Willow Afton's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Willow Afton's first Contract.

Last time I lived in a city was back in college. I lived in the dorms with a roommate, but I didn't care about her much. She was just background noise to me. I just needed the dorms because it was within campus grounds, so it was the most time-efficient place for me to live. It was convenient, I was a few minutes away from every building on campus, and I had many people to observe. Not my roommate though, it'd be suspicious if every roommate I had were to disappear so I had to narrow my experiments to people who'd likely have no connections to me.

It wasn't until years later when I got real cocky. I made the mistake of keeping an MO for my experiments, so when I was caught for one slip-up, I got caught for all the shit I've tried doing since college. Every botched experiment suddenly brought to light. So technically, now I live in prison. All around us is just the vast ocean. There's not even any guards stopping us from trying to set sail. I asked one of the gals why this was the case, and she said it was cause there wasn't any point. No boat we could make were durable or good enough to make it all the way back to the mainland. Nobody even knew how long a trip from here to land would take.

In other words, I'm pretty much a permanent residence of some island prison. Thanks to my life sentence, there's no way in hell I'm ever getting out of here normally, but it's not the worst place. Plenty of inmates no one will care about. Plenty of shitty guards to bribe. A handful of electronics that I can maybe tinker and use for a few years before getting bored. For now, it'll do.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Willow Afton's first Contract.

Money's pretty scarce in the prison, and not everyone even uses it. Between inmates, we're more practical. You give someone your brownie, your body, or a cigarette, and that's good enough for a trade. Every time I need to find a screwdriver since some jackass used mine to shank someone and lost it, I have to go on a bunch of side quests trading things around just to get one. Or you can take the more direct route. Use actual money and give it to one of the guards. They've got the better shit. Better food, better weapons, better tools, even some tools that we wouldn't have normal access to. Sometimes they're the ones that pay me cash if I snitch every once in a while. Just gotta find out which guards have sticks up their asses. They're not worth negotiating with.

I prefer using my cash and trading for tools and equipment. Just some extra materials for me to use on my experiments. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Willow Afton's first Contract.

My ambition can be summarized in a single word: Evolution.

I seek it. I desire it. I want to take myself to the next step of humanity's evolution seeing how we're not doing it naturally. If that's the case, then it must be done through other methods. Those methods being mechanical augmentation. We can make up for the flesh's weakness through steel!

But it carries its own set of weaknesses. That is where my purpose comes in. I must find the perfect balance between flesh and steel. For that, sacrifice is necessary. I am completely willing to sacrifice as many people as it requires to take this next step. Some may see it as "unethical," but as the saying goes, "you can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs."

So to whoever becomes my next experiment, I must thank them. Every sacrifice takes me another step forward to glorious evolution.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link 🔞 Answered before Willow Afton's first Contract.
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5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Willow Afton's first Contract.

Hah! Sorry to say, but you won't get any proper answers here from me. Orphan since I was a kid, no friends through all my academic years, I was interested in no one and no one was interested in me. Really, there's only two people that fit the bill for this question.

First would be my current roomie. One of the only people in this prison I can actually tolerate. Probably cause she can't speak so she doesn't make annoying noise that disturbs me. She feels like the type of person that'd be a real charmer if she could actually talk. Unfortunately for her, best she can do is body language and facial expressions. I should consider making a device for her to allow her to speak...assuming of course she uses it to actually help me and not annoy me.

Then there's that man from when I was younger. As far as I'm aware, he's like...a shadow? Or maybe one of those weird squiggly things you see in your eyes. He was there for a moment, then suddenly he's gone. Only present for one day in my life, and yet he managed to do what other doctors couldn't. He helped me.

Well, it could have gone horribly. I could have been one of those dead kids. But I wasn't! I was improved! It's strange, but I suppose that you could say that man is a sort of...idol? Perhaps inspiration actually. It's hard to tell. If ever, I'd love to meet him again. I wish to present my own findings to him and ask for his opinions.