Dolores Lucia's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Dolores Lucia's first Contract.

Dolores currently resides in a nomadic desert encampment just outside of Socorro, New Mexico. While others travel using trailers and other vehicles, Dolores prefers to walk and sleeps in the simplicity of a large, but worn out tent. She has few belongings and enjoys keeping it that way; ready for the next time they inevitably need to pack up and head out. Her and the others require the isolation that the desert provides. When they eventually settle down for a moments rest, they camp on the outskirts of cities and listen in on radio frequencies; keeping an eye and ear out for any others in lab captivity that may need rescuing.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Dolores Lucia's first Contract.

Dolores and her travelling band get money by many various means. The way they make the most money is by selling any valuable looking pieces of technology from the labs they raid and selling them on markets and bartering. On occasion, they are known to do the traditional nomaidic art of dancing and performing but for the most part, they take up small or temporary jobs within cities. Dolores' does not care too much for money and only works towards making money when it is absolutely necessary. If anything, for her recreation, she enjoys makeup products and will buy it with any spare funds she may have.