Ember's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Ember's first Contract.

Ember lives with family, not the biological kind, though. She ran away from hers ever since she realized what it meant to live with those who'll never accept you, deep down.

Her home now is a palace. It's a shelter for her and everything she treasures. It's warm, and cozy and full of laughter. And even if the fragile happiness she found for herself is held together by corroding walls and broken heating, it's worth everything to protect. The town they live in is a testament to a kinder world. It's one that she and her community have worked hard to establish. Networks upon networks of support systems, and people in solidarity for one another. It isn't perfect but, they help each other in their time of need.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Ember's first Contract.

Primarily, Ember lives and works with her clients which she refers to in sapphic fashion, her "roommates". Officially, she's a residential caregiver for a family of three, each with various physical and cognitive impairments that necessitate aid in everyday tasks. She's also responsible for the cleaning, cooking, and overall care / management of the household and its inhabitants, sort of like a professional house wife. It wouldn't be too far off to call her that, actually. In truth, she considers her roommates as family, people she come to love with all her heart and would do anything to protect. She's just grateful that she's getting paid in the first place thanks to insurance.

While money can be tight at times, Ember does have several side gigs to earn some kind of spending budget for everyone's hobbies. Mainly, she streams! A fair amount of her downtime is spent doing variety streams, making video essays on the nuances of a hetero normative society from the perspective of a puppygirl, and VA work for the hell of it. Mainly, a lot of her content is done with the hope of adding a bit more laughter and kindness in the world, as well as to reach out to other people like her and be the example of a puppy that's "made it work".

On holidays, Ember goes out on a shopping spree and gets each of her roommates something on their wish list, and she also takes them out to eat every once in awhile. (not that she isn't being irresponsible with the household's finances of course)

At the end of the day, she simply uses money to provide for her family and get them nice things.



Eulalie (46, multiple system atrophy)
Isa (19, gender dysphoria, AuDHD)
Valeria (17, autism)

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours

Everyone wants control over something. For Ember, it's people.

As intelligent creatures, we're primed to alter our environment to provide us with the things we need. After all, if the world is a painful, cruel place to live in, why put up with the way things are? Most of Ember's ambitions stem from a yearning for change. A kinder world. Governments that cares for its people first. Cultures that aren't steeped in misogyny and endless cycles of violence left to fester in their own misery for God knows how long. How difficult is it for us to just-- be better than this?

Unfortunately, most people only know how to meet their needs with violence: the power that allows someone to disregard the needs and rights of another. In a way, the world was bound to be the hellhole it is now because we're all crabs in a bucket dragging each other down trying to make it to the top. Is it selfish to want everyone to get along?

To make the world more compassionate, there technically isn't a line Ember isn't willing to cross.
Out of principle, though, she believes violence will never work as an ultimate solution.


..In a perfect world, Ember would have loved throwing hands with existential dread instead of the systemic issues she's witnessing now.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link 🔞 Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours
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