Jakob Bosch's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jakob Bosch's first Contract.

Jakob Bosch lives in a broken-down and battered, but somehow still running, Volkswagen bus, his last piece of home. Before the draft called him into service, Wetumpka, Alabama was were he and his family worked. His father and mother ran a pharmacy, where he and his six sisters helped out after school. It was an ordinary life in the small town, surrounded by returning Native culture once the World Wars had been over for more than a few years. Still, though, Jakob felt the need to serve as wars continued to rage on, not for some sense of patriotism, but for exposure, to get out of Alabama and make a name for himself and his heritage, thoughts of rebellion and grandeur spurred on by one of his young uncles' own activist spirit.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jakob Bosch's first Contract.

Jakob gets most of his money from "back-alley surgery" jobs, assisting immigrants and those who can't afford 'actual' doctors. Despite his own opinions on forming connections through his work, he sees the advantage in having so many small friends, and the money and possessions they trade for his work aren't too bad, either. He trades in possessions at pawn shops, and uses all of his money to keep his stock of medical implements and tools as rust-free and generally usable as possible, and the rest goes towards fixing the van he calls home.