Baga (the civilized) Markov's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Serbian Gamble
DR Alekseyev Trulbolsk
Log Entry: 001


When they said that this new outpost was big I never expected something as magnificent like this. The company wants us to monitor this region for a month to see how much global warming is effecting our nation and its wildlife. This seems to be a joint operation as I am seeing a lot of foreign flags and faces, it is no problem though, as long as they leave politics out of the way of our objective.

Dr Alekseyev Trulbolsk
Log Entry: 3,650


Ever since the day I found Baga, I had dedicated my life in studying him. I've been in this facility for 10 years, most of group 4 had sworn their life into keeping Baga's existence a secret in exchange they get to go home. The rest stayed with me to continue to study Baga, some wanted more and had to pay a hefty price for their actions. Vincent, Michael, and Franco believed that keeping Baga a secret for so long was a waste of their efforts. They convinced themselves that the world had a right to know, but deep down, they were driven by something more tangible: the potential for fame and fortune. They saw Baga as a ticket to wealth, thinking that by revealing his existence, they could secure lucrative deals, book contracts, and perhaps even a place in history. They were tired of the shadows, ready to step into the spotlight, regardless of the risks to Baga or themselves. They tested Baga's flight or fight response but they have forgotten that Baga is a Neanderthal, they DO NOT have a flight response. Sadly, due to their actions, The greedy ones weren't the only ones who lost their lives that day

Despite our attempts, Kellog insists we bring Baga back to the facility.. I fear he may attempt something irrational one day. We continue to monitor Baga, he has become one of our many objectives here in Outpost 24. As I type this, Baga is searching, wondering the cold plains of Siberia alone. In search of something, someone, some place he could call home. His long lost tribe perhaps. This is a photo our drone took of him, heading towards the Central Siberian Nature Reserve.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Serbian Gamble
Dr Alekseyev Trulbolsk
Log Entry: 3,659

Kellog is dead and his foolishness lead to Raymond's death. Its all over the news "Bigfoot Hunt Gone Wrong", idiot. We warned him of the risks confronting Baga. His body was found on the bottom of Baga's mountain while Raymond succumbed to the cold, a slow and undeserving death all for what? When we did some digging, trying to find what had become of Baga, we found some pretty impressive information. It seems he is a proud registered citizen of Soviet Russia. He seems to have made a friend in the Central Siberian Nature Reserve, Baga the Primitive is now "Baga Markov" and his guardian "Yuri Markov" a ranger at the reserve. Baga seems to be getting disability cheques from the government, what he does with money? I don't know. I am just glad to know he is in good hands.