Victor B. Hornetsman's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Victor B. Hornetsman's first Contract.

BEES!!!! Because of BEEES!! California is GREAT for BEEKEEPING!! Oh right, I should probably mention, CALIFORNIA! Specifically Los Angeles, veyryry good for Beekeeping! Very great very awesome! I want to go to Japan for the Hornets, but I've been readin g up on this contract stuff. I think I have a plan for what I want to do and what I need to do to get what I want.


My home is verrrryyy simple very much so, it has a yard full of bees and it has a small house for wasps, I don't like wasps very much but I love them either way, they try to sting me a lot so I feed them meat from whatever dies near the road and they like it alot. I tried it onec, I dont egt the appeal of it, but it's wasps, so I guess I can't complain. I like my bees. And my hornets and my wasps and my yellow jackets and they don't get along often but I like to keep them because you never know when someone is going to need bees!

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Victor B. Hornetsman's first Contract.

Currently I sell honey and hornets online. The worldwide web is really cool and awesome and a lot of vespids. i like vespids a lot, do you like vespids? I like vespids. Vespids have a lotta cool features and have some neat sub-families. Anyways, money, right yeah I spend it on bees and hornets and wasps and gear for dealing with them. of course, there are some modifications that gotta be made to it when you work with all the stuff that I do, but thats just how it is.

I've started putting a flak jacket underneath my gear because it stops wasps from doing too much damage if I forget to feed them and they start to want to sting me and all that. I'll find a better solution later but right now thats what I have and thats what I liek and all that. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Victor B. Hornetsman's first Contract.

I would kill a whole lot of people for bees... and hornets, and wasps, and yellow jackets in general. The bees are dying and people hate Vespidae. Yellowjackets are treated as a scourge, and yet what has man brought upon himself if not the reasons why wasps are a 'scourge' to begin with? Why do we not speak of the destruction of their homes, and the obliteration of their natural habitats and the cycles of life and death that man themselves have brought? 

Is man not a yellowjacket to higher intelligences? A race of beings with seemingly no purpose, seemingly no reason other than to destroy themselves through killing not only those who seek to better their lives, but also other essential pollinators with their... insecticides and their car fumes. 

Then aagain I might be toalltally wrong on that one.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Victor B. Hornetsman's first Contract.

Probably buying that one really big hornet. He's cool, I don't know why he's so big but I trained him so that he only eats pests and all that. Also the bees. Once I started beekeeping, everything came into play, honestly I just wouldn't bee mee without bee keeping and also like, the mass amounts of hornets and wasps and all that. Its like I was made for it, y'know? Like some greater force just knows that I can train these bees, and I can! I'll save the bees, and then I'll train the bees, and then I'll make sure all my vespids are trained and then I basically just have a home defense system but with bees and wasps.


5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours

Im very close to this one guy who sells me bees occasionally, he's a good friend, we go drinking occasionally, we've been friends for a long time and so we both just kind of ended up on the beekeeping spectrum somewhere, except my specialty is more in wasps and stuff. His name is Barry and he's pretty cool. 

im not sure if I really have three other close people in my life... people kinda frighten me a little bit because they're irrational and I can't really tell what they're gonna do, I like my hives because I understand the bees and my vespids and all that. They don't yell at me or think I'm strange when I talk about how cool they are.

actually I think I had a college professor do that once when I was trying to go for a degree. I don't think he really actually liked all my essays beeing bee and vespid based but that was something. 
Oh, yeah actually, I do know another fella.

I think their name was like, Beerhami or wahtever, I went on a trip to india for some bees once and some lady came up to me and was like "I like your style Victor" and I had never seen this lady in my life and all that and then she like, stung me like a hornet and she was covered in hornets and I was very confusesd but she was cool.


Kinda felt a bit weird after that one interaction but here I am.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours

My childhood was normal, A's in things... B's in others... I got all Bs one year, thats funny looking bakc on it and all that. My parents wern't always a fan of me and my enjoyments of things, they were all not a fan of anythinga t all! So when they disappeared it was weird but I didn't mind it, it was ok because I had found some friends and they didn't mind it. sure they stung me a bit for a while, but I was ok and fine and got used to it.

It was weird showing up to school and all of that when they were gone, I basically started beekeeping at a young age and selling a lot of honey and all that just so that I could live to some extent. But, eveeeentuallly I got there and here and now I am not a child. Sometimes new people come over and sometimes people i used to know and they want to know how a little too much and get in my space, so I just give them to the hornets and the wasps. they like how they taste usually.


7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Passing the Hours

Nope! Never have! Don't think I will, i dont think anybody but my pollinator friends could love me. I mean, look at me, I'm covered in little bumpies and scars and all that. And the beekeeping business isn't for eveyrbody! So I know what i am and what i want. who knows, maybe i will find love here with a lot of other weirdos but until then, I am normal and single and I know my vespids want the best for me so maybe they'll support me in that.

I wonder if i will ever find a bee-lover who could love me too?

oh well!