Allison Cooper's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Allison Cooper's first Contract.

Allison lives in Brooklyn, New York in a decently sized converted loft above a warehouse. She chose to live in Brooklyn to its dense population and wide variety of Jobs. She could live any other populated city, but she found Brooklyn to be her type of area as she been here a while a knows a fair amount of people. 

Her home is actually fairly nice, with pictures hanging on the walls with nice big windows providing good sunlight into the loft, she has a small staircase leading up to an artificial second floor which holds her bed and wardrobe. back down starts there is a single door leading off to the bathroom which has a shower, toilet, and sink. The living/kitchen area is fairly decorated with a couch and arm chair adjacent to it with two bookcases on the other side of couch filled with books almost over flowing.. the Kitchen has a few cupboards with a nice stainless steel fridge. 

On the Outside she lives in the industrial district, above an abandoned warehouse which is closed off to the public, although she has access due to her living above it.. she also has access to the roof which has a fireplace with a sitting area around it allowing for nice evens on the roof.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Allison Cooper's first Contract.

Currently Allison gets her money from pickpocketing some of the wealthy people in Brooklyn and even in New York city, although most of things she gets she gives away to other people to help out the people down on their luck. With the money she keeps, she usually spends it on maybe a nice meal, or even a drink.. but most of her free has almost always went to books as she is an avid book reader. However, her reading time has drastically shorten as she is now doing much more in her day to day life as she goes on contracts. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Allison Cooper's first Contract.

Allison's Ambition is to punish the billionaires and even Millionaires who do nothing but continue to accumulate wealth without helping out the poor, While also attempting to fix the wealth inequality current happening around the world. Although she would go to any lengths to accomplish her goal. She draws the line at murder, unless it is the very last resort. She maybe me a criminal, but doesn't mean she is heartless. Even those who attempt her harm and hate she will never attempt to kill anyone. 

Although, she is willing to die to help out fellow man. She is constantly helps out anyone who comes to her or she see needing help. Offering people a place to stay or a free meal she would cook for them. Although this had lead to some people taking advantage, leading to fights. Allison would just attempt to ask them to leave her house and attempt a peaceful resolve. However this never stopped her from continue to keep giving out things to other people.