Gertrude's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Gertrude's first Contract.

I live in Bloomington-Normal IL.  I grow up here and There are too many cats to help to move away.  once all the cats are off the street, i will move to the glorious city of Indianapolis!  I've always wanted to move to a big city.  I live in a 2 story brick house that was built in the early 1900's.  the front lawn is grass that is mowed down and not much more.  the back yard is fenced in by a tall wooden fence and inside is a catio that fills the whole area.  The inside has hard wood floors and dark hardwood molding and baseboards.  there are about a hundred cats inside. they are on every surface.  there are cat towers and steps on the walls. Hammocks in every window.  upstairs there is two bedroom.  Only one has a bed. down in the basement is racks full on cat food, litter, flyers, kennels and other cat things.  The house doesn't smell like cat though.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Gertrude's first Contract.

I have a small amount of inheritance for emergencies from my parents dying in a car crash.  I mostly work a vet clinic part time as kennel help.  I also rely on donations from the community and adoption fees. Working  at the clinic allows me to have discounted vet services, which keeps the costs down.  I run adoption days and set up booths at the local fairs to raise money and awareness of over population.  I spend on the cats first, then me.  They always need cat food and cat litter. Then food for me and then my needs.  Lots of Ramen in my life.