Vanessa Hellsing's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Vanessa Hellsing's first Contract.

I don't really have much of a choice for where I live right now. Times are tough, money's hard to come buy, and clients aren't really popping up like they used to. Still, the landlady was a good friend of my folks so she's letting me stay as long as I don't cause too much of a ruckus and keep the place tidy. I haven't been able to do much of the latter though actually. Place is a mess.

It used to be a two-room apartment with a living room, bedroom, and obviously a small bathroom. I refurnished the living room to look like an old noir's office. Why?

...I thought it'd be fun. It was. I should probably pick up all the trash and dust everything off though. Bedroom's not any better. I can't remember the last time I tidied that place up.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Vanessa Hellsing's first Contract.

Man, it'd be nice to have some spending money right about now. Last time I had that was when I just started being a PI. Had a pretty bad smoking addiction, and my diet wasn't any better. I can't even count the number of cupped ramens I've had. At the very least, that didn't change when business went downhill. I still eat instant ramen, but I had to stop smoking. Gum was cheaper and lasted longer. I always have some on hand just to chew on. Plus, it's fruity, tasty.

Oh, right. I get my money from clients. I'm a private investigator. Gimme a job and I go digging. Usually I pick up cold cases that the police can't be bothered to work on. Clients are getting rarer, but it's more free than being a cop. I don't have to worry about my badge or the higher ups. I just follow my own code.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Vanessa Hellsing's first Contract.

I don't...hate cops. In a society, they play a fair role. Enforcers of the law. Sure, someone's gotta do it. But they don't stand for that no more. These days it feels like anyone's above the law as long as they got the dough. Anyone goes free just cause they've got cash. But that ain't fair. What about those who don't have it? What about the innocents being framed? They don't gotta care though. They still get paid in the end. Then when they're caught with their shit in the open, they go on paid leave! 

I'm pissed is all. I'm pissed at whatever "perfect" justice system people think we have. Of course, I could always just go for a career where I could make a change and be one of "the good ones," but that'd take long. And I'd have other technical difficulties that I am not looking forward to. So I figured I'd go for the second best thing. I'll make up for their fuck ups. Whatever case they throw away, I'll pick it up. For every person they turn away, I'll take 'em in and do what I can.

I wanna see a just world. Where everyone is judged fairly and take their proper punishments. Maybe I'm not the best for something like that, but right now, I'm the closest I can think of.