family but Noah only saw the Money so he made a quick stop to sell some H to the men he steppt into his appartement he wehre he greeted him half naked Noah knew the guy he was also a raguillar but something was off Noah asked if he cann go to the Toilett after he gave him his "Stuff" he didnt even give him a answer he was to focus to give him and his Girlfriend (also a ragullar) a shot  and heat up the spoon on his way to the Toilet he alway looks in the room where there kid sleep to see if hes well and every time the kid who was just a baby will laugh when he sees him because of his big afro but this time nothing he tought for a second the baby maybe sleeps but the parent were to loud for that so when got closer to the semingly Sleeping baby and wantet to pick her up to see if anything is wrong he instanly knew whe he touchted her that she was dead he couldnt now he wanted to check why she died he just puttet her back in the bed and leaves as fast as he can the Father tried to stop him or he just tried to buy more Noah didnt care he just got out of the es quick as possible and he never returnet or talked about what happend at that day.